1/7 Central, Home, VG - 4, VB - 5:30
1/8-1/9 Webb Tournament, Away, MS Girls - TBA, MS Boys - TBA
1/9 Christian Community, Home, JVG - 2:30, JVB - 3:30, VG - 1, VB - 11:30 Homecoming
1/11 Franklin Christian, Away, MS Girls - 3:30, MS Boys - 4:30, JVB - 5:30, VG - 6:30, VB - 8
1/12 Riverside, Home, MS Girls - 5, MS Boys - 6:15
1/12 Berean, Away, VG - 5, VB - 6:30
1/14-1/16 South Haven Tournament, Away, TBA
1/19 Riverside, Away, MS Girls - 5, MS Boys - 6:15
1/19 South Haven, Away, JVG - 4, JVB - 5:15, VG - 6:30, VB- 8
COVID Policy for January
That's the difference between being a pessimist and an optimist.
And it's similar to those who said that they couldn't wait until January because COVID wouldn't be an issue anymore.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but, my friend, COVID is still here. It's still an issue and unfortunately, we're still dealing with this little bugger. And this is what it means for you.
To make things easier for you, we're keeping our policy the same as it was for December. This is it in a nutshell:
- Feel sick? Stay home.
- Have a fever? Stay home.
- Someone in your home tested positive? Stay home.
- Just don't want to come to school? Too bad. Come to school. Nyah nyah. (Seriously, people. Do not make me get on my education soap box. It is not pretty and I take this seriously. Education is not an option. It is a privilege. Obtain it and use it wisely.)
And to clarify,
- If someone in your home is being tested for COVID (that's really kind of a fun acronym to type. I don't know why, but it is) STAY HOME until you get the results.
- Masks are required for home ball games
- We are keeping our 10 day quarantine from the onset of symptoms
Homecoming This Saturday 1/16
With COVID being a thing, Homecoming will be a little different again this year. You will still get to see who is crowned Homecoming queen (please don't rush onto the floor for congratulatory hugs and well-wishes. Remember space is our friend, people. Space.) and you will be able to meet the class representatives, and you will also get to see that this year's homecoming theme is The Enchanted Forest, (which kind of sounds sweet and creepy at the same time. Do things chase you in this forest? How many people has this particular forest scared the willys out of? So many different things are going through my mind right now!) So don't be late. Festivities start at 10 am. See you there.
Parent Teacher Conferences, 1/18
Every student's dream, right? A time when they don't have to come to school and they get to stay at home and make their beds and clean their rooms and clear out the attic while mom and dad go to talk about them and what they've accomplished in their class. Or haven't accomplished. Or what they need to work on so they can finish this school year with a good grade. However you want to look at it, January 18th has been set aside for just this purpose. To talk about you and how you can improve or, if you can't improve because you're doing remarkably well, bonus. Maybe mom and dad will come home and let you off the garage cleaning hook and give you $20 to go shopping because you're doing so well.
Or maybe they'll come home with a really nice, thick workbook they bought just for you. And they thought you would love it so much, that they bought you two. One for English, and one for Math. Wouldn't that be so much fun?
Christmas Project Thank You
Again, we here at FRCS would like to take a moment and thank each of you for donating to the 2020 Christmas Project for new scoreboards. $9700 was raised toward our goal - we couldn't have done that without your generosity! Thank you so much - you all are the best!
Answers to last week's questions:
As a rule, how long will a so-called 'Eight Day Clock' run without winding? It won't run at all without winding. (taps fake microphone)
What is the product of the following series? (x-a)x(x-b)x(x-c)x(x-d)...(x-z) - the answer is zero. Eventually, you'll do all that math work and get to x multiplied by 0 and as we all know, anything multiplied by zero is zero. Wham. You're welcome.
was a man who had a vacation house that was positioned in such a way
that all four sides face south. How is this possible? His vacation house was at the North Pole. Which is weird, because I think that would be extremely cold. But hey. Some people like the cold.
What does this sentence really say? And this sentence really says...
Loose Eerie Car Doe - Lucy Ricardo
This Week's Totally Useless Facts and One Interesting Question:
A jiffy is equal to one-hundredth of a second. So when someone says they will 'be there in a jiffy' that's something pretty impressive. If a teenager says it, it usually means you have cooked their favorite meal or are giving them money.
Ostriches can run faster than horses. Which makes me wonder if someone has ever tried making a saddle for one. That would be pretty interesting. I would watch ostrich races. Even if it was only to see how many people fell off. Better than Nascar, I tell you.
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
And, for a bonus, can anyone name this super grumpy 11th grader?