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February 1, 2024




2/1-2/3 - TSIAA MS Tournament, MSG - Division 1 - 5:00; MSB - 6:00 
2/1 - Franklin Classical, Away, JVB - 5:30, VG - 6:30, VB - 8:00
2/5-2/10 - TSIAA Varsity Basketball Tournament, TBD

Lost & Found

Oh my goodness, our lost & found is becoming dangerous. In an effort to keep small children safe, tables will be set up and ready to go next week in front of my office. Everything's $1. 


Today is the day, and let me tell you, things have been hoppin' around here. Re-enrollment has opened for current FRCS families so if you haven't gotten your registration fees paid, please do so before the 15th. For real. Don't delay.  

Enrollment for FRCS siblings opens February 15th.

Enrollment for the community opens March 1st.

Basketball Tournaments

It's that time of year when you need to yell and get some of the restless energy out of your system. We have the perfect place for that kind of behavior. Join us for the TSIAA Middle School basketball tournament games! 

If that's not enough and you haven't lost your voice at the end, join us next week for the TSIAA Varsity basketball tournament games, February 5th-10th. If you still have your voice after that, it's not our fault. ;) 

In Case You Missed It

If you were unable to attend our 100 Day Parade and celebrate with our Preschool through 1st graders, you really missed out. Pretty confident we have the cutest kids at our school. 

Senior Night, 1/29

We're rounding the bend and it's coming quickly. Our seniors can see the light at the end of their tunnel and frankly, I'm not ready to let them graduate yet. I mean, c'mon, look at them! So here's to our seniors - enjoy these days as much as you can because no one gets do-overs.

Order A Valentine, 2/9

There's still time to order a Valentine if you haven't already done so. Orders are due February 9th and they will be delivered on the 14th. Yes, you can charge your account, and yes, if you want to make things a little easier on yourself for your significant other, you can get one for them as well. ;)

Coming Up Next...

  • 2/1-2/29 - 1st through 6th grade - Book Month
  • 2/15 - Enrollment opens for non-FRCS enrolled siblings
  • 2/19 - No School - Presidents' Day 
  • 2/22-2/24 - TAACS Varsity Basketball Tournament
  • 2/22-2/24 - TACS State Basketball Tournament
  • 3/1 - Enrollment opens to the community
  • 3/5 - Mr. Bond the Science Guy - Preschool through 3rd
  • 3/8 - End of 3rd Quarter
  • 3/18 - Spring Concert, 7:00 pm

Valentine's Little Known Facts

  • The first Valentine is credited to Duke Charles in 1415. Charles the Duke wrote a poem to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London at only 21 years old. (No, I don't know what he did to deserve this. We're concentrating on Valentine's facts.) I'm curious though - is that what we have to do these days to get our significant others to write us a poem? Pretty confident my SO poem to me would be: Roses are red, violets are blue, I'll be dead if dinner isn't done soon. Swoon worthy, isn't it?
  • People started sending letters and cards to each other in the 17th century, but the first mass-produced Valentine's weren't created until the 1840's by Esther Howland. Those cards did not have the cartoonish characters we associate with VD now, but were decorated with ribbons and lace. Makes me wonder how many husbands put their lace-and-ribbons bedecked cards on their office desk for display...
  • The giving of roses wasn't a tradition for Valentine's Day until the late 17th Century. And, the colors of the roses actually have different meanings: red=love, bright pink=grateful the recipient is in your life, pale pink=appreciation for what that person does for you, and yellow=perfect for letting your best friend know that...well..they're your best friend.

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