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May 16, 2024


Upcoming Events

Walkathon Update

We wanted to thank you once again for your generosity towards this year's Walkathon Projects. As of today, over $110,000 has been raised to better our school's locker rooms and playgrounds. Your generosity has helped and will continue to help FRCS be a better place for years to come. And a special shoutout goes to our special sponsors below:

Baseball Tournament Results

If you missed it, you missed some fun baseball games last week! FRCS won the TACS State Title for 2024; All Tournament goes to Brix Wisdom and Mason Alcorn, while the MVP was Benjamin Walker. Congratulations y'all, thank you for a great season!


For real, please don't wait any longer. If you're planning on attending Gala and haven't gotten your tickets, please do so as soon as possible in the high school office. Or Mrs. Lawwell if Mrs. Anderson is out. Premier seating (by your friends) is limited and we may have to seat you next to the not so cool crowd. Who shall remain nameless...

Exams Next Week

If you don't feel like your brains are about to fall out from stuffing so much knowledge into them, you may not be sufficiently prepared for Exams next week. Here's the lineup. Eat a great breakfast. Bring healthy snacks. Drink water. Let's finish strong!

Remember, next week is the week your student can use their Exam Passes if they raised enough. $50 receives a 1-day exam pass and $100 receives a 3-day exam pass. If no exam pass was given, students will be required to be at school for the entire day. Which is 3:00 except for Thursday which is 11:30.

Teachers Thank You!

I'm sure you would agree with me that this year has flown by (until April. Then April felt like it lasted an entire year. May seems to be even slower. June and July will be approximately 45 minutes. But I digress.) Thank you to everyone who did something special for our teachers (and those of us who are not teachers, like myself. I am truly blessed by you all and I love each of you.) You are very kind and that something special may have been the one thing they needed to come into work the next day. Teaching is a tough job but the outpouring of love and kindness from you all make it so much better.  

Lost & Found

This is the last one. Next week, all week, there will be a lost & found sale. So please. Stop by the office and pick up that one random shoe that was left behind, or that lunch box that now could be used as a fumigation tool against many things, or maybe pick up a few extra pairs of PE sets for next year. Last day to collect all the good things you didn't know you needed is Thursday.


  • All porcupines float in water. (You know what's coming next.) Which makes me wonder, what person in their right mind ever had the great idea to check this out and what prompted the tossing of said porcupine? Did someone steal their beachball and they wanted to poke a hole in it so the perpetrator couldn't use it? Was it some sort of shark deterrent? And. Where'd they get the porcupine in the first place? Who was willing to touch that thing? Have you seen those in the wild? I have and they're rather creepy looking. That's definitely not an animal I'd see and say, hey, I want to touch one of those. No. I'd probably go inside my house, close the blinds and pretend I didn't see it.
  • The letter 'J' was the last one added to our alphabet. So what did they call juice before the use of the letter j? Or jelly? Did they just ignore that juh sound at the beginning so juice came out sounding like 'wooce' and jelly sounded like welly? I have so many questions I need answered.
  • Someone with Geomelophagia has the urge to eat raw potatoes. I seriously didn't know this wasn't normal for everyone because I thought everybody loved to eat raw potatoes. I crave them and I cannot cook them without eating a whole one. Raw. Without salt. Probably makes me a barbarian or something. And yet...I do not care...
  • Camels milk doesn't curdle. But I don't think we will see this on the shelf. Coconut milk? Yes please. Almond milk? Again yes. Camel milk? Even if I'm dying, no...thank...YOU. Ew.
  • A snail can sleep for 3 years. So can a teenager if you leave them alone long enough...
  • Snakes can sense when an earthquake is coming up to 5 days before it happens. My question is this: what do they do with this information? Do they take it to the Sheriff's Department and leave an anonymous tip? Do they write a note? How do people know these things? Is there a person out there tasked with watching the weird behavior of snakes? Because I'm going to need that number. I saw one the other day and he was sitting on top of a fence. I didn't like him there and he needs to leave the premises. But I don't want to offend him if he was telling me an earthquake is coming. Do you see the problem here?  

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