Time Change Sunday, 3/9
It's your favorite time of year. That fine moment in time when you only spring forward an hour but it takes you an entire week to recover. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way. Yes. It'll take me a solid week to feel like I'm back on track. Why is that?! It's got to be psychosomatic.
Anyway. All that to say that you need to set your clock forward an hour this Saturday.
Sportsman's Night, 3/8
Join us for FRBC's annual Sportsman's Night, March 8th! Come get in line for the archery shoot, rock wall climbing, and my personal favorite, axe throwing starting at 2 pm. Followed at 5 pm with the outdoor seminar and dinner featuring the Chad Schearer family at 3148 Franklin Road, Murfreesboro, TN.
All attendees will be eligible to win door prizes like hunting and fishing gear, wolf muzzleloaders, compound bows, and more, all wrapped up in a great time with some pretty great people.
End of 3rd Quarter, 3/12
Not sure if you noticed it or not, but the year seems to be speeding up to hyper drive. Except on Mondays. Those seem to be stuck on the whole molasses in January kind of thing. Maybe I'm too impatient. Hmm. Probably should work on that.
Anyway, the end of the 3rd quarter, yes the one right before the 4th quarter and the end of the year, will be March 12th. Because we had those extra days off of school. Not complaining. So if you don't have all your homework, quizzes, and/or tests completed, you have only a few days left to get them finished and turned in. Zeros are not what you want. Trust me.
Report Cards, 3/18
And continuing on that whole end of the quarter thing, that always means that report cards will be coming home soon afterward. March 18th to be exact. You will get a paper copy of the report card for Kindergarten through 6th grade, and a link will be sent for 7th-12th graders. So keep an eye out for either suspicious behavior that includes sweet talk or the email.
Spiritwear Blowout Sale
Retail therapy is a thing so in an effort to help you help us help you and us all at the same time, we're going to have a spiritwear blowout sale. Well, if we're going to be real, we need the closet space for next year. But I digress. So now until we run out, we will be having a 40% off spiritwear sale. So stop by and stock up because remember, hoodies can be worn everyday...just sayin.
TACS Varsity Tournament Results
Varsity Girls snagged another State Championship (because that's just what they do) with Bryleigh Dempsey and Emma Dugger being named All Tournament, with Gracie Tidwell nabbing the MVP award.
Way to go y'all! Again, we're proud of you!
Sports Forms
So you know that article above? Yes, the tournament results one? You paying attention? Good. Well. For each of those players on those teams, they had allllllllllll their sports forms turned in before they were able to play any games. So if you want your athlete to be able to play, we need you to make sure all the sports forms are current and unexpired. This includes the sports physical, two consent forms (yes, they're exactly the same form), sudden cardiac arrest form, and the athletic handbook form.
Have questions? Need a particular form? Not sure if you've dotted all your i's and crossed all your t's? Ask Mr. Reed. He can get you all the things you need.
101 Random - Aardvarks
Besides having a really fun name to say, (say it. I think you'll agree with me. May even find yourself saying it for no real reason throughout your day, but you probably want to be careful. If someone hears you walking around saying aardvark in a weird voice, they may not think you're ok. No need to ask me how I know.) aardvarks are pretty interesting animals.
The word 'aardvark' actually comes from a South African word meaning 'earth pig' - see why it's so important to know what names mean before saddling your kiddos with it? Not that I've met very any kids with the name Aardvark, but I think the way the world is moving along, it's going to happen. I'll let you know when it does.
These creatures (the animal, not the kids) are insectivores, but instead of inhaling termites and ants, like I always thought they did, they actually have icky sticky tongues that are about 12" long. Yes. The thing of which nightmares are made. Could also be one reason people don't keep them as pets.
Another thing that could be a potential problem, unless you're an excavator and need help digging holes, then owning an aardvark could be a match made in Heaven. Except for the sticky tongue. That's still gross. Anyway, aardvarks can dig holes at a rate of 2 feet in only 15 seconds. Something my dog can do as well. (Hmm. Any excavators need a professional hole-digging-dog? I may have one I can loan you.) Not only can they dig an envy-worthy hole, but, when lions and hyenas are around and a little bit hungry, they can dig a hole and completely cover themselves up in about ten minutes. Interesting and impressive, but still not something I want to own as a pet. I don't seem to have a problem with lions and hyenas around my house.
Anyway. Thought you might want to know before you heist one from the zoo. Don't say I didn't try to warn you.