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January 30, 2025


1/28-2/1 TSIAA MS Tournament

1/29-2/1 - PCC Varsity Basketball Tournament

2/4-2/8 - TSIAA Varsity District Tournament

2/10-2/15 - TSIAA Varsity State Tournament

Parent Page Podcast

FRCS Re-enrollment, 2/1

The time is nearly at hand. In case you've missed it in the past three parent pages, re-enrollment  for current FRCS students opens February 1st and current student siblings who do not attend FRCS as yet, will open February 15th. What does this mean to you?

If you're planning on your student coming here next year, don't delay. Get your re-enrollment paperwork and registration fee in before the 15th so you don't lose your spot on the roster.

Seriously. It happens every year and it breaks my heart. Stop by the Financial Office a.k.a., Mrs. Lawwell, and she will be happy to help you.

Enrollment opens to the community March 1st. If there's any spots left. 

Forgot to Put in Lunches?

We know that there are times that life gets hectic. Things get out of control, or if you're like me, you just lose your mind and forget how to function. I'm afraid it's getting to be second nature for me and I'm going to need it to stop. Is there an essential oil for that? Asking for a friend. 

Anyway, all that to say that everyone forgets things sometimes and we understand that. However. In an effort to be more efficient with providing the correct amount of lunches for students who have ordered, we are instigating a $1 fee for every tray put in after the Sunday night deadline. 

So, if you call the office or send us an email, we will put the lunch in for your student for the days you request. A late charge of $1 will be applied to each tray ordered.

We understand if you'd like to avoid this fee. We want you to avoid it as well. So our wonderful kitchen manager, Mrs. Lancaster, has scheduled meals through the end of March. It's a perfect way to put in lunch orders fee-free until April. 

Just don't forget to put an alarm in your phone reminding you about April... 

Lost & Found Sale, 1/29-1/31

Seriously, you need to stop by the tables in front of my office and make sure there isn't anything of yours on there. We have a wide range of items from lunchboxes and jump ropes to single socks and freezer packs. It might not be the most fascinating thing you look at today, but it is good for a laugh.

Spiritwear 25% Off Sweatshirt Sale Through 1/31

If you haven't stopped in my office and looked at the sweatshirts we have available, you may want to do that soon. Our 25% off sale will be ending soon and we shall select something else to sell. You have been warned. :)

Valentine's Day Orders Due 2/7

Ok I know I've mentioned this a couple times now, but seriously. Don't be like me and drop the ball and forget to send out Valentine's. In my home, it's not my husband that forgets birthdays and anniversaries. It's me and it's a terrible affliction. No joke. It's a real problem. 

Here's the flyer to help you out. Don't have a printer? Drop by my office and take one off the desk - they're out for the taking. 

All Valentine's will be delivered on February 14th.

Homecoming Rescheduled, 2/8

It's getting closer. Homecoming, that one event that transforms the gym into a literal light infused paradise for a couple hours and is a fantastic way to send off the Class of 25. Festivities start at 10 - see you there!

No School? Again? 2/17

Yes, you heard it - or read it if you're still reading the words - here first. There will be no school from preschool through 12th grade on February 17th due to the Regional Teacher's Convention.

So if you drive your child here and drop them off on February 17th, don't be surprised when we call you and ask you to come back. ;)

101 Random

  • I've been told that dragonflies can see in all directions at once. Which is crazy because I feel I can do that too after I've had 6 cups of coffee...
  • Did you know that new honeybee queens will quack when they're hatching? They do this to signal to the worker bees not to let the other new queens hatch. If two new queens hatch at the same time, they will sting each other until one dies.
  • Ok so this one is terrifying. Cockroaches can survive underwater for 15 minutes. 15. Minutes. What in the world?! I know God knows what's best, but why in the world would He make these nasty creatures virtually indestructible?!?
  • ...and then there's hummingbirds. Those cutesy tiny little birds that some weigh less than a penny? Yes those. Why couldn't we have more of those instead of the oh-my-word-it's-still-living-cockroaches? I know they're God's little cleaner-uppers, but admit it. They're cringy and no one wants it touching them. 
  • Speaking of little, there is a monkey that measures less than, yes less than six inches. The Pygmy Marmoset is said tiny monkey and it gets even better. Their babies are about the size of a toothbrush head and that's it. How cute would that be to see?!

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