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February 13, 2025



2/13-2/15 - TSIAA Varsity State Tournament

2/18 - VG, Home, Pleasant View Christian, 6:00 - Senior Night
2/18 - VB, Home, Pleasant View Christian, 7:30 - Senior Night

2/20-2/22 - TACS MS REgional Basketball Tournament

2/20 - VG, Home, South Haven, 6:00
2/20 - VB, Home, South Haven, 7:30

Parent Page Podcast


Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day. Those two words can strike terror or happiness into ones soul - depending on their circumstances. Those who are cynical may say that it was only created by the chocolate manufacturers and Hallmark to sell stuff.

But did you know Valentine's Day was founded by a real person? Read on.

In the 3rd century, Emperor Claudius 2, a Roman emperor who had battle on the brain, decided to outlaw marriage for his young soldiers. Why? Because he thought unmarried men made better soldiers. Why he thought that, I have no idea, but it does make me think he wasn't all there in the head. But that's an opinion for another day. Moving forward.

When Valentine heard of Claudius's decree, he kind of felt sorry for all those love-sick-now-doomed-to-singleness-forever young men, and performed marriages on the sly. Talk about fast track marriages, right?!

As I'm sure you can figure out, not all things worked out for the best. When Emperor Claudius figured out how all these eligible bachelors were becoming unbachelorized (is that a word?) he wasn't happy. Throwing Valentine into jail, he thought he had taken care of the whole matter. But I've heard in at least one legend (I cannot say if it's true or not, but it does add something to the tale) that while he was in prison waiting to be put to death (yes, Claudius the second had a really bad attitude. Or maybe he was just really against marriage.) he fell in love with a young woman who came to visit him. Right before he was martyred, he gave her the very first...wait for it...Valentine.

Is that not romantic?! Well. Except for the being put to death part. 

So if you hear anyone saying Valentine's Day was only created to make money, you can simply - or not so simply - tell them that giving Valentine's was popular as far back as the Middle Ages. Yes. The ones from the 5th to the 15th centuries. I think that's even before Hallmark's time. Maybe not, I can't be sure.

No School, 2/17

There will be no school on Monday, February 17th. Like none. Not even a little bit. Tuesday, yes. Please bring them before 8 am so they're not late. But Monday? Naw. Keep em home and enjoy your time with them. Teachers will be at a Regional Teacher's Clinic for the day. :)

Sundae Brownie Friday, 2/21

Next Friday will be another Sundae Brownie Friday, so be sure to send in your $2 with your student. Judging by the very long lines at lunchtime, this seems to be quite the winner winner chicken dinner type of event. No one wants to be left out!

Jason's Deli, 2/18

Do you, like me, struggle with figuring out what to make for dinner? I have good news for you then. 

Tuesday, February 18th, Jason's Deli has partnered with the FRCS Basketball Program and they would like to extend a very special invitation to dinner.

Visit Jason's Deli this coming Tuesday from 4pm-9pm and mention that you're with Franklin Road Christian School and they will donate 20% of all sales to the FRCS Basketball Program. How cool is that?! Let's go over the important deets again:

  • Jason's Deli
  • Tuesday, February 18th
  • 4pm-9pm
  • mention Franklin Road Christian School
  • this includes all dine-in, to go, and pick up orders (but only if you mention Franklin Road Christian School)
Another win-win!

February Is Elementary Book Reading Month

February is book reading month! A whole month set aside to help your elementary readers reach for the stars. As adults, we know that reading helps in a wide variety of ways from stress reduction, gaining knowledge, stronger analytical skills, improving memory, as well as help us focus and concentrate better. To name only a few.

But for kids, reading does so much more. It improves their vocabulary, gives them stronger thinking, listening, and writing skills, helps with memory retention, all wrapped up in a precious bonding time experience for everyone involved.

Every class from preschool through 6th grade has different class goals. Or individual goals. It's pretty much what the teacher has decided to do. Here's what some teachers are doing to encourage young people to read more:

 - Mrs. Haese's 1st grade class has a goal of 2500 books to read. If they hit that goal, the entire class will have a board game party day in March. As of this writing, her super star readers are Juliska Wahba with 275 books and Malachi Alcantar with 225.

 - Mrs. Hughes 4th grade class earn prizes when certain goals are hit. They can win things from candy, Gatorade in class, sit by a friend at lunch and finally earn a homework pass. That in itself is gold. Her super star readers are Olivia Parsons, Luke Knapke, and Callen Pasquale with over 1000 pages read in the first week!

What a great start! So parents, we hope you will join us instill a love of reading into your young person's life. It's a great way to impact them for years to come in a positive manner. 


If you weren't able to make it to Homecoming this past weekend, we're sorry we missed you. Just a quick recap, congratulations goes out to the new FRCS Homecoming Queen Anora Golden, and some great memories were made. See the fabulous pictures below. 

All-State Basketball Winners!

So a little birdie told me that we have a few outstanding athletes here at FRCS. As if I'd need a bird. Plus it seems a little sketchy to speak to birds. I plead the 5th. Anyway. Due to their skill, dedication, and passion for the sport of basketball, congratulate Gracie Tidwell, Emma Dugger, and Ben Walker for being named 2024-2025 High School Boys and Girls All State Basketball Team.

And, birds or not, we're proud of y'all!

11th Grade Science Fair

Last Tuesday, February 4th, the 11th graders were given an opportunity to share their findings of various research topics with a live audience in the gym and I must say, I was impressed. 

It was wonderful to see and learn from these young adults about some pretty original topics. From which disinfectant wipes work the best, if essential oils can indeed reduce mold, to how cheese can affect your dreams, it was pretty interesting stuff. The only problem I had was I didn't have time to read all their research! Yes. This is a real problem for me, so if you and I ever go to a science museum - or pretty much any type of learning place - I will be the one slowing y'all down because I read all the words. (It's so bad that my super patient husband now rents those neat little headphones so I can just press the button and be read all the information. Still slow but not as bad, I guess.)

These 11th graders really knocked it out of the park! Great job y'all!


Black History Month - Dorothy Vaughan

Dorothy Vaughan, born September 10th, 1910, graduated with a bachelors degree in math in 1929 from Wilberforce University. After graduating, she became a Math teacher. After America joined World War 2, society was left with a void in the workforce. Answering the home front call for help, Mrs. Vaughn applied for a computer position at NACA. This actually meant that Mrs. Vaughan herself was the computer. 

After much hard work, dedication, and perseverance, in 1949, Mrs. Vaughan became the first African American female supervisor of the NACA. (NACA was the precursor to NASA, which took over NACA in 1958.)

Regardless of race, Mrs. Vaughan was an advocate for her group of female 'computers' for those who deserved promotions or raises, and her opinion was sought after to meet the challenging needs of various engineers and researchers alike. Oftentimes, she would receive requests to personally calculate computations herself.

In the 1950's, IBM came out with new software called FORTRAN (short for formula translation) and NASA was quick to implement the new computer standard into their program. Again, rising to the challenge, Mrs. Vaughan became an expert FORTRAN programmer and added her contributions to the Scout Launch Vehicle program, which was a solid fuel rocket that would launch small rockets into space. 

Mrs. Vaughan retired from NASA just shy of 3 decades and had the priviledge of being a part of America's technological growth from high speed flight to the birth of the Space Age. Mrs. Vaughan is a reminder to us all not to give up when things are tough but through perseverance and the grace of God, you can not only learn new things, but you, against all odds, can excel at them.

She truly was an inspiration.

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