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October 10, 2024


10/8-10/12 - Varsity, TSIAA District Tournament, TBA
10/15-10/19 - Varsity, TSIAA State Tournament, TBA
10/17-10/18 - MS, TACS Tournament, TBA

9/30-10/1 - TSIAA State, TBD 
10/7 - TAACS State Tournament, TBD

Cross Country
10/14 - MS/Varsity, The Hermitage, MS - 4:45, Varsity - 5:15
10/15 - Cross Country TAACS State Meet, TBD
10/10 - Varsity Boys, Pleasant View, Away, 3:30
10/11 - Varsity Boys, Central Baptist, Home, 4:00

PTF Minutemen Club

In the 2020-2021 school year, it was reported that teachers spent an average of $750 on school supplies out of their own pocket. In 2021-2022, that number jumped to $820. Who knows what that number is now with the cost of living continually going up. Inflation. Supply chain issues. Energy cost increases. And the list goes on. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. 

This is where the PTF Minutemen Club comes in. 

The PTF supports the teachers and classrooms. Plain and simple. If they have something they think will enhance learning in their classroom, they can ask the PTF club to help. Once that request is approved, the PTF supplies that need.

Chapter books. Reading carpets. Filing cabinets. Bins to store supplies. Things that will last for years to come. Year after year for new students. 

It really is a wonderful way to show your support for our teachers and classrooms. It's a gift that will keep giving for a long time to come. Here's your opportunity to make a direct impact on your student's class.

Read more about it (or join) here!

Southwide, 10/14-10/16

Do you love good preaching from excellent preachers? Do you ever feel as though you've been tossed into a grinder and you need some encouragement to just keep going? Well, we have something for you! Join us next week, Monday through Wednesday here at FRBC as we host this year's Southwide Baptist Fellowship and be blessed. 

This is a sweet time not only for preachers and teachers to get together to fellowship with one another, but a place where Christians can be encouraged to continue holding the ropes. To preach the Gospel. To spread the Good News that Jesus still loves people, still wants to see people saved, and is still in the miracle business. 

We would love to see you there! Services start Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 9:30, 10:30, and 11:30 am, and Monday night through Wednesday night starting at 7:00 and then again at 8:00 pm. Not sure you can make it to the evening service? You're more than welcome to join us for special Chapel services.

Report Cards, 10/17

For all you procrastinators out there, the 1st quarter of the school year ends tomorrow. Which means you need all your homework, tests, and quizzes to be completed and turned in. Before tomorrow. Because your report card will be coming home next Thursday and there is no way you want to have an ugly zero in the first quarter. Goodness, if this was football, fans would be more than a little upset. Anyway. I digress.

Report Cards will be coming home for Elementary students on 10/17 and 7th -12th grade report cards will be emailed. You may want to prepare yourself either way.

Parent/Teacher Conference, 10/21

You know what parents like to do once they see those report cards? They like to talk about it. If it's a good one, chances are, they'll talk about it to grandparents, aunts, uncles, spouses, whatever. If it's not so good or they see something they don't like, well, they like to talk to the teacher. Sometimes. Parents, if you'd like to have a meeting with your student's teacher, please email them or dojo them, or send them smoke signals to set up an appointment. 

It's always good to have communication. Here's your chance.

Changing Weather

I do it every single year. I start decorating for Fall - my favorite time - and dream about all those cute little sweaters I get to wear, and wham, it's 90 degrees outside and I feel like my face is melting. And the next morning, I have to scrape frost off my windshield. But only on the days when I did not wear nor bring my sweater.

With that being said, or read, (haha, I'm a poet and didn't know it), don't forget to pack or send a jacket to school with your child. They rather like to go outside and play and if they don't have a jacket, they won't be happy. Trust me, I know these things. 

The short of it is: bring a jacket. Even when it's supposed to be 90. You never know what'll happen.

Sick Policy

If your student wakes up with a fever of 100.4 on a school day, please don't bring them to school. If your student is complaining about not feeling well and they're achy everywhere, you probably don't want to bring them. If your child had a fever before school and you gave them Tylenol or Motrin, trust me, that medicine will wear off around lunchtime and they will tell us all about it. We do ask, if your child needs fever reducing medicine before school, you probably need to keep them home. It's not wonderful to have half a class down with the flu.

Germs spread. Especially with sneezy, wheezy, coughy kids (I feel these could are cousins of those seven dwarfs) in classrooms of 25.

Don't do that to us. Please.

Abby Candles, 10/7-10/28

Now's your chance to start your Christmas shopping as well as be a blessing to an 11th grader with our annual Abby Candle sale going on now. If you don't know an 11th grader and just wanna buy something, you can do that too. 

If you're not a fan of candles, no worries. There's socks, wax melts, popcorn, and baking mixes. Which are delicious. Ask me how I know. Don't want to leave your couch? Fabulous idea! Do some couch-shopping online here.

Not really in the mood to shop online? Stop by my office and check out the brochures. There's a lot of stuff to look through and choose from. 

PTF Minutemen Club

In the 2020-2021 school year, it was reported that teachers spent an average of $750 on school supplies out of their own pocket. In 2021-2022, that number jumped to $820. Who knows what that number is now with the cost of living continually going up. Inflation. Supply chain issues. Energy cost increases. And the list goes on. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. 

This is where the PTF Minutemen Club comes in. 

The PTF supports the teachers and classrooms. Plain and simple. If they have something they think will enhance learning in their classroom, they can ask the PTF club to help. Once that request is approved, the PTF supplies that need.

Chapter books. Reading carpets. Filing cabinets. Bins to store supplies. Things that will last for years to come. Year after year for new students. 

It really is a wonderful way to show your support for our teachers and classrooms. It's a gift that will keep giving for a long time to come. Here's your opportunity to make a direct impact on your student's class.

Read more about it (or join) here!


Harvest Festival, 10/26

Join us for this year's Harvest Festival, October 26th from 3-7 pm. You'll have a great time, the kids will have a great time, everyone will have a great time, trust me. It's a perfect way to spend an October Saturday. 

And it's free. You can register here. 

FRBC Open House, 10/27

After you've had all that fun Saturday, make sure to swing by for our FRBC Open House starting at 10:30 on Sunday. Join us as we worship, praise, and thank God for being so good not only to us as individuals, but to our country.

Memories in the Making



101 Random

Send your answers in, WITHOUT using Google, and I'll put your name in a bowl for every correct answer. At the end of the month, 1 lucky person will win a Hershey bar!

Last week's answers:
  • What was Iscariot's first name. Judas
  • How many verses does the 23rd Psalm have? 6
  • Which disciple could run faster - Peter or John? John
  • Other than man, only two other earthly creatures spoke in the Bible. One was a serpent. What was the other? a donkey
  • Who killed a lion with his bare hands? Samson
This week's questions:
  • What do these have in common - May Day, April Fool's Day, New Year's Day
  • Which one does not belong - Arial, Prince Eric, Courier, Gill Sans
  • Which one does not belong - Russian Blue, Soviet Red, Devon Rex, Egyptian Mau
  • What do these have in common - interrogators, dentists, oil rig crew
  • What do these have in common - clowns, spiders, heights

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