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December 12, 2024



12/13 - VB, Away, Central Baptist, TBD

12/14 - VB, TBA

12/16 - VG, Home, Dickson Christian, 6:00
12/16 - VB, Home, Dickson Christian, 7:30

12/17 - MSG, Home, Zion Christian, 4:00
12/17 - MSB, Home, Zion Christian, 5:00
12/17 - VG, Home, Zion Christian, 6:00
12/17 - VB, Home, Zion Christian, 7:30
12/19 - MSG, Home, Franklin Classical, 4:30
12/19 - MSB, Home, Franklin Classical, 5:30
12/19 - VG, Home, Franklin Classical, 6:30
12/19 - VB, Home, Franklin Classical, 8:00
12/20 - VB, Lancaster Tournament, TBA
12/20 - VG, Lancaster Tournament, TBA     

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual Christmas Programs last Thursday and Tuesday. We may have run out of room, but we hope that each of you were blessed and got some cute pictures and made some great memories.

As you know, we're still collecting for the Hurricane Relief effort with Tabernacle Baptist Church in North Carolina. So far, we have collected a whopping total of $4800 at both programs! What a blessing each of you are! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and caring spirit during the busiest season of all. We couldn't do any of this without you. Last day to give is December 20th.

Christmas Chapel, 12/20

Have you ever wondered what chapel is like? Have you wondered if there's anything different with a Christmas chapel or is it just the same ole program regurgitated from year to year? We want you to know. So, why not make plans to stop by December 20th at 9:20 in the morning and see for yourself. It's a time of fun and fellowship, singing, and blessing. And this is the time when FRCS will present the total amount collected for the Hurricane Relief Fund.

It really is the most wonderful time of the year. You'll love it. Trust me.

Christmas at Franklin Road, 12/15 @ 10:30

If you're a Christmas junkie like me and can't get enough, we would be thrilled beyond measure if you joined us here at FRBC December 15th at 10:30 am for Christmas at Franklin Road. There will be music. There will be singing. Children and adults will be smiling and there may be a tear or two as you hear the Christmas story unfold like never before. We will save you a chair. 

Exams, 12/17-12/20

Exams. That special time of year when schools throw out those really big tests that count for quite a bit of your final grade.Yes, those tests. The ones that someone invariably wishes that they had studied much harder for. Exams will be Tuesday the 17th through Friday the 20th. There are no excused absences, so don't ask. Just don't. Here's the schedule. Enjoy!

Spirit Week, 1/6-1/10

The countdown is on. With Christmas Break right around the corner, as in 6 days away, we have to focus on what is coming when break is over. It's a whole new world when we return, let me tell you. Students literally forget how to school. Not how to do school, but how to school. They will forget their lunches. They will forget their shoes. They will forget their PE clothes, coats, water bottles, and anything else you can think of. 

So with that in mind, the first week back to school in January will be Spirit Week. Yes. The entire week that is set aside to go bonkers and dress up to show your school spirit. Because at least this way, it'll look like they meant to look like a hot mess when they walk through the door mismatched and hair poking up everywhere. You see the brilliance of it now, don't you. ;)

Here's the line up:

  • Monday- Mascot Monday. This is pretty self-explanatory, but you can dress up as your favorite mascot whether it's Buc-ee the Beaver or Big Boy.
  • Tuesday- Time Travel Tuesday. Go backward - or forward - as far as you want to go. Or simply save on laundry, and wear what you wore yesterday. Kinda gross, but ok...
  • Wednesday- Wacky Tacky Wednesday. What a simple yet great idea. Don't match anything. Or, go against the grain, and take it to the next level and match everything.
  • Thursday- Class Day. Classes will be deciding what they want to do - but they will need to do it together.
  • Friday- Black & Gold Friday. Wear as much black and gold as you can find and you should be good to go.
Now is the time to go shopping for your new outfits. Still some pretty great sales out there. Good luck - can't wait to see what you come up with!

Homecoming, 1/11

Homecoming. The beginning of the lasts for the Class of 2025 as well as the beginning of firsts. They will leave friends behind and will make new ones in days to come. They will say goodbye to places they have known for years and strive to learn new ones.

There will be fear and trepidation. But there will also be hope.

Join us Saturday, January 11th at 10:00 for this year's Festival of Lights Homecoming and be an encouragement to these young adults as they prepare to cross over the symbolic bridge and move toward the next part of their life journey and pass the baton along to those following after them.

It's sure to be a breathtaking time. You won't want to miss it.

101 Random

Well, that's kind of interesting...
  • Fake Christmas trees aren't a new invention. Dating back to the 1800's the first fake Christmas trees were made of goose feathers and dyed green. People were concerned with so many trees being cut down that someone came up with this brilliant idea. Brilliant and wonderful, except for the goose. I mean goodness gracious, please tell me someone knitted that poor goose a coat and scarf!
  • I don't know how many Hallmark Holiday movie fans we have here, but I've heard that it only takes about 2 weeks to film a new movie. Which makes sense, if we're being honest. 
  • If you were to give all the gifts listed in the song "Twelve Days of Christmas" (which I completely detest, if I'm being honest) at the end of the day, you would have 364 presents. But let's think about this, shall we? A partridge. And a pear tree. Where are you going to put that? 2 turtle doves. (Will they even share the pear tree? Or will the partridge get grumpy? I see where the premise for Angry Birds came from.) French hens, calling birds, (this person really had a thing for birds), 5 golden rings, 6 geese a laying, 7 swans a swimming, (See?! More Birds!), 8 maids a-milking (and now there's cows. Eesh) 9 ladies dancing (I hope they're there to help clean up after all the birds and cows, just sayin) 10 lords a leaping (we don't even want to talk about what they're leaping over) 11 piper's piping (no one is getting any sleep whatsoever) and 12 drummers drumming. He got her a zoo. Or a barnyard. Great. Thanks. Always wanted one of those. Now can the drummers go home and the leapers leap their way away? I guess the moral to the song is, more presents doesn't always mean good things. 
  • I believe I mentioned this one in a previous parent page, but did you know that in Ukraine spiders are supposed to be symbols of good luck? But here in the U.S., they're desperate cries for exterminators. Never ever would I consider a spider a good luck charm. EW.

Parent Page Podcast

Introducing the new Parent Page Podcast! For those moments when you don't have time or just don't want to read it but still need to know things. (I apologize in advance for all the mistakes. Lord willing, it'll get better as we progress...)

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