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September 5, 2024


9/5 - MS, Dickson Christian, Home, 5:00
9/5 - Varsity, Dickson Christian, Home, 6:00
9/7 - Varsity, NACA, Away, TBD
9/9 - MS, Greater Things, Home, 5:00
9/9 - Varsity, Greater Things, Home, 6:00
9/10 - MS, Franklin Classical, Away, 5:00
9/10 - Varsity, Franklin Classical, Away, 6:00
9/12 - MS, Pleasant View, Away, 5:00
9/12 - Varsity, Pleasant View, Away, 6:00
9/13 - Varsity, Lancaster Academy, Home, 4:00

9/5 - Berean, 3:00
9/9 - Riverside, 3:00
9/10 - South Haven, 3:00
9/12 - Clarksville Christian, 4:00 

Cross Country
9/9 - MS, The Hermitage, 5:20
9/9 - Varsity, The Hermitage, 5:50
9/6 - Varsity Boys, MHEA, Away, TBD
9/7 - Varsity Boys, Central Baptist, Away, 10:00
9/12 - Varsity Boys, Pleasant View, Home, 4:00

Smart Cards

Smart Card sales are over. As in done. Finito. Terminado. Owarimashita. Fertig. And any other language you know the word for "finished". I don't have the time to name them all. That's quite an extensive list and frankly, my keyboard doesn't have those noodle look-alike letters. (Next time someone can't read my writing, I'm just going to tell them I'm learning how to write noodle.)

But I digress. If you have any outstanding Smart Cards - those that are sitting on your counter or sliding around in the junk drawer, or that one under the driver's seat in the car - please turn those in as soon as you can. If we don't get them back, unfortunately, you will be charged for them. At $20 bucks a pop. 

If you sold Smart Cards that you haven't given to your customers, please come into the office and pick up how many you sold as soon as possible. As in, tomorrow. Any extra cards we have go back to the magical Smart Card Warehouse to be recycled into next year's cards. 

Let me repeat in a different color. In honor of Fall:

If you sold Smart Cards and haven't handed them out yet, come to the office and pick up the number of cards you need.

If you sold Smart Cards and haven't handed them out to your customers, come to the office and pick up however many you need.


I know. All capital letters = shouting, but I need you all to read that part. Please don't ignore it.

Grandparent's Day, 9/6 @ 10 am

Set your reminders on your phones. Mark it on your calendar. Write it in permanent marker across your forehead, backward so you can read it in a mirror. Tomorrow our preschool through 6th graders invite you to join them in the church auditorium at 10 am where you will be blessed for being a blessing. (I feel there's a tongue-twister in there somewhere.)

10 am. Church Auditorium. Come before 10 am for the good seats. We don't want any fights. Bring your camera. Probably want to bring Grandpa too just so he doesn't fuss.

Grandparents, (parents too,) you're more than welcome to take those precious little grandkids out to lunch. (Preschool through 6th grade only, please.) Keep them for the rest of the day. Go shopping. Go to the park. Fly a kite. Make memories. Just make sure to get permission from mom and dad before you do. (See form below.)

Preschool through Kindergarten can be picked up in their classrooms.
1st and 2nd grade can be picked up in the Fellowship Hall. (Right by the auditorium.)
3rd-6th graders can be picked up in the Grand Hall. (Listen and look for the noise. You can't miss it.) 

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the New Parent Meeting, the Junior Meeting, and the Senior Meeting. I hope you feel informed and ready to tackle this year. It's going fast. It was great to see you! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and email your child's teacher. Or call the office. We'll do what we can. :)

Fall Tent Revival, 9/14-9/18

If you haven't noticed that really big white tent over in the soccer field, you either want to have your eyes checked, or you may need to turn your head a little more while you're driving. I really don't think you could have missed it. 

Join us, September 14th through the 18th for our annual Fall Tent Revival under the big tent. It's a wonderful time of singing, preaching, and praying in nearly perfect weather. Even if it's raining. Seriously. I don't think I've ever been to a bad one.

Festivities kick off Saturday at 3:00 pm with a Carnival for the kids, Dinner on the grounds at 5:00 (register here - it's free, but they need a ballpark figure on how much food to prepare), and singing starts at 6:45. 

I'll see you there!

Support Our School!

Did you know there are more ways than just Smart Card sales that support our school? It's true. If you shop at Publix or Kroger, part of your purchase proceeds can go toward FRCS. It's super easy and there's a couple different places you can shop and still support FRCS.

  • Kroger - simply set up a digital account, link your shopper card to your account, and select your organization and bam. You're in. Here's the full details.
  • Publix - Again. Set up an online account, join Club Publix, and log into your account. Select your organization. Easy peasy! Full details here.
  • Box Tops for Education - This is the one where you used to have to awkwardly cut those tiny little rectangles out of boxes or cellophane (not a great idea on a bag of rice. Don't ask me how I know.) and turn into the school. Now it's all on your receipt. Get the Box Tops app, snap a picture of your receipt, and select your school. Right?! So much easier than cutting. Read on for details.
  • Office Depot - This one takes a little more effort, but 5% of your purchase price goes toward the school of your choice. (ahem. Us. FRCS. In case you forgot...) A little more effort, but still doable. Here's the link you need. 
  • Spark Good by Walmart - this one is new as of 2024. I still need to do a little more research on this one, but so far, it's looking good. More information on this one will be coming soon...

Fall Pictures, 9/9-9/10

Don't forget! Monday and Tuesday of next week we will be finishing up our Fall Pictures. Monday, 4th - 6th grades and Senior Girls. Tuesday will be the 7th-11th grades. Come prepared!

  • Monday, 9/9 - 4th-6th and Senior girls
  • Tuesday, 9/10 - 7th-11th 

Lost & Found Changed, 9/11-9/13

If you read the Parent Page last week, you will notice that the date of the first lost & found sale of the year has changed. It was my intention to have it this week, but alas, because of Grandparent's Day, we feel it would be better if we delayed it until next week. We want everyone to have the opportunity to reclaim their lost items. There's a lot. No joke. I don't even know how this happens. 

Wednesday through Friday. Lost & Found. In front of the elementary office. 

Everything's $1. Even if it's yours.

Don't feel like paying a handling fee? Not a problem. Feel free to grub around the bins before the items hit the table. :)

101 Random

Send your answers in, WITHOUT using Google, and I'll put your name in a bowl for every correct answer. At the end of the month, 1 lucky person will win a Hershey bar!

Last week's answers:
  • Which of these doesn't belong: Dominoes, Scrabble, Monopoly, Mah-Jongg - Monopoly. The rest are played with tiles.
  • Which of these doesn't belong: Air Hog, Koosh, Wiffle, Nerf - Air Hog. The rest are all brands of a ball.
  • Why do these belong together: Slinky, water source, sudden jump - they're all springs.
  • Why do these belong together: Stroganoff, Wellington, Chateaubriand - all beef dishes
  • What is the common bond between these: Vitamin type, clamp type, Roman Numeral for 100 - C
This week's questions:
  • Can a horse and rider jump higher than a cougar?
  • Which fish builds a nest of air bubbles - salmon, stickleback or Siamese fighting fish?
  • What bird often imitates other birds' songs?
  • What did the old woman who lived in a shoe feed her children?
  • What vitamin do we get from sunlight?
Dad joke of the week:
What did the cake say to the frosting?

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