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April 25, 2024


4/25 - Varsity Soccer, Away, Franklin Classical, 5:00, location TBD
4/26 - Varsity Soccer, Home, South Haven, 4:00 Senior Night!
4/29  - Varsity Soccer, Away, Dickson Christian, 4:00
5/2-5/4 - TACS Girls Soccer Tournament, location TBD
5/3 - MS Soccer, Away, Upperman, 5:30, location TBD


4/25 - Varsity Softball, Away, Christian Community, 4:00, location TBD
4/26 - Varsity Softball, Home, South Haven, 4:00 Senior Night!
4/29 - Varsity Softball, Away, Zion Christian, 6:00
5/2-5/4 - TACS State Softball Tournament, location TBD


4/25 - Varsity Baseball, Away, Christian Community, 4:30, DH
4/25 - MS Baseball, Away, Pleasant View, 5:00, location TBD
4/26 - Varsity & MS Baseball, Home, South Haven, V - 4:00; MS - 6:00 Senior Night!
4/29 - MS Baseball, Home, Franklin Classical, 5:30
4/29 - Varsity Baseball, Away, Zion Christian, 6:00, location TBD
4/30 - MS Baseball, Home, Thurman Francis, 4:30
5/2-5/4 - TACS State Baseball Tournament, location TBD

Thank You!

As FRCS continues to grow, so does our need for improvements to our facilities. This year's donations will go towards playground and locker room upgrades. Thank you so much for your support - we couldn't do this without you!

Tomorrow, students will meet in their classrooms for attendance at 8 am. Walking will commence in the lower parking lot at 8:30 and Trikeathon will be in the upper parking lot. (Yes, they will need to bring their own tricycle/bike.) The plan is to have all walking finished and students back in their classes by 1 pm. Hopefully everyone will still be able to use their legs at the end of the day. (They really do get into this - they're seriously motivated!) And, just going to throw it out there, I don't believe sleeping in this Saturday will be a problem. You're welcome.

Anyone who would like to join us in our walk tomorrow may do so with a $25 donation. 

Lost & Found Sale, 4/24-4/26

Please don't forget to stop by the tables in front of the office and look through the lost and found. You never know what's out there. Literally-you really don't know. And the best part? There's ONLY a $1 handling and storage fee. How awesome is that?!

Walkathon Fun Day, 5/10

Walkathon Reward/Fun Day will be May 10th. Preschool through 6th graders who raised $50 will get a 2-hr pass to the bouncy houses and those who raised $100 will get a 4-hr pass. Looks like another sleep-in Saturday for you on the 11th. You're welcome. 

7th-12th graders who raise $50 will receive a 1-day exam pass and those who raised $100 will receive 3-day exam passes. For those of you who have no idea what exam passes are: once your student has completed all their exams on (insert day here), they may use an exam pass to leave school early. Which means, if they raised $100, they could quite easily have an entire week of half days. Which is awesome. If this is your student, please have them at least come by the elementary office on that last day so that nice office lady can say goodbye. She will miss those kiddos! Plus they kind of have to sign out or it will make us panic.

2024 Honor Society New Inductees

We would like to extend a hearty welcome and congratulations to our newest Honor Society Inductees:

  • Noah Griffin
  • Colin Harward
  • Micah Warthan
  • Joanna Abraham  
  • Alexis Davenport
  • Ethan Courtoy
  • Luke Skordinski
  • Will Skordinski
  • Noah Avery
  • Justin Ayoub
  • Jillian Canning
  • Kara Henderson
  • Jade Hibpshman
  • Carly Keith
  • Emily Patterson
  • Jay Pearson
  • Julianna Ramsey
  • Tori Robertson
  • Matthew Robinson
  • Tiki Timmons
Congratulations to each of you - we're glad to have you become a part of this group of wonderful young people.

Merit Day, 5/14

If your 7th - 11th grader comes home and tells you they don't have to go to school on Tuesday, May 14th, they really might be telling you the truth. If students in 7th - 11th grades have under 10 demerits, they can stay home on the 14th. It's our way of saying thank you to those who have tried so hard this second semester.

Upcoming Field Trips

These may be the best of times, but they're not quite over yet. Here's a lineup of some upcoming field trips:

  • 5/1 - K4 Arts Center of Cannon County - Finding Nemo
  • 5/3 - K5 Arts Center of Cannon County - Finding Nemo
  • 5/3 - Home Economics - TN Meat Company
  • 5/10 - 3rd Grade - Nashville Zoo
  • 5/13-5/17 - Senior Class Trip - Florida (I'm so jealous!)
  • 5/14 - Merit Day - 7th - 11th

Teacher Appreciation Week, 5/6-5/10

The 1st week of May is always Teacher Appreciation Week and I would like us all to use this week as an opportunity to let those teachers know how much they're cared for and appreciated. 

There will be a spot in the gym lobby where you can write a note to your teacher. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Or tell them you like their shoes. Or they have great hair. Whatever - use your imagination if you don't like their shoes or their hair, but I do hope you'll stop by and write something nice. It's truly amazing how much good a cute note will do.

Gala, May 23rd

Gala tickets are now on sale in the high school office. Student and parent tickets are $40, all others are $55. This is a perfect way to start your summer off just right. Dress up, have a fantastic dinner, and enjoy the awards ceremony. Every year Gala is different and new memories are made. Don't miss your chance to say goodbye for the summer and congratulate others around you. You don't want to miss it.

Seniors! Your Graduation Time Has Changed, 5/24

Graduation on May 24th has changed from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Coming Up Next...

  • 4/26 - Walkathon - PE shorts to the knee. Please bring school clothes to change into afterward.
  • 5/10 - Walkathon Reward Day for Preschool through 6th grade
  • 5/13-5/17 - Senior Class Trip
  • 5/14 - Merit Day
  • 5/20-5/23 - Final Exams
  • 5/20 - 6th Grade Graduation
  • 5/21 - K5 Play and Graduation
  • 5/22 - Baccalaureate 7:00 pm
  • 5/23 - Last Day of School - 11:30 dismissal
  • 5/24 - Senior Graduation - 6:00 pm

This Weekend at Linebaugh Library, 4/27

So a little birdy told me that our very own Brooks Harmon will be at the Linebaugh Library this Saturday, April 27th from 9 to 1 for a book signing. As in, his very own book. Yes. The book he wrote...which is very cool and awesome. You know what would be even cooler? If you went to support him in this endeavor. Congratulations to you, Brooks!  

These Are The Good Times

I've heard it said that these are the best of times and I am inclined to believe it. Enjoy these snapshots of some of the goings on around FRCS:

Have a few pictures you think would look great in a future Parent Page? Please email them to me and be on the lookout! You never know who will be featured.

Just for Laughs

  • Did you know that it is illegal in Switzerland to own only 1 Guinea pig? It's true. It is considered animal abuse because they are social animals. I wonder if my husband would believe me if I told him that he needs to be more social because his lack of communicating could be considered wife abuse. Do you think it would make him talk more? May have to set up a poll.
  • Baby rabbits are called kits. Which is pretty cute. In fact, baby rabbits seem to be the only thing my garden ever grows. I can't even grow weeds. It's an affliction.
  • A chef's hat has 100 pleats supposedly because there are 100 different ways to cook an egg. I know three. I feel like I'm a little slow in this area and yet I have no desire to learn more. Boiled. Scrambled. Fried. My life is complete. 
  • I have read that there is a species of ant unique to New York. They're called Manhatt Ants. If that isn't the most boujie thing you've ever heard, I need to know what tops it. Come see me. We'll talk.
  • And on the heels of the previous sentence, who-I ask you-WHO, stares at ants so much they know when one LOOKS DIFFERENT?!?! I've found 3 different ants that I can recognize rather quickly. Black ants (big and small ones), red ants (they make you move funny when they snack on you), and the large furry red ones (yes, FURRY) that you can run over with a car and they laugh at you. I believe they're mutants of some sort but that's just my opinion.

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