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May 24, 2024


VBS, June 10th - 12th

Wondering what you're going to do with your K4 - 6th grader through the summer? If you don't have plans, we would love for you to join us for this year's Vacation Bible School. June 10th through the 12th, there will be games, crafts, story time, and snacks. Doors open at 8:30 and pickup will be at 12 noon. 

*For clarification - if your student just graduated from 6th grade, they have officially graduated from VBS as well. Sorry about that. 

Congratulations Class of 2024!

The halls are emptier. The atmosphere has changed. The Seniors are gone and the 11th graders are gearing up to take their place come next fall.

Everyone has been counting the days and the days are upon us. Those difficult moments when we were certain the end wouldn't come - have passed. All those tests, quizzes, and homework assignments are at an end. 

You had a job to do and it is now finished. That chapter is closing - never to return. Change is here and things will fade and new things will take their place. It's inevitable. Reality never repeats. Hang on to all those moments you thought would be here forever. Right now they're fresh, but they will pass into memories and those memories will become precious.

You're stepping out into the big world and leaving us behind. We're cheering you on - with bittersweet tears. We've been where you're standing - we've faced a future with so many possibilities that it can be overwhelming.

But it's your turn now. You've been given the tools you need to succeed. The foundation is sure - remember the wise man built his house upon the rock - and that's what every teacher here taught you. It's up to you now. You get to choose where you're going to build - the sand of the world or the Rock of Jesus.

We will be watching to see what God does with you. We will miss you. Our halls will be a little quieter for a time. Make your mark on the world but when you do, make sure it's a good one. 

Only one life will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.

We will miss you. 

July Mailout

Be on the lookout for the July mailout. In that mailout, you will receive all the answers to your questions. Unless you're asking things like do snails have nostrils or where do you sign up for the extreme ironing competition. Those answers will not be in there.

If we don't have your correct address, we're going to need that. Please call us and let us know what the correct one is. If we don't have the correct phone number for Uncle Hershel and Auntie Edna and they're going to pick up your student in the fall, we will need that too.

If your student (6th - 12th) will be participating in sports, they will need a current physical on file. We have those in the office. Or we can email you a copy for you to print out. 

If your student had medicine in the office, you'll probably want to swing by and pick that up. You may need it over the summer. Kids like to breathe - it's kind of what they do.

Summer in Tennessee

Another chapter has ended and a new one is beginning. Enjoy your summer and make your memories. Go to the beach. Go to Cedar Point. Travel abroad and meet new people. Take a cruise. Or stay home and enjoy every second God gifts you. It's yours to do with what you will.

If you're coming back to FRCS, we will see you in August - and while I admit that I was one of those counting the days until summer break, (there were some pretty difficult times mixed in this past year) I'll miss you while we're apart. It's like the hall holds its breath waiting for you to return.

For those of you who are not coming back to FRCS, we truly wish you the best. We tried to be what you needed. To teach you the right things and we hope that God uses you in a mighty way as you venture beyond our walls. 

Summer Office Hours: 9-1

Orientation Day: August 9, 2024

First Day of School: August 12, 2024


Dad Jokes

And just to help get you through the summer, or so you don't forget me, or maybe because I'm going to miss you, here are a few dad jokes. Enjoy!
  • Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer? llɐq ǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ ʎɐʍɐ ƃuıuunɹ sʎɐʍlɐ sɐʍ ǝɥs
  • What do you call a well-balanced horse? ǝlqɐʇs
  • How do you make an eggroll? ʇı lloɹ noʎ
  • Why do cows wear bells? ʞɹoʍ ʇ,uop suɹoɥ ɹıǝɥʇ ǝsnɐɔǝq
  • Where was King David's temple located? ɹɐǝ sıɥ oʇ ʇxǝu
  • What's red and bad for your teeth? ʞɔıɹq ɐ
  • What has more lives than a cat? ʎɐpʎɹǝʌǝ sʞɐoɹɔ ʇı ǝsnɐɔǝq ƃoɹɟ ɐ
  • What do you call a fist without an eye? ɥsɟ
  • What do sea monsters eat? sdıɥs puɐ ɥsıɟ
  • Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? slǝƃɐq pǝllɐɔ ǝq plnoʍ ʎǝɥʇ 'ʎɐq ǝɥʇ ɹǝʌo ʍǝlɟ ʎǝɥʇ ɟı
  • How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? sǝlʞɔıʇ uǝʇ
  • What kind of tree can you hold in your hand? ǝǝɹʇ ɯlɐd ɐ
  • What did 0 say to 8? ¡ʇlǝq ǝɔıu
  • What did the drummer name her twin daughters? 2 ɐuuɐ '1 ɐuuɐ

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