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January 14, 2021


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 1/17)



1/14-1/16 South Haven Tournament, Away, TBA

1/19 Riverside, Away, MS Girls - 5, MS Boys - 6:15 

1/19 South Haven, Away, JVG - 4, JVB - 5:15, VG - 6:30, VB- 8

1/21-1/22 JV Hoops, Home, JVG - TBA, JVB - TBA

1/23 Webb, Away, JVB - 10, VG - 11:30

1/25 South Haven, Home, JVG - 4, JVB - 5:15, VG - 6:30, VB - 8

1/25 Lighthouse, Away, MS Boys - 4

1/26 Madison Academy, Home, JVB - 4:30, VG - 6, VB - 7:30

1/26 Lancaster, Away, MS Girls - 5, MS Boys - 6:15

Parent Alerts

Can you believe that we're already 14 days into 2021? Can you believe that we've survived this long?! After last year, I'm sure I wasn't the only one wondering if we were going to make it or not. But with that being said, we were only 11 days into 2021 and have already used the Parent Alert. Not really sure how I feel about that. 

However, if you didn't receive the Parent Alert text stating that school was closing early on Monday, nor did you receive the email that was sent out to the email address we have on file, ahem. There's a problem. Please call the office and we will check the cell number and email address we have to make sure it's correct.

What happens if all the information is correct and you didn't receive the text and/or email? You may need to talk to your service provider (cell phone) to make sure the Parent Alert isn't blocked by them, and if you didn't get the email? Please check your spam folder. I don't know why, but sometimes these things happen and the email provider thinks they're helping, but they're really not.
Fast FRCS Facts You Need to Know 
  • FRCS follows Rutherford County for school closings, but only the first day. If Rutherford County closes for a second day, we may or may not follow suit. Stayed tuned for a Parent Alert if we close.
  • FRCS does not follow suit for school delays as we do not have buses. If you feel that it's dangerous to drive still, don't. Stay home, stay safe, and give us a call. 

Homecoming Queen

What is the first thing you think of when someone says the word queen? Does your mind automatically flit to Queen Elizabeth and you wonder how one woman could be queen for so long? Do you think of Marie Antoinette and how her hair 'turned white' before her infamous, shall we say, appointment? 

Well, no matter what actually pops into your mind, be it famous queens of the past or a queen bee, we here at FRCS would like to congratulate the Homecoming Queen of 2021, Ellie Kate Baxter! Congratulations, Ellie-we think you're fabulous!

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Speaking of winners. Did your child compete in the 2021 District Academic Testing? Are you curious to know how they did? Wonder and worry no longer. Click THIS LINK for the complete list of winners - and a hearty congratulations to all who even tried! 

Parent Teacher Conferences, 1/18

(Preschool is Open)

If I've said it once, I've said it about four times now, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held January 18th and we would like you to come. Your child might not want you to, but hey. Such is life, right? If you have any concerns for your child's grades or behavior, make an appointment with their teacher to talk about the little darlings. Let's see how we can help prepare your child to be successful for the next year.

JV Hoops 1/21-1/22

JV Hoops. I just don't know how to expound on that. This is the time of year that is set aside for a group of schools to get together and play JV basketball. Come by and scope out the other teams and be prepared to be amazed at, well, basketball. It'll be a blast and in the future, you will wish you didn't miss it if you did. Don't add unnecessary regrets to your life.

Answers to last week's questions: 

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims. Come on. That was an easy one. Sheesh.

This super grumpy 11th grader 

is none other than Mr. Kramer. (He was so smiley back then, wasn't he?!)

This Week's Questions:

Ok, so I thought maybe y'all were getting tired of the random questions, but apparently I was wrong. So here you go, you bunch of smart people. Try to answer these for a piece of candy!
1. How could you give someone $63 using six bills, without using one dollar bills?
2. Captain Frank and Professor Quantum played chess. They played seven games, each won the same number of games, and there weren't any draws or stalemates. How could this have happened?
3. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

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