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October 17, 2024



10/15-10/19 - Varsity, TSIAA State Tournament, TBA
10/17-10/18 - MS, TACS Tournament, TBA
10/24-10/26 - TACS Tournament, TBA

10/18 - Varsity Boys, Central Baptist, Home, 4:00 
10/24-10/26 - Varsity Boys, TACS Tournament, TBA

Report Card #1, 10/17

Grades for the 1st quarter are in the books, folks. That means you should be receiving your very own historical record reflecting on your student's progress. Do with it what you may. Scrapbook it for future bragging rights - or blackmail, I'm not here to judge - or make copies and send it along to all the members in your family. Again, I'm not here to judge. All I know is K5-6th graders will receive a paper copy in a cute little manilla envelope. Which we will need you to sign and return to the teacher asap. (Yes, we need those back. We shall be sending 3 more report cards home this year and it saves resources if we reuse.)

Parents of 7th-12th graders will be receiving a link in their email. Click that link and feel free to download it for future use, er, perusal. I'm sure y'all wouldn't dream of using those in a negative way...

If you don't receive a paper copy nor an email link and your student does indeed attend our school, there may be incomplete assignments or tests or quizzes that still need to be made up. Don't panic. Yet. There's plenty of time for that. Just kidding.

No School For Kindergarten - 12th Grade, 10/21

I know, it's your favorite article heading. No school. This means different things to different people. To those who work from home, you will have guests that may suddenly pop in your home office - probably during a zoom meeting with either a potential client or your boss. To the stay at home parent, this means you will have little people (or big ones, we're equal opportunity here) hovering around during the midday meal time. To those who travel for work, there may be a smiling face waiting anxiously for you at the door when you come back home.

The gist of it is, there's no school on Monday, October 21st. 

Know what there is, though?

Parent Teacher Conferences

If you'd like to talk to Billy Boy's teacher, just email them and let them know. They'll get you scheduled.

Brownie Sundaes, 10/25

Is it a coincidence that there is a Brownie Sundae event happening right after report cards come home? Hmm. Moving on. 

Don't forget that our 2nd Brownie Sundae will be Friday, October 25th and it's only $2. An excellent price for a bit of gooey ice cream gloriousness that puts all the kiddos in a great mood. Pretty cheap way to be a hero. Just sayin.

Harvest Festival, 10/26

Don't forget to join us next Saturday for our annual Harvest Festival here at FRBC. Seriously, there will be a TON of fun things to do. Games, prizes, smiles, and face painting all for free. Can it get any better than that?! Festivities start at 3 pm and end at 7 pm.

Oh yea. There's free food there as well. See? Now you don't have to worry about anything. Dinner, dessert, and games. What a great time!

Register here

Lost & Found, 10/30-11/1

The bins are looking pretty full again which means it's time for another Lost & Found sale. If you've misplaced a shoe, a hair tie, a tie, a belt, a pair of pants, or even half a sandwich, look on the table in front of my office. It's more than likely there. If you haven't lost anything but you like cheap PE clothes, water bottles, new to you lunchboxes, this sale is for you. I do recommend not eating the half-sandwich.

Everything's $1

PTF Minutemen Club Membership

In the 2020-2021 school year, it was reported that teachers spent an average of $750 on school supplies out of their own pocket. In 2021-2022, that number jumped to $820. Who knows what that number is now with the cost of living continually going up. Really, it's anyone's guess.

The PTF supports our teachers and their classrooms, helping to offset costs of extra items they need to enhance learning in their classes. Microscopes, books, bins, dissecting kits, you name it. Well, maybe not anything and everything. Like a new car. While that may make the teacher arrive at work in a better mood, that would be pushing it. Seriously though, the list is big. 

When a teacher finds something they could use for their students and/or classrooms, they can petition the PTF for financial help. Once the request is approved, the PTF supplies that need.

It really is a wonderful way to show your support for our teachers and classrooms. It's a gift that will keep giving for a long time to come. Here's your opportunity to make a direct impact on your student's class.

Read more about it (or join) here

Last day to sign up is November 15th

Sports Corner

Last week, our Golf team did an amazing job and took 2nd place in the TAACS State Tournament. Drew Bryant was name All-Tournament - Congratulations to the team for a great season.

Our Varsity Girls Volleyball team also took 2nd place in the TSIAA District Tournament last week with Ellee English and Grace Tidwell being named All District. 

As for our Cross Country teams, our MS Girls took 2nd place in Monday night's race with Avonlea Burchfield being named All Tournament and All State Runner of the Year! Way to go Avonlea!

The MS Boys took 3rd place and Grayson Collett and Mason Rogers were named All State, and All Tournament went to Grayson Collett. Congratulations to you both!

The HS Boys took 4th place in this race and Jay Pearson was named All State and All Tournament. A double whammy for Jay!

HS Girls came in 3rd with Anora Golden and Meredith Dewey being named All State and Anora Golden was named All Tournament. Congrats!

Making Memories

Enjoy these photos of some of our recent field trips...


101 Random

Send your answers in, WITHOUT using Google, and I'll put your name in a bowl for every correct answer. At the end of the month, 1 lucky person will win a Hershey bar!

Last week's answers:
  • Are there fleas in the Arctic? yes
  • What two colors are mixed together to make the color turquoise? blue and green
  • What color does the moon appear to turn during a lunar eclipse? red
  • Why can't trees grow above the tree line on a mountain? it's too cold
  • What does Peter Rabbit catch the buttons of his jacket on while trying to escape from the garden? a gooseberry bush net
This week's questions:
  • Which prophet called fire from heaven to burn altars soaked with water?
  • How many years are four score?
  • Whose staff/rod was in the Ark of the Covenant?
  • Who was hidden in the bulrushes?
  • Jesus warned, what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own - soul, friends, family, mind?
Conversation at Dinner with a 2 year old:
Mom: "There will be no darkness in Heaven."
2 Year Old: "Yea! Because God has a flashlight!"

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