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Showing posts from January, 2024

February 1, 2024

         Basketball 2/1-2/3 - TSIAA MS Tournament, MSG - Division 1 - 5:00; MSB - 6:00  2/1 - Franklin Classical, Away, JVB - 5:30, VG - 6:30, VB - 8:00 2/5-2/10 - TSIAA Varsity Basketball Tournament, TBD Lost & Found Oh my goodness, our lost & found is becoming dangerous. In an effort to keep small children safe, tables will be set up and ready to go next week in front of my office. Everything's $1.  Re-Enrollment Today is the day, and let me tell you, things have been hoppin' around here. Re-enrollment has opened for current FRCS families so if you haven't gotten your registration fees paid, please do so before the 15th. For real. Don't delay.   Enrollment for FRCS siblings opens February 15th. Enrollment for the community opens March 1st. Basketball Tournaments It's that time of year when you need to yell and get some of the restless energy out of your system. We have the perfect place for that kind of behavior. Join us for the TSI...

January 25, 2024

        Basketball 1/25 - Franklin Classical, Away, MSG - 5:00; MSB - 6:00 1/25 - Dickson Christian, Away, JVB - 5:30; VG - 6:30; VB - 8:00 1/26 - Victory, Away, MSB - 5:00 1/26 - Central, Home, VB - 7:30 1/27 - Riverside, Away, VG - 4:00; VB - 2:30 1/27 - Riverside, Away, MSG - 6:00; MSB - 5:00 1/29 - 2/3 TSIAA MS Basketball Tournament, TBD 1/29 -  Senior Night , South Haven, Home, VG - 6:00; VB - 7:30 1/30 - Boyd Christian, Away Re-Enrollment I know, I know, you've already read about re-enrollment. But this is the time of year when I have to sound like a broken record to remind you not to wait to pay those registration fees if you're going to come back next year. (If that isn't your plan, please feel free to skip to the next article.) After some interesting questions, I think it would behoove me to try to explain the procedure of re-enrollment. (If you already know what's going on, again, feel free to skip ahead.) The main gist of the matter is this. If y...

January 18, 2024

           Re-enrollment The time has come. Re-enrollment for next year will open to current FRCS families/students on February 1st. Non-enrolled siblings are eligible to enroll February 15th. Here's the deal.  Every year, we send out packets for re-enrollment, and people get those back into the office rather quickly. But then they forget to pay the registration fee of $400 to secure their student's spot until the end of the month. Not a good idea. Many people have already pre-paid for their non-enrolled student's sibling and spots are given in the order of payment received. Please, I beg you, get your registration fees turned into the office as soon as possible. You do not have to wait until February 1st. If you turn the money in now, it won't go into effect until the allotted time, but spots are filled in the order of payment received.  Here's an example: Sally, a current student going into 3rd grade, fills out the registration form on February ...

January 11, 2024

          Basketball 1/11 - Dickson Christian, Away, MSG - 6:00, MSB - 7:00 1/13 - Homecoming - Alumni Recognition - 10:00 1/13 - Franklin Christian, Home - VB - 11:30, VG - 1:00, JVB - 2:30, MSG - 3:30, MSB - 4:30 1/15 - Boyd Christian, Away - MSG - 4:30; VG - 5:30; VB - 7:00 1/16 - Franklin Classical, Away - MSG - 3:30; MSB - 4:30; JVB - 5:30; VG - 6:30; VB - 8:00 1/18 - Riverside, Away - MSG - 4:00; MSB - 5:00; VG - 6:00; VB - 7:30 1/19 - Greater Things, Away - MSB - 5:00 1/20 - Zion Christian, Home - VG - 5:00; VB - 6:30 Report Cards Coming, 1/11 It hit me this morning. Smacked me right in the face. We are in the 3rd quarter of this school year. My mind is officially boggled. (Not that anyone would notice., if we're being honest here. I believe it comes naturally for me but I digress.) Report cards are coming home today. K5-6th grades will be paper (please sign the manilla envelope and send it back into the teacher) and 7th-12th grade report cards will ...

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December 19, 2024

  Basketball   12/19 - MSG, Home, Franklin Christian, 4:30 12/19 - MSB, Home, Franklin Christian, 5:30 12/19 - VG, Home, Franklin Christian, 6:30 12/19 - VB, Home, Franklin Christian, 8:00   12/20 - VB, Lancaster Tournament, TBA 12/20 - VG, Lancaster Tournament, TBA   Friday, December 20th Goodness gracious, there's so much going on this Friday. Yes, tomorrow. There's exams to take, chapel to participate in, parties to have, friends to greet and meet, and only a half day to do it all. So listen up. You're going to want to pay attention to this part.  Exams until 9:15  Schoolwide Chapel at 9:20 - we'd love it if you joined us.   Class parties from 10:05-11:15 (7th grade = Bandroom; 8th & 9th grades = Fellowship Hall; 10-12th grades  = Upper Elementary Cafeteria by the gym) Clean up at 11:15-11:30 - many hands make light work, so let's all knuckle down and get it done Early Dismissal at 11:30 - seriously. 11:30. No late stay. As in zero. Ch...

May 16, 2024

   Upcoming Events Walkathon Update We wanted to thank you once again for your generosity towards this year's Walkathon Projects. As of today, over $110,000 has been raised to better our school's locker rooms and playgrounds. Your generosity has helped and will continue to help FRCS be a better place for years to come. And a special shoutout goes to our special sponsors below: Baseball Tournament Results If you missed it, you missed some fun baseball games last week! FRCS won the TACS State Title for 2024;  All Tournament goes to Brix Wisdom and Mason Alcorn, while the MVP was Benjamin Walker. Congratulations y'all, thank you for a great season! Gala For real, please don't wait any longer. If you're planning on attending Gala and haven't gotten your tickets, please do so as soon as possible in the high school office. Or Mrs. Lawwell if Mrs. Anderson is out. Premier seating (by your friends) is limited and we may have to seat you next to the not so cool crow...

August 15, 2024

  Volleyball 8/16 - Varsity, Lancaster Christian Academy, Away, 5:00 8/16 - MS, Thales Academy, Away, 5:00 8/17 - MS, Academy for G.O.D., Away, 3:00 8/17 - Varsity, Academy for G.O.D., Away, 4:00  8/19 - MS, Franklin Christian, Home, 5:00 8/19 - Varsity, Franklin Christian, Home, 6:00 8/23 - Varsity, Creekside Classic Tournament, Away, TBA Soccer 8/19 - Varsity Boys, Berean, Away, 4:00 Golf 8/19 - Varsity, Merrol Hyde, Away, 3:30 Cross Country 8/17 - MS, Siegel High School, Away, 7:30 am 8/17 - Varsity, Siegel High School, Away, 6:00 pm Patience...patience...patience The year is off to a great start! I didn't see very many wet eyes Monday morning, I didn't hear screaming and gnashing of teeth (yes, I'm talking about parents), and I didn't have a bunch of kiddos in my office asking for medicine at 8:05. I'd say that was a win win and another win for the start of a new school year! But, as with anything new, it can take just a little bit to settle into a routine. And ...