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Showing posts from October, 2024

October 31, 2024

Remember to turn your clock back 1 hour this Saturday evening for Daylight Savings Time!   Early Voting Ends 10/31; Election Day - 11/5 It only comes around every 4 years - the chance to choose who will lead our country for the next term.  Everyone has an opinion. Everyone wants a say. It saddens me to hear people say things like, my vote won't count, or, it doesn't matter anyway so I'm just not going to. It does matter. It's a chance to voice your opinion. To have some input regarding the biggest job in the country. Seems rather important, doesn't it? Tomorrow is the last day you can early vote and skip big lines. Be heard. Do your duty - whether your candidate wins or not - at least you had a say. And you took part in one of the freedoms we have as Americans. The actual day to vote (with those super duper long lines) is November 5th. Don't miss this chance to make history. Yes, history. No matter the outcome, you can be proud of the fact that you had a...

October 24, 2024

Volleyball 10/24-10/26 - TACS Tournament, TBA Soccer 10/24-10/26 - Varsity Boys, TACS Tournament, TBA Brownie Sundaes, 10/25 Don't forget, this Friday the Seniors are hosting another Brownie Sundae event in the Commons. So bring your $2, or give your child a chore to earn $2, or let them purge the trays in the car for $2, or whatever you want to do. The gist of it is, it'll only take $2 to gain you hero status this week. You're welcome. :) Harvest Festival, 10/26 If you have looked out your window at 4:30 pm and noticed that it's already getting dark, you would be correct. It is. Which means Harvest Festival is right around the corner. As in this Saturday. Be sure to join us for this year's Harvest Festival from 3-7 pm. There's games, prizes, food, fun, and basically everything you need to have a super fun and enjoyable Saturday evening making memories with your family.  You can register here. And it's free. Yes, free. As in no money. Zero. Abby Candles, 10...

October 17, 2024

  Volleyball 10/15-10/19 - Varsity, TSIAA State Tournament, TBA 10/17-10/18 - MS, TACS Tournament, TBA 10/24-10/26 - TACS Tournament, TBA Soccer 10/18 - Varsity Boys, Central Baptist, Home, 4:00  10/24-10/26 - Varsity Boys, TACS Tournament, TBA Report Card #1, 10/17 Grades for the 1st quarter are in the books, folks. That means you should be receiving your very own historical record reflecting on your student's progress. Do with it what you may. Scrapbook it for future bragging rights - or blackmail, I'm not here to judge - or make copies and send it along to all the members in your family. Again, I'm not here to judge. All I know is K5-6th graders will receive a paper copy in a cute little manilla envelope. Which we will need you to sign and return to the teacher asap. (Yes, we need those back. We shall be sending 3 more report cards home this year and it saves resources if we reuse.) Parents of 7th-12th graders will be receiving a link in their email. Click that link and ...

October 10, 2024

  Volleyball 10/8-10/12 - Varsity, TSIAA District Tournament, TBA 10/15-10/19 - Varsity, TSIAA State Tournament, TBA 10/17-10/18 - MS, TACS Tournament, TBA Golf 9/30-10/1 - TSIAA State, TBD  10/7 - TAACS State Tournament, TBD Cross Country 10/14 - MS/Varsity, The Hermitage, MS - 4:45, Varsity - 5:15 10/15 - Cross Country TAACS State Meet, TBD   Soccer 10/10 - Varsity Boys, Pleasant View, Away, 3:30 10/11 - Varsity Boys, Central Baptist, Home, 4:00 PTF Minutemen Club In the 2020-2021 school year, it was reported that teachers spent an average of $750 on school supplies out of their own pocket. In 2021-2022, that number jumped to $820. Who knows what that number is now with the cost of living continually going up. Inflation. Supply chain issues. Energy cost increases. And the list goes on. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.  This is where the PTF Minutemen Club comes in.  The PTF supports the teachers and classrooms. Plain and simple. If they hav...

October 3, 2024

  Volleyball 9/30-10/5 - MS, TSIAA State, TBD 10/1 - Varsity, Berean, Away, 4:00 10/4 - Varsity, Zion Christian, Home, 5:00 (wear pink!) 10/8-10/12 - Varsity, TSIAA District Tournament, TBA Golf 9/30-10/1 - TSIAA State, TBD  10/7 - TAACS State Tournament, TBD Cross Country 9/30 - MS/Varsity, The Hermitage, MS-5:20, Varsity-5:50 10/7 - MS/Varsity, The Hermitage, MS - 5:20; Varsity - 5:50   Soccer 10/5 - Varsity Boys, Temple Powell, Home, 10:00 10/8 - Varsity Boys, Berean, Home, 4:00 10/10 - Varsity Boys, Pleasant View, Away, 3:30 Pink Out, 10/4 October is Cancer Awareness month and we here at FRCS would like to invite everyone to join us for  a Pink Out at this Friday's Varsity Volleyball game against Zion Christian. So think pink and show your style Friday. Game starts at 5:00. Pink glasses, pink shirts, pink skirts, pink shoes, pink, pink, pink. What do you get if you wear pink to the game? A free Homework Pass. And Yes. You can wear your pink all day at school on F...

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December 19, 2024

  Basketball   12/19 - MSG, Home, Franklin Christian, 4:30 12/19 - MSB, Home, Franklin Christian, 5:30 12/19 - VG, Home, Franklin Christian, 6:30 12/19 - VB, Home, Franklin Christian, 8:00   12/20 - VB, Lancaster Tournament, TBA 12/20 - VG, Lancaster Tournament, TBA   Friday, December 20th Goodness gracious, there's so much going on this Friday. Yes, tomorrow. There's exams to take, chapel to participate in, parties to have, friends to greet and meet, and only a half day to do it all. So listen up. You're going to want to pay attention to this part.  Exams until 9:15  Schoolwide Chapel at 9:20 - we'd love it if you joined us.   Class parties from 10:05-11:15 (7th grade = Bandroom; 8th & 9th grades = Fellowship Hall; 10-12th grades  = Upper Elementary Cafeteria by the gym) Clean up at 11:15-11:30 - many hands make light work, so let's all knuckle down and get it done Early Dismissal at 11:30 - seriously. 11:30. No late stay. As in zero. Ch...

May 16, 2024

   Upcoming Events Walkathon Update We wanted to thank you once again for your generosity towards this year's Walkathon Projects. As of today, over $110,000 has been raised to better our school's locker rooms and playgrounds. Your generosity has helped and will continue to help FRCS be a better place for years to come. And a special shoutout goes to our special sponsors below: Baseball Tournament Results If you missed it, you missed some fun baseball games last week! FRCS won the TACS State Title for 2024;  All Tournament goes to Brix Wisdom and Mason Alcorn, while the MVP was Benjamin Walker. Congratulations y'all, thank you for a great season! Gala For real, please don't wait any longer. If you're planning on attending Gala and haven't gotten your tickets, please do so as soon as possible in the high school office. Or Mrs. Lawwell if Mrs. Anderson is out. Premier seating (by your friends) is limited and we may have to seat you next to the not so cool crow...

August 15, 2024

  Volleyball 8/16 - Varsity, Lancaster Christian Academy, Away, 5:00 8/16 - MS, Thales Academy, Away, 5:00 8/17 - MS, Academy for G.O.D., Away, 3:00 8/17 - Varsity, Academy for G.O.D., Away, 4:00  8/19 - MS, Franklin Christian, Home, 5:00 8/19 - Varsity, Franklin Christian, Home, 6:00 8/23 - Varsity, Creekside Classic Tournament, Away, TBA Soccer 8/19 - Varsity Boys, Berean, Away, 4:00 Golf 8/19 - Varsity, Merrol Hyde, Away, 3:30 Cross Country 8/17 - MS, Siegel High School, Away, 7:30 am 8/17 - Varsity, Siegel High School, Away, 6:00 pm Patience...patience...patience The year is off to a great start! I didn't see very many wet eyes Monday morning, I didn't hear screaming and gnashing of teeth (yes, I'm talking about parents), and I didn't have a bunch of kiddos in my office asking for medicine at 8:05. I'd say that was a win win and another win for the start of a new school year! But, as with anything new, it can take just a little bit to settle into a routine. And ...