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November 7, 2024

Veterans Day, November 11



Air Force.


American Flag. 

All things that come to mind when someone mentions Veterans Day. But it's so much more than that. 

It's an opportunity.  

An opportunity to say thank you to a soldier. A veteran. Whether they served in the past or are currently serving, they're doing what only roughly 8% of Americans have done.

They served their country. Gave up their comfortable homes, their family, and modern conveniences to fight for something that would affect the remaining 92% of America. 

They fight for freedom.

Something we take for granted. We didn't have to give up much for it. But they did. And for that we should be grateful. 

  • In 1919, President Wilson proclaimed 11/11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. (The end of World War I)
  • Armistice Day, 11/11, became a National Holiday in 1938
  • In 1954 Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day to honor all veterans, not just those from World War I.
While we realize that not every soldier has fought in a foreign war, the principle remains the same. They gave up so we could live. Thrive, even.

This year, when you think of Veterans Day, take just a moment longer and think about the sacrifices they made; the contributions to a country that, on a large scale, takes for granted. Things we may not normally think of - health needs and struggles. Employment when they get out of their particular branch of service. Readjustments to civilian life.

Say a prayer for them and when you see someone in a store who has served, say thank you.

It means a lot and helps them know they have not been forgotten by their country.  

Class Pictures & Individual Retakes, 11/11

Remember, Monday we will be having Class Pictures and Individual Retakes done through out the morning. Emphasis on morning. As in the AM. So come to school prepared - your student will be having their picture taken and it will be forever in next year's yearbook. So give them a good once over before you drop them off. Or live life on the edge and take what comes your way. 

Missions Conference, 11/17-11/20

We'd love to invite you to join us as we host our annual Missions Conference November 17th - 20th. Services start each night at 7:00 in the church auditorium and it's a great time to not only learn about different countries and their need for the Gospel, but it gives us a chance to be a blessing to those who God has called to the mission field. This year is especially exciting as we prepare to send off two of our own, Miss Harris to New Zealand and Miss Barnes to England. 

During the week, there will be special chapel services Monday through Wednesday for 7th-12th grades. Services will be from 9:43-10:28 - feel free to join us. 

Each year, our preschoolers through 6th graders enjoy a visit from each missionary, giving them time to see what missionaries do and ask questions. This year, they will be visited by families going to New Zealand, England, Bolivia, Mexico, and the Ivory Coast. It's an exciting time to be here at FRCS!

Thanksgiving Luncheon, 11/26

I cannot believe that we're talking and making plans regarding Thanksgiving. Just yesterday was the 1st day of school and here we are. Before you know it, it'll be the end of the 1st semester and Christmas Break. Speaking of which, I have most definitely not started my shopping. I'm horribly behind already. Oi.

Anyway, I digress.  

Join your student (and us) this year and give thanks here at the school at our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, November 26th. There will be turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls, pies, desserts, and the list goes on. (Preschool through 6th graders are welcome to dress up as Pilgrims and Indians - it's super cute to see them all. Seriously. There's nothing cuter, in my opinion. Makes my day happy.) 

  • 4th grade and older - tickets are $10
  • 3rd grade and younger - tickets are $8
  • 2 years and younger - free

Order the appropriate amount of trays either online via Renweb or come into the office and pick up your tickets. A flyer will be coming home soon. Please return to your student's teacher by November 22nd. 

Please note: everyone who wants to eat Thanksgiving supper will need to order a plate or purchase a ticket. Including students.

Voting Fun, 11/5

In honor of election day this past Tuesday, FRCS students were allowed to 'vote' for their favorite candidate. What an excellent teaching opportunity it was for them to learn that whether their candidate won or not, each one of them had a chance to have a say in our 'government.' I hope you took an opportunity to be heard this past Tuesday.


Seeing Into the Future

Got you, didn't I. Ha. Keep reading to be in the know about what's coming up next here at FRCS:

  • 11/17-11/20 - Missions Conference
  • 11/26 - Thanksgiving Luncheon, 11-1
  • 11/27 - 11:30 Dismissal
  • 11/28-11/29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break

101 Random

Last week's answers:

  • What's a person suffering from panophobia afraid of? everything
  • What color is a pure marble? white
  • What three whole numbers divide into 9 equally? 1,3,9
  • What was the pig's house that the wolf couldn't blow down made of? bricks
  • What board game has an apologetic name? Sorry
Well, that's kind of interesting...
  • Did you know that apples, peaches, and raspberries are part of the rose family? 
  • It's rumored that Canada is the country that consumes the most mac n cheese. I guess we're not the only ones who consider it a tasty comfort food.
  • When cellophane was invented in 1908, it was originally invented to protect tablecloths. My question is, did they have a better way to cut the silly stuff so it didn't all goop up into one gigantic ball or did they just use the balled up wad on the table?
  • I've read that it's illegal to bring a bear to the beach in Israel. And now I'm wondering several things. 1. Why is it only in Israel this is a thing? 2. Who has a pet bear? 3. Who would bring said pet bear to the beach in the first place?!
  • I have also read that it's possible to get a ticket in California if you're driving too slow. I'm going to need some of our California friends to tell me if this is true and if it is, how do we institute this into Tennessee? Asking for a friend...
  • I guess a collective group of unicorns is supposedly called a blessing. I would have thought it would have been called a "Oh my word there are a bunch of unicorns" but apparently I'm wrong. When you see a group of unicorns, would you please call me? I'm going to need to see this and get a blessing. See what I did there?

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