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November 14, 2024


11/14 - MSG, Home, FH Jenkins, 4:00
11/14 - MSB, Home, FH Jenkins, 5:00
11/14 - Varsity Girls, Away, Dickson Christian, 6:00
11/14 - Varsity Boys, Away, Dickson Christian, 7:30
11/15 - MSG, Away, MTCS, 4:30
11/15 - MSB, Away, MTCS, 5:30
11/15 - JVG, Home, Central Christian, 6:00
11/15 - JVB, Home, Central Christian, 7:00
11/21 - MSG, Away, Zion Christian, 4:00
11/21 - MSB, Away, Zion Christian, 5:00
11/22 - MSG, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 4:00
11/22 - MSB, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 5:00
11/22 - VG, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 6:00
11/22 - VB, Away, Riverside Christian Academy, 7:30

Missions Conference, 11/17-11/20

Join us for our annual Missions Conference right here at Franklin Road Baptist Church. Every year in November we gather together not only to remember what God has done for us and how He has blessed us, but to focus on the Gospel need of other countries and peoples.

Missions Conference services will start at 7:00 pm November 17th through the 20th in the church auditorium. During the day, our preschool through 6th grade students will get the opportunity to learn and interact with this year's missionaries as they visit classrooms, while our 7th-12th graders get this unique opportunity to hear them speak in special chapel services Monday through Wednesday. 

It's a perfect opportunity to see how God is still working in the lives of people today, not only directing steps, but directing the stops as well. If you'd like to learn more, please feel free to join us for the special chapel services Monday through Wednesday from 9:43-10:28 or the evening services at 7:00 pm.

Thanksgiving Luncheon, 11/26

I don't know how it did it, but this year has definitely gotten away from me. And no matter how hard I try to get back on track, it seems to always be 'that much' out of my reach. I might as well give up before I give myself a heart attack. *sigh*

We would like to invite each of you to eat Thanksgiving Lunch with your student on November 26th from 11-1. If you want to make it especially memorable, dress up as a Pilgrim or an Indian or have your student do it. Your choice. But whatever you choose, take pictures. Maybe even videos so you can use it later as a bargaining chip.

The gist of it is, there will be a traditional turkey lunch for anyone who purchases a ticket either online or here in the office via Mrs. Lawwell. Traditional as in turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, smiling faces, veggies, pie, elastic waistbands, etc. Possibly even a nap afterward depending on if you take your student afterward or not.

  • 4th grade and older - $10
  • 3rd grade and younger - $8
  • 2 years and younger - free

*Order the appropriate amount of trays either online via Renweb or come into the office and pick up your tickets. Flyers should have already come home - please return them to your student's teacher by November 22nd. 

Please note: everyone who wants to eat Thanksgiving supper will need to order a plate or purchase a ticket. Including students.

Half Day, 11/27

Remember in the above article when I mentioned about there being a possible nap after the luncheon depending on if you take your student for the rest of the day or not? I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that should you not take your student home with you after lunch on Tuesday, you shouldn't feel guilty as they will only have to make it through a half day on Wednesday. Which means that you definitely should take your student home at 11:30 on Wednesday because it's really not optional. As in, if you're not at the school at 11:30, their teachers will start to twitch and you will more than likely get a few phone calls from either panicky children or teachers. It's a toss up.

And one last thing. If you didn't read the entire article above, here's the important deets. 11:30 on Wednesday you will need to pick up your student and there will be no late stay.

There. Small and few words have been used. You're welcome.

No School - Thanksgiving Break, 11/27-11/29

...and here's the rest of the story. Thursday and Friday, there will be no school. This is a no brainer, I know, but I feel compelled to be entirely transparent with you regarding this. So, for my own peace of mind, here is the itinerary for the week of 11/25-11/29:

  • Monday - regular school day, 8:00-3:00
  • Tuesday - Thanksgiving Luncheon from 11:00-1:00 (dressing up in period costumes is up to you)
  • Wednesday - early dismissal at 11:30 and no late stay
  • Thursday - no school - Thanksgiving; no late stay because they weren't here
  • Friday - no school - recovery from Thanksgiving, again no late stay because they weren't here
If your student will not be here Monday - Wednesday, please send me a lovely little note stating their lack of attendance and we shall get the proper forms and send them home with said students. It makes everyone's lives easier and less twitchy.

No Late Stay, 12/3

Speaking of no late stay, you need to know there will be no late stay on December 3rd as there will be no staff to head up said after school activity. It's our annual FRCS Staff Christmas Party and we all shall be previously engaged. Thank you for your understanding. 

Turkey Jam Results, 11/8-11/9

If you happened to go to the Turkey Jam on November 8th & 9th, you know that both our boys and girls teams took 1st place and they were so good, no one was awarded all tournament teams. Either someone in charge was in a huff or everyone was that spectacular. We're going with the latter.

Congratulations y'all!

101 Random

Well, that's kind of interesting...
  • I read that the US Coast Guard has successfully trained pigeons to spot people lost at sea. Does anyone know how I could use that same strategy to stop pigeons from using my car as target practice right after I wash it? Anyone? I think it'd be a best seller.
  • China, as big as it is, only has 1 time zone while we here in the United States have 6 PLUS we play with the time and pretend that we can move it 1 hour forward and 1 hour backward. Yes. I'm still a little angry about losing my hour in spring. 
  • Everyone knows that otters float, but did you know that porcupines also float? My question, what person thought that throwing a porcupine into the water was a great way to spend their day? And, my next question is, who drew the smallest straw to do the actual tossing? Did they survive and how did it feel being the worlds first human pin cushion? These are the real questions.
  • Next on the who-in-their-right-mind-figured-this-out list is, did you know that camel milk doesn't curdle? You know what, I'm going to let that one go. Not even going to ask my questions. No one answers them anyway. Jesus and I are going to be having some serious question and answer time when I get to Heaven, so don't rush me when you see me at His feet. I've got a list.
  • Apparently there are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach. 1. Who knows this beyond a shadow of a doubt? 2. How long did it take to count the stars or the grains of sand? 3. Who, again I ask, who has the time to figure this out?! 4.The Bible states that God calls the stars by name. Pretty impressive.
  • The official sport in Maryland is...jousting. Yes, jousting. With that long pointy ended thingy they used to use during King Arthur's day. I'm going to go with a nope. I like my blood on the inside of my body, thank you very much and I have no desire to be a human pin cushion. Jousting stick or porcupine quills.
  • Did you know that crows can recognize faces and they can hold a grudge? So, on a side note, if you ever go past my house and see me putting gobs of bread pieces on the edge of the bird bath, no, I have not gone round the bend. I'm simply trying to train crows to 'hold it' until they're past my car.

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