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August 22, 2024

8/23 - Varsity, Creekside Classic Tournament, Away, TBA
8/24 - Varsity, Creekside Classic Tournament, Away, TBA
8/26 - MS, Riverside, Home, 4:00
8/26 - Varsity, Riverside, Home, 5:00
8/26 - MS, Franklin Classical, Home, 6:30
8/26 - Varsity, Franklin Classical, Home, 7:30
8/27 - MS, South Haven, Away, 5:00
8/27 - Varsity, South Haven, Away, 6:00
8/29 - MS, FH Jenkins, Away, 5:00
8/29 - Varsity, FC Boyd, Away, 6:00
8/30 - MS, Zion Christian, Away, 5:00
8/30 - Varsity, Zion Christian, Away, 6:00

8/26 - Cedar Crest, 3:00
8/27 - Merrol Hyde, 3:00
8/29 - South Haven, 3:30

Cross Country
8/24 - MS & Varsity, Zion Christian, Away, 8:00 
8/30 - MS, Webb, Away, 5:30
8/30 - Varsity, Webb, Away, 7:10

Smart Cards, 8/30

If you haven't yet had a chance to stop in my office and pick up a few Smart Cards, be sure to do so as soon as possible. The last day to turn in any unsold cards is August 30th. And, the last day to turn in money from sold cards guessed it...August 30th. So what we really want you to remember is August 30th. 

Not sure if your neighbor, your second uncle, or your favorite goldfish sitter would like a smart card? Just ask. They really do sell themselves. Well. I'm sure you know what I mean.

Forms, 8/30

August 30th seems like it's going to be a day to remember. (Would that make it a memorial day? Asking for a friend.) Anyway, if you haven't submitted your forms yet, please do so as soon as possible. Seriously. These are super important. 

If you're unsure if you did submit them, please take a moment and double check. Quite a few have come through blank. And I'm pretty sure you're going to want us to have that information. Because if Billy wants to go home with Roger and needs to call home, I'm going to need your correct number so Billy get call and wheedle you until you give in. Or you crush his soul. Whichever. I'm not here to judge. ;)

It is my plan to start emailing regarding any missing or problem forms by September 2nd. And if you've seen my desk recently, you stand a pretty good chance that it may happen a little thereafter. Oi, it's a good thing my desk is so big. I would be even crazier if I didn't have all that space to put piles of paperwork. (We all know it wouldn't be a pretty sight to see an even crazier cat lady.) ;^)

Labor Day, 9/2

On June 28, 1894 Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September a day to honor the achievements of working Americans. And what better way to celebrate a great work ethic than to not go to work?! No argument here, thank you very much!

September 2nd, there will be no school. So stay home. Keep your pajamas on. Go to bed late Sunday night. Or early if you're an early bird like me. Anyway. Just be sure to remember to put in your lunch order Sunday night, September 1st by 11:59 and be at school Tuesday, September 3rd at the normal time. Enjoy!

New Parent's Meeting, 9/3, 7:00 pm

If you're new to FRCS, we understand that there may be times you feel a little disconnected. You have questions and you don't know who to ask or what to do. Join us September 3rd at 7:00 and get better acquainted with the many facets that make up FRCS. Have a question? Raise your hand and ask it. Not sure how such and such works? Someone will be there to help you. This evening is just for you!

  • There will be a Junior parent meeting in the Teen Room at 5:45
  • There will be a Senior parent meeting in the Choir Room at 6:15
  • At least 1 parent from each family needs to attend these meetings (if they pertain to you). Students are welcome to attend but not required.

Grandparent's Day, 9/6, 10:00 am

What better way to show someone you care than to have a little program honoring and thanking them for all they've done? Join our preschool through 6th graders September 6th at 10:00 in the church auditorium for a quick and cute little program.

After the program, grandparents are welcome to take their preschool through 6th graders out for the rest of the day and make wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. (With parental permission, of course. We don't want any rogue grannies here, thank you very much!) Pickup will be in the grand hallway in the church. Don't know where that is? Look for a large group of people. Chances are you're in the right spot. Seriously. If you miss it, um, turn around and look again...

Traffic Rules

The first 2 weeks of school are almost over and not to be repeated. There have been a few hiccups and bumps and bruises, maybe a grumpy person or two (I do apologize and I promise, I do try to keep it to a minimum, but sometimes, whew things can get scratchy real quick!) but all in all, it's been a pretty good start to a new school year. 

Just a few reminders as you're here on campus. 

  • Speed limit is 10 mph. This is non-negotiable. Any faster and we may have to take drastic steps to make you slow down.
  • Stopping/Parking on crosswalks. Don't do it. Seriously. Don't. If you want your student to walk into school and you're not utilizing the drop off line, park your car. In a parking spot. A real one. Not one that you imagine has lines around it. We do watch and you will be asked to remove your vehicle from that imaginary parking spot. It'll be awkward, and we don't want that as much as you don't.
  • If you have dropped your student off and they're safely inside the school and school is about to start, we ask that you do not stay on premises in your car. It makes people nervous and we hear all about it. Which is good but also bad. Again. Think awkward. Please, if you don't have to be at work until 9:30, feel free to sit in a parking lot...somewhere else. Like Walmart. Or Kohls.

101 Random

Send your answers in, WITHOUT using Google, and I'll put your name in a bowl for every correct answer. At the end of the month, 1 lucky person will win a Hershey bar!

Last week's answers:

  • What bird often slides across ice on its stomach? penguin
  • Without using Google or looking at a map, which state borders Arkansas to the north? Missouri
  • What material does the potter wasp use to build its jug-shaped nest? mud
  • What country's people serve "trotters", "bath chaps", and "griskins" for dinner? Ireland
  • Who's heart generally pumps faster - a man's or a woman's? a woman's
This week's questions:
  • Where in Jericho did Rahab hide Israelite spies?
  • What did Joshua ask God to make the sun do for a day?
  • How many times did Samson lie to Delilah?
  • Who was the next Israelite leader after Moses?
  • The Bible only names 3 angels - Lucifer, Gabriel, and who was the other? 
Kids say the funniest things:
  • "My name is Liz. Short for Lizard. NOT Elizabeth."
  • "My aunt is my mom's sister! What a small world!"
  • "I thought I needed a hug, but I really need pancakes." - me too, small one. Me too.

Coming Up Next...

9/2 - NO School - Labor Day
9/3 - Junior/Senior/New Parent Meetings
9/3-9/4 - Fall Portraits
9/6 - Grandparent's Day
9/9-9/10 - Fall Portraits, Senior Formal Images
9/14-9/18 - FRBC Fall Tent Revival
9/26-9/27 - Fall Break

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