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April 4, 2024



4/4 - Varsity Soccer, Away, South Haven, 5:00
4/5 - Varsity Soccer, Away, Berean, 4:00
4/6 - Varsity Soccer, Away, Temple Baptist Academy, 11:30
4/8 - Varsity Soccer, Home, Lighthouse, 4:00
4/12 - MS Soccer, Away, Friendship Christian, 5:00, location TBD


4/4 - Varsity Softball, Away, South Haven, 4:30, location TBD
4/5 - Varsity Softball, Away, Riverside, 4:00, location TBD
4/8 - Varsity Softball, Away, Clarksville Christian, 5:00


4/4 - V & JV Baseball, Home, MT Heat, 4:30 - DH
4/4 - MS Baseball, Away, Thurman Francis, 4:30 
4/5 - MS Baseball, Home, Monarchs, 5:00 - DH
4/5 - Varsity Baseball, Away, Riverside, 4:00, location TBD
4/8 - Varsity & MS Baseball, Away, Clarksville, Varsity - 4:30; MS - 6:30
4/11 - MS Baseball, Home, MT Heat, 5:00

No School - Solar Eclipse Day, 4/8

There will be NO SCHOOL Monday, April 8th due to inclement weather (solar eclipse). There will be no late stay and no lunches as well. School will resume as a FULL DAY Tuesday, April 9th.

New Parent Alert Code

Just FYI, there will be a new short code used for Parent Alerts. Please add 317065 to your contact list so you will never be left out of important Parent Alerts. Thanks in advance!

Field Day - Tomorrow!

The day has arrived. Well, tomorrow it will have arrived, but I digress. Tomorrow 1st through 6th graders will be competing to see who the fastest runner is in their classes, or who can jump the farthest, or who is the best hula hooper around. 

Festivities start with prayer at the flagpole at 9:00 and will continue until noon. So keep your eye on the weather to be prepared. Sunscreen, hat, gloves, PE shorts, leggings, puffy coat, umbrella. You never know what we're going to get. 

(The East entry doors (drop off and pick up side) will be open tomorrow for your restroom convenience.)

If you haven't ordered your lunch for tomorrow, you really need to. Yesterday was the deadline, but I know a guy. Or gal. And don't forget to bring a little mad money as Van Horn Cookies and Just Love Coffee will be on site! Which is where you'll probably find me if I happen to be missing...

25% Spiritwear Sale - Today and Tomorrow ONLY

In honor of Field Day, we are having a 25% off spiritwear sale today (4/4) and tomorrow (4/5) only. First come, first served. 

State Competition Results

I'm not sure if you've noticed it or not, but we have quite a few winners here at FRCS. Congratulations to everyone who competed and those who won at this year's State Competition. We're so proud of each of you!

On To Nationals! 4/9-4/12

They have proven they have the chops to make it and onward to Nationals they go! Next week, 4/9 - 4/12 FRCS will be taking 54 students to compete against the best of the best at the TACS Nationals at Bob Jones University in South Carolina. I'm feeling pretty confident that we will have some national winners coming home! Good luck to each of you and safe travels. We will be praying and keeping our fingers crossed.

Walkathon, 4/26

Every year, we endeavor to raise funds for a special project to improve our school. This year, funds raised will be used to install artificial turf on both playgrounds (no more MULCH!!) as well as renovate both locker rooms.

  • Elementary Fun Day will be 5/10 - this is for all elementary students who raise $50
  • All elementary classes that reach their class goals will receive a 2-hour fun day pass
Here's what students can get:
  • $50 - 2 hour fun day pass for K3-6 / 1 day exam permit for 7-12
  • $100 - 4 hour fun day pass for K3-6 / 3 day exam permit for 7-12
  • $250 - lunch credit of $25
  • $500 - lunch credit of $50
  • $1000 - lunch credit of $100
  • $5000 - tuition credit of $1000
  • $10,000 - tuition credit of $2,500
Pay $25 to walk with your student and make memories that will last a lifetime!

Seniors! Your Graduation Time Has Changed, 5/24

If you made it this far innto the parent page, I'm proud of you. Thank you it means a lot to me. Just FYI, Graduation on May 24th has changed from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Do You Know?

  • Which is true - sea snail mucus was once used to make purple dye or the same snail won the world snail racing championships in 2016 and 2017? Purple Dye! A very sad day for all you slimy snail racing enthusiasts.
  • Which has more bones a newborn baby or an adult? - A newborn baby
  • Which is true - crocodiles can grow uip to 50 feet long or large crocodiles have been known to survive for more than 1 year without eating? 1 year without eating. I wonder if they do that when they're feeling a little rotund...
  • Which one is true - a group of sharks is called a shiver or a group of sharks is called a quiver? A shiver! And you can remember that by knowing that if you saw a group of sharks swimming together you'd probably shiver.
  • Which one is louder - the loudest human snore or a vacuum cleaner? Loudest human snore. And  I believe my husband holds that record.
  • Which one flies higher in the sky - a bald eagle or a bumblebee? A bumblebee. 
  • Which is smaller - Sputnik 1, the first satellite in space, or an elephant? Sputnik 1 

Interesting Tennessee Facts

  • Mountain Dew was created in TN in the 1940's. And we thought they were so innocent way back then...I can just imagine the sugar rush they all had!
  • Reelfoot Lake was created by earthquakes in the 1800's
  • TN got the nickname the Volunteer State because so many soldiers volunteered to fight in the war of 1812
  • Sweetwater TN has the largest underground lake in the United States. It's pretty cool (both figuratively and temperature wise) and the fish that live in the water have gone blind. Very much worth a day trip.
  • The very first towtruck was invented in TN in 1916. And it was probably made necessary because of the phrase, "Hey guys, watch this..."

Coming Up Next...

  • 4/5 - Elementary Field Day
  • 4/15 - K5 Cap & Gown Pictures
  • 4/26 - Walkathon
  • 5/10 - Walkathon Reward Day
  • 5/13-5/17 - Senior Class Trip
  • 5/14 - Merit Day
  • 5/20-5/23 - Final Exams
  • 5/20 - 6th Grade Graduation
  • 5/21 - K5 Play and Graduation
  • 5/22 - Baccalaureate 7:00 pm
  • 5/23 - Last Day of School - 11:30 dismissal
  • 5/24 - Senior Graduation - 6:00 pm

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