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August 29, 2024


8/29 - MS, FH Jenkins, Away, 5:00
8/29 - Varsity, FC Boyd, Away, 6:00
8/30 - MS, Zion Christian, Away, 5:00
8/30 - Varsity, Zion Christian, Away, 6:00
9/5 - MS, Dickson Christian, Home, 5:00
9/5 - Varsity, Dickson Christian, Home, 6:00
9/7 - Varsity, NACA, Away, TBD

9/5 - Berean, 3:00

Cross Country
8/30 - MS, Webb, Away, 5:30
8/30 - Varsity, Webb, Away, 7:10
9/3 - MS, The Hermitage, 5:20
9/3 - Varsity, The Hermitage, 5:50
9/6 - Varsity Boys, MHEA, Away, TBD
9/7 - Varsity Boys, Central Baptist, Away, 10:00

Smart Cards Ends 8/30

Smart Card sales, those nifty little coupon cards that help you save for an entire year is almost over. Literally, an entire year. (Last year, my card paid for itself with Blue Coast Burrito in two visits. The rest of the year was like bonus points. And don't get me started on Slim Chickens. Just don't. Really. It was an amazing little tool to have.) 

Or are you one of those people who would rather have all the savings on your smart phone? I mean, it's already in your hand or in your pocket wherever you go, so wouldn't it be so convenient to have a way to purchase a Smart Card that would download to your phone? 

I have good news. I know a guy. And this guy is selling those super handy dandy convenient downloadable smart phone smart card thing-a-ma-jigs. And they're only $20. Come see me and I'll get you set up. ;)

Remember though, this fundraiser ends August 30th, which only gives you a day to make up your mind.

Forms, Due 8/30

Online forms. I know I've been hounding this topic for a couple weeks now, and that should let you know how important this is. Remember your teacher saying something more than once because it was important? Or because it was going to be on the test? This is one of those things.

Hear ye, hear ye, (please say that in a medieval type of tone/voice. It makes it so much better.) please fill out those forms online. Hit save. That sends it to me. And that saves you from one of my very special, "Hello, as I was going through my forms" emails. Which I know y'all hate. Maybe dislike. Depends on how irritating you find them. 

Anyway. Not sure if you saved yours? Not sure if I got it? Go into your Renweb and check it out. If it's blank on your's blank on mine as well.

I'm gonna need a little more information than that. ;)

No School, 9/2

There will be no school in honor of Labor Day, September 2nd. 

So if you forget and you try to get your kiddos up and ready to go and they're more sluggish than usual, or they have their hands and feet spread apart on the door jam and refuse to get in the car, you may want to stop a moment and ask yourself if you've forgotten something important. (Don't worry. If this is you and you're wondering how to save face, just pretend going to Dunkin was your intention all along. They'll stop complaining.)

Let's recap. No school on Monday. It's Labor Day and we're not coming to work.

They're going to want lunch. Might want to make sure you have lunch stuff ready and waiting.

Lunch orders are still due Sunday night by 11:59. <----- very important, here. Very. Set a reminder on your phone. Trust me. It's saved my bacon quite a few times over the years.

Meetings You Don't Want To Miss, 9/3

Speaking of forgetting something. (This is me assuming that you read all the above paragraphs. I'm so proud of you. Really.) If you feel like you don't know all the things you should know for the year, or for the month, or for the next two weeks, why don't you join us for a few extra special meetings. If you're a new parent here at FRCS. If you're a parent of a Junior. If you're a parent of a Senior. These are for you. If you're just wandering and have nothing else to do, come on. We won't turn you away. Here's the deets:

  • Junior Meeting (11th grade) - parents meet in the Teen Room at 5:45
  • Senior Meeting - parents meet in the Choir Room at 6:15
  • New Parent Meeting -parents meet in the Auditorium at 7:00

Sick Children

Please, if your child has the sniffles, the wheezes, the out of control sneezes; a fever that makes them a bit of a griever; are not cheery and instead are teary and bleary, you might want to take a moment and consider if it would be best if they stayed home. (Yes, I read those lines over and over again. It turns out to be quite a tongue twister.)

Of course, please use discretion. If you know they're just playing you like a fiddle, send them. If you have to dose them up with the pink stuff or the purple stuff, (not only do they tell us when they come to the office), but it's not a great idea. It's not our desire to have the 11th plague hit FRCS in the first few weeks of the school year.

I guess what I'm trying to say, you know if your child is sick or if they're not. Send them or keep them, but please do so with the intention of protecting others from unnecessary sickness.

Fall Pictures, 9/3-9/4

Fall Pictures will be September 3rd & 4th, and September 9th & 10th. Not sure what day you should make sure your child is squeaky clean and dressed to the nines, check the schedule below. 

Please be sure your student is at school and ready to wow everyone on time to help expedite the process. The last thing you want is Susie rushing to catch up with her class to have her picture taken and her hair bow falling onto her neck making it look like a noose. Not really the look you're going for, I'm sure. But definitely memorable. 

Here's the lineup:

  • Tuesday, 9/3 - K3-K4 and Senior guys
  • Wednesday, 9/4 - K5-3rd
  • Monday, 9/9 - 4th-6th and Senior girls
  • Tuesday, 9/10 - 7th-11th 

Grandparent's Day, 9/6, 10:00 am

There will be a Grandparents Day Celebration on Friday, September 6th that will not only bless Grandparents, but possibly bring a tear to your eye. Maybe two. 

Meet us in the church auditorium at 10:00 (you'll probably want to be there earlier than that, it really is a popular event and you're going to want to sit down for a little bit) and watch some of the cutest kids in Middle Tennessee sing the praises of Grandparents. 

Once the program is over, Grandparents (and parents) are welcome to pick up their 1st through 6th grade grandchildren in the grand hallway. Seriously, you cannot miss it. It's the hall with all the kids.

Preschool and Kindergarten students can be picked up in their classrooms.

Please fill out the form that was sent home and return it to your teacher by Wednesday, September 4th. Didn't get your form? Here you go. Print it out and fill it out. We're super excited to see you all!

(And before you complain all you 7th-12th graders, y'all have 2 Merit Days!) :)

Lost & Found, 9/4-9/6

Our very first lost and found of the school year will be September 4th - 6th. If you have lost a shoe, lunchbox, shorts, PE shirt, regular shirt, coat, jacket, glove, hairbrush, water bottle, toothbrush, deodorant stick, or sock, you'll want to stop by and check the table. If you think that there's no way possible it could be on that table, check it anyway. You have no idea what can be found in our little sales. 

Everything's $1. Even if it's yours.

Don't feel like paying a handling fee? Not a problem. Feel free to grub around the bins before the items hit the table. :)

101 Random

Send your answers in, WITHOUT using Google, and I'll put your name in a bowl for every correct answer. At the end of the month, 1 lucky person will win a Hershey bar!

Last week's answers:
  • Where in Jericho did Rahab hide Israelite spies? on her roof
  • What did Joshua ask God to make the sun do for a day? stand still
  • How many times did Samson lie to Delilah? three
  • Who was the next Israelite leader after Moses? Joshua
  • The Bible only names 3 angels - Lucifer, Gabriel, and who was the other? Michael
This week's questions:
  • Which of these doesn't belong: Dominoes, Scrabble, Monopoly, Mah-Jongg
  • Which of these doesn't belong: Air Hog, Koosh, Wiffle, Nerf
  • Why do these belong together: Slinky, water source, sudden jump
  • Why do these belong together: Stroganoff, Wellington, Chateaubriand
  • What is the common bond between these: Vitamin type, clamp type, Roman Numeral for 100
Have a laugh or two:
  • Don't know if you've heard, but worrying works. 90% of the stuff I worry about never happens...
  • 70% of the Earth is water but it's non-carbonated. So it is, in fact, flat.
  • If you have six oranges in one hand, and 12 bananas in the other, what do you have? Big hands.
  • What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A pouch potato.
  • What do you call bears with no ears? B.
Heard from the other room:
"Can we get a kitten?" 
"No, I'm allergic." 
"You could sleep outside."

Send me an email with your answers to this week's questions and be put in the running for a Hershey Bar at the end of the month!

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