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January 21, 2021



Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 1/24)



1/21-1/22 JV Hoops, Home, JVG - TBA, JVB - TBA

1/25 South Haven, Home, JVG - 4, JVB - 5, VG - 6, VB - 7:30

1/25 Lighthouse, Away, MS Boys - 4

1/26 Madison Academy, Home, JVB - 4:30, VG - 5:30, VB - 7:00

1/26 Lancaster, Away, MS Girls - 5, MS Boys - 6:00

1/29-1/30 Providence, Away, JVG, JVB, VG, VB - TBA

2/1 Lighthouse, Home, MS Boys - 5

2/1 South Haven, Away, JVG - 4, JVB - 5, VG - 6, VB - 7:30

2/2 Victory, Away, JVG - 4, JVB - 5, VG - 6, VB - 7:30

JV Hoops 1/21-1/22

Do you love basketball? Do you live for hoops, swishes, and layups? Does a 3-point set your heart to racing and thrill your soul? Do you find your normally quiet self standing and shouting at the referee for a silly call you don't agree with?

Then you probably don't want to miss JV Hoops this Thursday and Friday.

FRCS JV Boys will take on Pleasant View at 11:30 this Thursday, followed by the JV Girls against Pleasant View at 12:45. Friday's games will begin at 2 until the winning teams have been decided.

Come out and show your support! But remember your mask, please. If only to slow down shouting at the referee. Because we're a Christian school, people. We need to behave.

100 Day Parade 1/22, 9:00 am

Because COVID decided to make an appearance, almost completely decimating the flu - which I find rather interesting, FRCS has canceled things.

Things like: the Mums Fundraiser, the Junior High and Senior High Retreats, Grandparent's Day, and even, gasp, Thanksgiving Luncheon.

But. We want to officially invite you to...drum roll, please...

the 100 Day Parade!
Yes. The cutest parade in Murfreesboro is still a go. It has not been canceled.

What you need to know:
  • Friday, January 22, 9am
  • Parents, please go to Grand Hall of the church building. There will be signs. Please follow the signs.
  • Preschool through 1st grade
  • wear your mask!

State Academic Testing 1/26 - 1/27

Remember that link in last week's Parent Page that listed the Academic Testing winners? That wasn't the end.

That was a beginning. And those students are moving on to the next round. (Congratulations to you all again.)

Tuesday and Wednesday, January 26 & 27, State Academic Testing will occur.
  • Where? The Upper Room (Wednesday will be in the HS Office)
  • When? Tuesday, January 26 and Wednesday, January 27
  • Why? Because you made it
  • What? Bring a pencil, (sharpened, please) paper, and calculators (if you're in the upper math portion)
  • Please wait until you're called out of class before heading over.

Livestream in Gym

Out of curiosity, how many basketball games have you missed over the years? How many volleyball games? Do you feel that has ruined your life in some manner? Have you eaten too much ice cream because you were depressed that you weren't able to be there?

Well I'm happy to tell you that we have a new thing.

In an effort to keep you safe from the ice cream depression munchies, FRCS now has LIVESTREAM in the gym.

How cool is that?! (Figuratively speaking, of course.)

Watch your email for how to access this new feature from the comfort and relative safety of your own home! (I say relative safety because there could be ice cream lurking somewhere in your freezer. We ask you to try to resist.)

Lost and Found Sale - 1/27-1/29

The bins
The bins are
The bins are enormous
The bins are enormous and
The bins are enormous and we
The bins are enormous and we have
The bins are enormous and we have no
The bins are enormous and we have no room

and we need to have a sale. You're invited to peruse the next Lost & Found gathering at the glass hallway in front of the gym January 27th-29th. Everything is only $1. The perfect time to get a spare PE set of clothes. Or a hoodie that sold out.

Re-enrollment already?! 2/1

Can you believe it? It's January, and we're already talking about enrollment for next year. It's mind boggling, really.

Parents. Do you want your children to continue their academic journey here at FRCS? Good. I'm so glad. Seriously, I'm so glad.

Re-enrollment for FRCS families starts February 1st so make sure to fill out that form (either online or in person) turn it in and pay that $300 registration fee to reserve your spot. Based on the tours we're giving, yea. It's going to be a record year!

Spring Portraits, 2/1

I admit it. I was a bad parent. I wasn't the type of parent that had a camera for every single day of my children's lives. I didn't take a picture when our daughter lost her two front teeth or got her first black eye. (Two separate occasions.) And I didn't take a picture when our son was pretending to be eaten by the stone snake statue at the zoo. (Complete with blood curdling screams that caused more than one zoo worker to casually run toward us to make sure he wasn't dying.)

But after 2020, I'm getting it now. Let's be honest. At the beginning of the year, we all looked cute and put together. At the end? Yea. We felt lucky to get out alive. Sheesh. It's been one wild ride, hasn't it?

Anyway, to commemorate this momentous occasion of nearly finishing a complete year of school, we would love to invite you to sign up for Spring Portraits.

These are optional pictures. You do not have to have them taken. You are more than welcome to ignore this date and pretend that it's not a thing.

We're not judging. No. We're not.

But if you're interested, there's a $5 sitting fee that must be paid by Monday, January 25th. All information is found in the link below!

Answers to last week's questions: 

1. How could you give someone $63 using six bills, without using one dollar bills? 1 $50 bill, 1 $5 bill, and 4 $2 bills. :)
2. Captain Frank and Professor Quantum played chess. They played seven games, each won the same number of games, and there weren't any draws or stalemates. How could this have happened? They were NOT playing each other.
3. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25? Only once.

This Week's Questions:

Let's try these:
1. Who was the most famous in the Bible for patience?
2. How far can a dog run into the woods?
3. Captain Frank was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?
4. What is the next letter in the following sequence:
M  A  M  J  J  A  S  O

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