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Showing posts from February, 2024

February 29, 2024

     Enrollment Now Open The day your friends have been waiting for is finally here. Tomorrow, enrollment opens to the general public so if you haven't paid registration fees yet and intend to, do not wait. Please. I beg you. Tomorrow may be too late... End of 3rd Quarter, 3/8 Next Friday is the end of the 3rd quarter. Which means that Monday all students should see a light at the end of their tunnel. Whether that light is a good thing or a train light remains to be determined. Please don't delay. Get your missing assignments, quizzes, and tests completed and turned in. No one wants a 0. Those don't help grades. Sportsman's Night, 3/9 Are you looking for something different to share with your family? Are you tired of going to the same things over and over? When you think of Chuck E. Cheese, does it make you shudder and grimace?  I have good news. Join us Saturday, March 9th for our annual Sportsman's Night with Chad and Marsha Shearer and get a chance to win some pr

February 22, 2024

    Basketball 2/22-2/24 - TAACS Varsity Basketball Tournament, TBD 2/22-2/24 - TACS State Basketball Tournament, TBD  FRCS Enrollment Please don't delay. If you're planning on staying here at FRCS, please get your enrollment fees in as soon as possible. Space is limited and we really don't want anyone to miss out. Enrollment opens to the public March 1st. End of 3rd Quarter, 3/8 It's seriously right around the corner. The end of the 3rd quarter. If you have any missed homework, and unfinished quizzes or tests, you want to get them done now. Turn them in. Make your teacher and parents happy. Get a better grade because we all know that 0's take the grade wayyy down. We don't want that. Let's sail into the 4th quarter with no worries and a bright, happy future. You can do it. Sportsman's Night, 3/9 Looking for something special to make some great memories with your family, join us March 9th for our annual Sportsman's Night with the Chad Shearer family

February 15, 2024

  Basketball 2/15-2/17 - Varsity TSIAA Basketball Tournament, TBD 2/15-2/17 - MS TAACS Basketball Tournament, TBD 2/15-2/17 - JV REgional Basketball Tournament, TBD 2/22-2/24 - TAACS Varsity Basketball Tournament, TBD 2/22-2/24 - TACS State Basketball Tournament, TBD  FRCS Sibling Enrollment Opens Today, 2/15 The day has arrived. If you have a student enrolled here at FRCS and you're interested in enrolling your other non-FRCS-attending child, enrollment has officially opened. Be sure to fill out an application ( you can fill it out online here ) and bring in the registration fee of $400 cash or check to secure the spot. That's it! We will call and schedule testing in the near future. Good luck! No School, 2/19 Please remember, there will be no school February 19th. Preschool through 12th grade. And obviously, that means there will be no late stay as well. Enjoy the day! District TACS Competition Results In case you missed it last week, you can check out the District Winner'

February 8, 2024

          Basketball 2/5-2/10 - TSIAA Varsity Basketball Tournament, South Division, TBD 2/12-2/17 - TSIAA State Varsity Basketball Tournament, TBD  Lost & Found Don't forget to stop by the tables in front of my office and either look for your child's items, your tupperware that had their lunch in it, or hey, for next year's warm coat. Or that ever elusive 1 shoe that you've been hunting ages for. Trust me. It's more than likely here. Remember, everything's $1. And for those who don't like that I didn't do this on the first week of February, don't worry. I'm positive we will have another sale really soon. Re-Enrollment If your student is currently enrolled and you would like them to continue their education here at FRCS, please come by the office and get your registration fees in before the 15th. As of last Friday, we're already 80% full for next year.  This is not the time you want to hone your procrastination techniques. The Financial O

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December 28, 2023

         Basketball 1/8 - Christian Community, Home, JVB - 5:00; VG - 6:00; VB - 7:30 1/9 - Pleasant View, Home, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30 1/11 - Dickson Christian, Away, MSG - 6:00, MSB - 7:00 1/13 - Homecoming - Alumni Recognition - 10:00 1/13 - Franklin Christian, Home - VB - 11:30, VG - 1:00, JVB - 2:30, MSG - 3:30, MSB - 4:30 Christmas Project = Success! If you didn't make it to Christmas Chapel, you really missed out on a great time. As you can see, this is one of the most exciting times of the school year. Congratulations to the B&L Foundation of Shelbyville, we were able to raise $15,105.47 to go toward purchasing paper to print Bibles. And thank you to everyone who came out for the Pink Out for Mrs. Kramer. Your encouragement was felt and appreciated. Spirit Week, 1/8-1/12 School will resume January 8th and it will be a full day full of school spirit, and boy, do the cheerleaders have a great week lined up for you! Monday - Mascot Monday (sports them

May 16, 2024

   Upcoming Events Walkathon Update We wanted to thank you once again for your generosity towards this year's Walkathon Projects. As of today, over $110,000 has been raised to better our school's locker rooms and playgrounds. Your generosity has helped and will continue to help FRCS be a better place for years to come. And a special shoutout goes to our special sponsors below: Baseball Tournament Results If you missed it, you missed some fun baseball games last week! FRCS won the TACS State Title for 2024;  All Tournament goes to Brix Wisdom and Mason Alcorn, while the MVP was Benjamin Walker. Congratulations y'all, thank you for a great season! Gala For real, please don't wait any longer. If you're planning on attending Gala and haven't gotten your tickets, please do so as soon as possible in the high school office. Or Mrs. Lawwell if Mrs. Anderson is out. Premier seating (by your friends) is limited and we may have to seat you next to the not so cool crow

December 14, 2023

       Basketball 12/14 - South Haven, Away, MSG - 3:00; MSB - 4:00; JVB - 5:00 12/14 - South Haven, Away, VG - 6:00; VB - 7:00 12/15 - Dickson Christian, Home, MSB - 4:30, JVB - 5:30; VG - 6:30; VB - 8:00 12/18 - Boyd, Home, MSG - 4:30; VG -  5:30; VB - 7:00 12/19 - Riverside, Home, MSG - 4:00; MSB - 5:00; VG - 6:00; VB - 7:30 12/21 - 12/22 - Mt. Pisgah Tournament, VG - TBD; VB - TBD 1/8 - Christian Community, Home, JVB - 5:00; VG - 6:00; VB - 7:30 Almost There - End of 2nd Quarter is Nigh If you have any unfinished work, tests, quizzes, or homework, now is the best time to get everything done. Just think, if you finish everything before you go on Christmas Break, you won't wake up in the middle of the night panicking about things that you don't have finished during a time when you would rather not panic and would rather sleep in, undisturbed. Just a thought.   And for those of you who like to be extra prepared and ready, please enjoy the exam schedule below: Thank You We know