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February 29, 2024



Enrollment Now Open

The day your friends have been waiting for is finally here. Tomorrow, enrollment opens to the general public so if you haven't paid registration fees yet and intend to, do not wait. Please. I beg you. Tomorrow may be too late...

End of 3rd Quarter, 3/8

Next Friday is the end of the 3rd quarter. Which means that Monday all students should see a light at the end of their tunnel. Whether that light is a good thing or a train light remains to be determined. Please don't delay. Get your missing assignments, quizzes, and tests completed and turned in. No one wants a 0. Those don't help grades.

Sportsman's Night, 3/9

Are you looking for something different to share with your family? Are you tired of going to the same things over and over? When you think of Chuck E. Cheese, does it make you shudder and grimace? 

I have good news. Join us Saturday, March 9th for our annual Sportsman's Night with Chad and Marsha Shearer and get a chance to win some pretty cool prizes and taste new-to-you food such as elk, moose, and maybe bear. Who knows? 

With lots of fun things to do like, rock climbing, archery shooting, and axe throwing, you will be better equipped to see how quickly you need to run from your wife when she's upset. Just kidding. But this truly is a time you will cherish for years to come. Don't miss it!

Get your tickets here! (Meal is included with every ticket.)

Spring Sports Forms

The end of the year is nigh. Which means spring sports is nigh as well. If you're playing on a team, I need those sports forms turned into the office as soon as possible. All forms must be current and in before the first game.

Not sure if any forms are needed? Please call or email me and I can let you know. 

TACS Tournament Results

Congratulations goes out to our Varsity Boys taking the State Championship for the TACS Tournament! All Tournament went to Ben Walker, Mason Alcorn, Chase Prince, and MVP was Noah Pence. The Varsity Girls took 2nd Place in the state, with Presley Applegate, Karis Moore, and Grace Tidwell being named All Tournament.

Thanks for another great year, y'all did fantastic and we're proud of you!  

No School and TACS State Fine Arts Competition, 3/21-2/22

I realize this was in last week's Parent Page, but I do feel it's worth repeating as this is important. 

  • There will be no school for K5-2nd graders. At all. As in NONE. Zip. Zero. Zilch.
  • Preschool will be open and there will be late stay.
  • 3rd-12th graders who ARE COMPETING are required to be in their spots at their scheduled times
  • 3rd - 12th graders who ARE NOT competing are NOT required to come to school 
If you have any questions, please call the office and we will try to answer them. 

Coming Up Next...

  • 3/1 - Enrollment opens to the community
  • 3/5 - Mr. Bond the Science Guy - Preschool through 3rd Grade
  • 3/8 - End of 3rd Quarter
  • 3/9 - Sportsman's Night
  • 3/18 - Spring Concert, 7:00 pm
  • 3/21-3/22 - TACS State Fine Arts Competition
  • 3/25-3/29 - Spring Break
  • 3/31 - Easter, 10:30 AM & 6:30 PM
  • 4/1 - 4/4 - Achievement Testing (no excused absences)
  • 4/5 - Elementary Field Day
  • 4/15 - K5 Cap & Gown Pictures
  • 4/26 - Walkathon

Random Driving Laws No One Obeys

If you're alive, I'm positive that one of these will have affected you in some sort of form or fashion. Probably more than one. More than two in a day, it's a bad day indeed. Read on to see how many you've dealt with today...
  • When merging into traffic on an entrance ramp-find a spot and do your best to fill it. This requires either speeding up or slowing down. This does not mean slam on your brakes or swerve into the path of 70 mph (at least) traffic when you haven't even hit 45 mph. The ripple effect alone on this one is scary and causes way too many preventable accidents.
  • It is horribly impolite - as well as blinding - to keep your brights on, when cars are coming towards you. Seriously. 
  • When coming to an intersection and you're in the turn lane, if the light is red before you come to it, it really does mean stop. It's the other lanes turn to go. If the light is yellow and you're unsure if you have enough time, stopping would be the best decision. I'm pretty confident you've seen two or three cars turn in front of you when your light has been green since the first car went through. Please continue reading below as this is a two-parter...
  • Blocking the Box. This is blocking the intersection when you know there is no way you're going to make it through before the light turns. Don't do this. The other driver trying to get through will be giving you the stare down.
  • Speaking of blocking. What about this scenario: two lanes (such as Broad St.) with a car driving 40 mph in the slow lane (right lane) and another car driving 40 mph in the fast lane (left lane). This alone will drive you bananas and create a massive amount of negative energy.
  • Lanes. Now this is important. The left lane is for passing purposes. ONLY. Right lane is for slower traffic. It really is not degrading to get over once you pass a car. It's polite and gives people behind you going faster, the chance to get around both slower cars without driving like an angry maniac.
Have any that I missed? Shoot me an email and let me know what it is. Who knows? If we each follow the rules of road etiquette, we may just change the way Middle Tennessee drives! 

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