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November 21, 2024



11/21 - MSG, Away, Zion Christian, 4:00
11/21 - MSB, Away, Zion Christian, 5:00
11/22 - MSG, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 4:00
11/22 - MSB, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 5:00
11/22 - VG, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 6:00
11/22 - VB, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 7:30

11/25 - MSG, Away, Dickson Christian Academy, 6
11/25 - MSB, Away, Dickson Christian Academy, 7

12/2 - MSG Away, Greater Things, 4:30
12/2 - MSB, Away, Greater Things, 5:30
12/2 - VG, Away, Boyd Christian , 6:00
12/2 - VB, Away, Boyd Christian, 7:30

2024 Christmas Project

Flash floods. Mudslides. Power and water outages across counties and state lines. Homes and belongings...gone in a matter of hours.

Lives were changed forever after Hurricane Helene made its presence known along our east coast and we watched in growing horror as millions changed to billions in property damages almost overnight and fatalities went from tens to hundreds.

While no one can say why it is that such things to come into people's lives, it is our privilege-as well as blessing-to be able to help others in times like these. To make life a bit easier after devastating loss and mind-numbing destruction.

This year, for our Christmas Project, FRCS will be collecting donations to help bring relief to families affected in East Tennessee as well as parts of North Carolina. While we know we cannot change the aftermath of such a storm, it is our hope and prayer that we as a group can encourage and lighten the burdens of others.

Anyone may donate either through their student's class or in the offices. More information will be coming home soon.


Thanksgiving Luncheon, 11/26

If you've lost track of time, I feel you should be made aware that next week - as in next week - (cue crazy eyes and panic stricken face here, please) Thanksgiving will be upon us. But before you go crazy in your kitchen baking so much that you wake up rolling out pie pastry on your husband's back in the middle of the night, take a few minutes out on Tuesday and join us for our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. 

From 11-1, (yes you can come any time from 11-1 - someone will call your student out of class) let someone else do the cooking and cleaning for you. 

Turkey. Dressing. Mashed potatoes. Sweet potato casserole. Rolls. Butter. Veggies. Pie. And you don't have to cook any of it. Not feeling that turkey yearning yet? That gravy not floating your mashed potato boat? Did you not read that you won't have to do the actual clean up afterward? You did and you're still not enticed? Hmm. Perhaps you may need to have your pulse checked. Just in case, that's all I'm saying.

Still not sold? Well, what if I told you that you are more than welcome to dress up as Indians and Pilgrims in honor of the first Thanksgiving way back yonder in 1621? The one where there were only 4 adult women, 22 Pilgrim men, and 90 Wampanoag Indians in attendance. (No wonder people died young in those days.) 

Suddenly you see the enticing pull of the whole you-don't-have-to-clean-up part of the celebration don't you. Thought so.

Order your tickets online via Renweb soon so you don't miss out. 

- 4th grade and older - $10
- 3rd grade and younger - $8
- 2 years and younger - free

*Order the appropriate amount of trays either online via Renweb or come into the office and pick up your tickets. Flyers should have already come home - please return them to your student's teacher by November 22nd. 

Please note: everyone who wants to eat Thanksgiving supper will need to order a plate or purchase a ticket. Including students.

Half Day, 11/27

While we're pretty confident there will be more than 4 women preparing this year's Thanksgiving feast, we know that it takes time to get everything ready. (Especially if it's your turn to host the dinner. I will spare you my four and half page, college-ruled list of things I have to get done in the half day prior to the event. You're welcome.) School will be dismissed at 11:30 on Wednesday and there will be no late stay.

Let me reiterate. 

Wednesday, 11/27, school will be a half day. So, please be prepared to pick up your children at 11:30.

**If you're child will not be attending school any day that week, please drop us a line and let us know so we can get the work they will miss prepared and ready to go for them.**

No Late Stay, 12/3

Just a heads up - there will be no late stay on December 3rd, 2024. We will be having our annual staff Christmas get together and no one will be available to watch the students. We do apologize for the inconvenience, but we do hope this notice gives you time to make alternate plans.

Elementary Christmas Program, 12/5

Just a few staggering days after Thanksgiving Break, our PreK through 5th graders will be performing the cutest Christmas Program in Middle Tennessee. Doors open at 6:30 in the church auditorium and the program starts promptly at 7:00. Trust me, you will want to get here early to get the best spot to take pictures. Don't forget to bring your camera. You're going to want it.

Brownie Sundae Friday, 12/6

To make coming back to school easier for your students, the seniors will be hosting another brownie sundae on Friday. (I don't know why, but I like saying it like that. Could be that I have lost my mind. Let's keep that under wraps, please.) Only $2 to make you hero of the day on December 6th.

Thank You

On the behalf of teachers across campus, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the overwhelming response to our first ever Minutemen Club drive. You have made an impact that will last for years to come for the edification of many students for generations to come. Your generosity and willingness to come alongside us to make this a great place to grow and learn will always be humbling and awesome.

101 Random

Well, that's kind of interesting...
  • Did you know that hippos cannot swim? Yes, those large animals you see on all those nature documentaries in the water? Those ones. They don't swim. Instead, they do this slow water gallop type of thing that's really kind of graceful if you think about it. As an added bonus, when they fall asleep in the water and they sink, it's an automatic reflex for them to bounce up to the surface, take a breath, and sink back down. Not too shabby a life, if we're being honest.
  • I've heard that Australia is actually wider than the moon. I've also heard that Australia is home to 66 of the most venomous species of animals. This includes snakes, insects, and marine animals. Yes. You read that correctly. Marine. Animals. So when it's super hot during the summer, as in a whopping 122 degrees, jumping into the ocean is probably not your best option. I see a problem here.
  • I know we were just talking about Australia and how they have a lot of venomous species in that wide wide hot hot area, (and crazy big spiders ew) but contrary to popular belief, they do not hold the record of having the most. Oh no. They have a reported 66 different poisonous species, that is right below Brazil and their 79 species which is right under Mexico with their 80 species. Now you know the three different places in the world that are not on my bucket list forever and ever. Ever. Just in case you missed it.
  • Scientists have noted that fish form orderly queues in emergencies. Which shows that fish can actually follow basic society rules. And that makes me wonder, what aquarium do we sign people up for lessons of this nature? Ripleys? Asking for a friend.
  • The real name for the hashtag symbol is octothorpe. I believe someone made the right decision nicknaming it the hashtag. Seems like it would be quite burdensome to say "octothorpe family fun night" on social media. 
  • Speaking of naming things. I do believe there were a few opportunities lost when names were being handed out willy nilly. Such as: Why don't dentists call their x-rays tooth pics?  
Dad Jokes:
What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common? 
What do you call a chicken that's afraid of the dark?
(answers in next week's parent page...)

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