The Saddest Day This time of year is always bittersweet for me. In a big way, I look forward to summer vacation. I get to sleep in, work in the garden, clean my house, play with my dog (yes, I love dogs almost as much as cats), go camping and off-roading. Oh the list is endless, really. But at the same time? My heart yearns for what I won't have every day. There will be no kids coming in for a band-aid. No lunches will need to be ordered or delivered. No kiddos, parents, or co-workers will stop by my desk and ask if I'm having a good day. And I will miss that. I will miss those smiles that you so readily gave me. Those bright moments in my day when you picked on me about something or other. Those were the things that really made my days bright and happy. Some of you told me that you're not coming back. And while it breaks my heart because somehow, you kind of belonged to me for a few months. I became involved in your life and I loved it - even on those super busy moments wh...
Basketball 12/19 - MSG, Home, Franklin Christian, 4:30 12/19 - MSB, Home, Franklin Christian, 5:30 12/19 - VG, Home, Franklin Christian, 6:30 12/19 - VB, Home, Franklin Christian, 8:00 12/20 - VB, Lancaster Tournament, TBA 12/20 - VG, Lancaster Tournament, TBA Friday, December 20th Goodness gracious, there's so much going on this Friday. Yes, tomorrow. There's exams to take, chapel to participate in, parties to have, friends to greet and meet, and only a half day to do it all. So listen up. You're going to want to pay attention to this part. Exams until 9:15 Schoolwide Chapel at 9:20 - we'd love it if you joined us. Class parties from 10:05-11:15 (7th grade = Bandroom; 8th & 9th grades = Fellowship Hall; 10-12th grades = Upper Elementary Cafeteria by the gym) Clean up at 11:15-11:30 - many hands make light work, so let's all knuckle down and get it done Early Dismissal at 11:30 - seriously. 11:30. No late stay. As in zero. Ch...