Last week was rather quiet around FRCS with all those kids being in South Carolina for Nationals. Not going to lie, I'm super glad they're back. It's just not the same without them! We want to thank everyone who participated this year - y'all make this such an enjoyable event and it's great to see so many talented kids around here! Speaking of talent - a special congratulations goes out to...
- Choral Group - 3rd
- Colin Harward - dramatic speech - 2nd
- Amelia Babb - monochromatic drawing - 2nd, and polychromatic drawing - 1st
- Isaac Spencer - trumpet - 1st
- Band - 1st
Honor Society Induction, 4/22
I don't know if I've mentioned it or not before, but I do believe with my whole heart that we have quite an amazing group of students here at FRCS. Join us for our annual Honor Society Induction Ceremony April 22nd at 9:45 am in the church auditorium. Afterward, the students will be going out to lunch with Mr. Kramer and Pastor and Mrs. Norris; you may pick them up afterward (or they may drive home if they're of that age. Or have a license. You know - all the things. It must be legal. What kind of program do you think we're running here?!) They are not required to return to school that afternoon.
ACT Test, 4/23
The ACT test will be April 23rd so make sure your students get good rest and a great breakfast the day of. Those who signed up to take the ACT will need to report to their homeroom for attendance, then go directly to the Fellowship Hall to put their little gray cells to the test. (See what I did there? taps fake microphone...)
If you've found yourself wondering why the ACT test is important, here's a few facts you may find interesting:
- the ACT has 4 required sections - math, English, reading, and science
- those sections are strictly timed. As in strictly. 36 seconds for each English question, etc. See what I mean by strictly? That alone would cause me to panic. Pretty confident that's all I could think of if I had to take this test.
- the ACT score ranges from 1-36 with 36 being the top of the top. Like, top. Any scores 34 and up mean that you're in the 99-100th percentile. Because you scored better than 99% of all the other test takers. Obviously you're pretty smart if you score that high.
- the ACT test measures a high school student's readiness for college. The better the score, the more college options you have.
- hiring a person to take the ACT for you is a crime. And it has been done. Talk about embarrassing! How in the world would you even explain that to your parents?!
Lost & Found Sale, 4/24-4/26
Only two more lost & found sales for this year. Next week, Wednesday through Friday, we will be having a lost & found sale so come prepared to find your next treasure. Tables should be up and running first thing Wednesday morning. :)
Walk a Thon, 4/26 (donations due 4/24)

Next Friday, Walkathon will commence. This year has flown by. The plan is to start walking promptly at 8:30 am. Students may wear PE shorts to the knee and students will return to class at 1:00. They will need to bring school clothes (dress code) to change into after Walkathon is finished.
No one is required to participate. However, those who choose not to do so will stay in their classes. Anyone who chooses to walk, must raise a minimum of $25. (Please see flyer for important details.)
- Preschool through 6th Grade - Fun Day is May 10th. $25 to walk, $50 for 2-hr Fun Day, $100 for 4-hr Fun Day.
- 7th-12th Grades - $25 to walk, $50 for 1 day Exam Pass (use to leave after finished taking exams for that day), $100 for 3 day Exam Pass. (Trust me. They want those exam passes. If you haven't seen these kids descend upon the offices with their passes, you may want to come inside just to watch. It's definitely a spectacle. Memorable to say the least.)
Have more questions that I haven't answered? Give the office a call and we will do our best to answer you.
Please turn in donations in by April 24 to make sure your student receives the correct prizes/rewards.
If you would like to pay online, please do so using this link: and NOT the pushpay link on the flyer that was sent home. Thank you so much for your support!
Teacher Appreciation Week, 5/6-5/10
Just wanted to throw it out there that May 6th through the 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week. This is when schools across the country set aside time to show their child's teachers that they appreciate all they've done through the year. Or tried to do. Or appreciate that they don't have that much time left in that class. Or doing a job parents wouldn't want to do. There are so many variables, if we're being honest, so just fill in the blank. All that to say - there will be a place in front of the gym set up where you or your child can write a little note to their teacher and it will be delivered to that teacher by fairies, elves, or possibly gremlins. Depending on my mood...;)
Gala, May 23rd
Gala tickets are now on sale in the high school office. Student and parent tickets are $40. All others are $55. This is a perfect way to start your summer off just right. Dress up, have a fantastic dinner, and enjoy the awards ceremony. Every year Gala is different and new memories are made. Don't miss your chance to say goodbye for the summer and congratulate others around you. You don't want to miss it.
Seniors! Your Graduation Time Has Changed, 5/24
- Two weeks every June, the fireflies in the Great Smoky Mountains flash their little lights. I know what you're thinking. Fireflies everywhere flash their little lights, why is this special. These little guys do their flashing in synchronization. As in, all together. Which is weird. Kind of not normal. But now I want to go and see this phenomenon. (Gatlinburg)
- Travel to Sweetwater, TN and see the Underground Lake with its blind fish. But don't even think about touching the water. If you do, you'll be booted out. I can vouch for this - it's pretty cool. Seriously. Go on a day when it's so hot you feel like your skin is melting off and take to the cave. It's perfect. (Sweetwater)
- Like caves? Visit the Forbidden Caverns in Sevierville, TN and see some of the most beautiful caves around with lots to look at. Tall people? You're going to want to duck. Always a little cold? You're going to want to bring a sweater or jacket as it can get a little chilly. Having hot flashes? No sweater necessary. (Sevierville)
- If you like off-roading in your ATV, I've got to say, Pickett State Park is the place to go. You won't want to miss places like "Wow" outlook (I kid you not. That's the name and it really is the first thing you say when you see it.) and "Tea Cup Natural Arch" (do not get too close to the edge. Seriously. Don't. If you do, do not tell me about it. I don't want to hear it. I will panic.) you will be amazed at the wonderful places God has created. (Jamestown)
- Like hiking? Why not visit Virgin Falls Pocket Wilderness in Sparta. So many beautiful things to see here. But be warned. Hiking from the parking lot to the Virgin Falls and back is a 5 to 8 hour hike. And if your kids are not fond of hiking, (like my daughter), you will hear about it every. single. step. But it will be a memory to cherish with blackmailing possibilites in future years. Again. If your child(ren) were like mine. (Sparta)
Coming Up Next...
- 4/26 - Walkathon - PE shorts to the knee. Please bring school clothes to change into afterward.
- 5/10 - Walkathon Reward Day for Preschool through 6th grade
- 5/13-5/17 - Senior Class Trip
- 5/14 - Merit Day
- 5/20-5/23 - Final Exams
- 5/20 - 6th Grade Graduation
- 5/21 - K5 Play and Graduation
- 5/22 - Baccalaureate 7:00 pm
- 5/23 - Last Day of School - 11:30 dismissal
- 5/24 - Senior Graduation - 6:00 pm
Just for Laughs
- I've heard people say that you're only as old as you feel. Welp, today, I'm feeling like I'm an exhumed mummy so y'all be nice.
- Yesterday at Walmart, I had the rudest, slowest, and meanest cashier ever. That's definitely the last time I use the self checkout.
- As I grow older, I realize how good God is to have our bodies age slowly. Way more easier to be horrified just a little bit every day than all at once.
- Having trouble sleeping? Here's some tips: 1. Be old. 2. Sit in a chair. Problem solved.
- Quick question: Do you blow on your food when it's hot, or do you just hasafashafsas until you can chew it? Asking for a friend.
- Did you know that alligators can live up to 100 years? Which is why it's entirely possible that they will indeed see you later.
- And lastly, in case you were wondering, thin mints don't work. I've tried.
The ACT test will be April 23rd so make sure your students get good rest and a great breakfast the day of. Those who signed up to take the ACT will need to report to their homeroom for attendance, then go directly to the Fellowship Hall to put their little gray cells to the test. (See what I did there? taps fake microphone...) If you've found yourself wondering why the ACT test is important, here's a few facts you may find interesting:
- the ACT has 4 required sections - math, English, reading, and science
- those sections are strictly timed. As in strictly. 36 seconds for each English question, etc. See what I mean by strictly? That alone would cause me to panic. Pretty confident that's all I could think of if I had to take this test.
- the ACT score ranges from 1-36 with 36 being the top of the top. Like, top. Any scores 34 and up mean that you're in the 99-100th percentile. Because you scored better than 99% of all the other test takers. Obviously you're pretty smart if you score that high.
- the ACT test measures a high school student's readiness for college. The better the score, the more college options you have.
- hiring a person to take the ACT for you is a crime. And it has been done. Talk about embarrassing! How in the world would you even explain that to your parents?!
Lost & Found Sale, 4/24-4/26
Only two more lost & found sales for this year. Next week, Wednesday through Friday, we will be having a lost & found sale so come prepared to find your next treasure. Tables should be up and running first thing Wednesday morning. :)
Walk a Thon, 4/26 (donations due 4/24)
Next Friday, Walkathon will commence. This year has flown by. The plan is to start walking promptly at 8:30 am. Students may wear PE shorts to the knee and students will return to class at 1:00. They will need to bring school clothes (dress code) to change into after Walkathon is finished.
No one is required to participate. However, those who choose not to do so will stay in their classes. Anyone who chooses to walk, must raise a minimum of $25. (Please see flyer for important details.)
- Preschool through 6th Grade - Fun Day is May 10th. $25 to walk, $50 for 2-hr Fun Day, $100 for 4-hr Fun Day.
- 7th-12th Grades - $25 to walk, $50 for 1 day Exam Pass (use to leave after finished taking exams for that day), $100 for 3 day Exam Pass. (Trust me. They want those exam passes. If you haven't seen these kids descend upon the offices with their passes, you may want to come inside just to watch. It's definitely a spectacle. Memorable to say the least.)
Have more questions that I haven't answered? Give the office a call and we will do our best to answer you.
Please turn in donations in by April 24 to make sure your student receives the correct prizes/rewards.
If you would like to pay online, please do so using this link: and NOT the pushpay link on the flyer that was sent home. Thank you so much for your support!
Teacher Appreciation Week, 5/6-5/10
Just wanted to throw it out there that May 6th through the 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week. This is when schools across the country set aside time to show their child's teachers that they appreciate all they've done through the year. Or tried to do. Or appreciate that they don't have that much time left in that class. Or doing a job parents wouldn't want to do. There are so many variables, if we're being honest, so just fill in the blank. All that to say - there will be a place in front of the gym set up where you or your child can write a little note to their teacher and it will be delivered to that teacher by fairies, elves, or possibly gremlins. Depending on my mood...;)
Just wanted to throw it out there that May 6th through the 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week. This is when schools across the country set aside time to show their child's teachers that they appreciate all they've done through the year. Or tried to do. Or appreciate that they don't have that much time left in that class. Or doing a job parents wouldn't want to do. There are so many variables, if we're being honest, so just fill in the blank. All that to say - there will be a place in front of the gym set up where you or your child can write a little note to their teacher and it will be delivered to that teacher by fairies, elves, or possibly gremlins. Depending on my mood...;)
Gala, May 23rd
Gala tickets are now on sale in the high school office. Student and parent tickets are $40. All others are $55. This is a perfect way to start your summer off just right. Dress up, have a fantastic dinner, and enjoy the awards ceremony. Every year Gala is different and new memories are made. Don't miss your chance to say goodbye for the summer and congratulate others around you. You don't want to miss it.
Seniors! Your Graduation Time Has Changed, 5/24
- Two weeks every June, the fireflies in the Great Smoky Mountains flash their little lights. I know what you're thinking. Fireflies everywhere flash their little lights, why is this special. These little guys do their flashing in synchronization. As in, all together. Which is weird. Kind of not normal. But now I want to go and see this phenomenon. (Gatlinburg)
- Travel to Sweetwater, TN and see the Underground Lake with its blind fish. But don't even think about touching the water. If you do, you'll be booted out. I can vouch for this - it's pretty cool. Seriously. Go on a day when it's so hot you feel like your skin is melting off and take to the cave. It's perfect. (Sweetwater)
- Like caves? Visit the Forbidden Caverns in Sevierville, TN and see some of the most beautiful caves around with lots to look at. Tall people? You're going to want to duck. Always a little cold? You're going to want to bring a sweater or jacket as it can get a little chilly. Having hot flashes? No sweater necessary. (Sevierville)
- If you like off-roading in your ATV, I've got to say, Pickett State Park is the place to go. You won't want to miss places like "Wow" outlook (I kid you not. That's the name and it really is the first thing you say when you see it.) and "Tea Cup Natural Arch" (do not get too close to the edge. Seriously. Don't. If you do, do not tell me about it. I don't want to hear it. I will panic.) you will be amazed at the wonderful places God has created. (Jamestown)
- Like hiking? Why not visit Virgin Falls Pocket Wilderness in Sparta. So many beautiful things to see here. But be warned. Hiking from the parking lot to the Virgin Falls and back is a 5 to 8 hour hike. And if your kids are not fond of hiking, (like my daughter), you will hear about it every. single. step. But it will be a memory to cherish with blackmailing possibilites in future years. Again. If your child(ren) were like mine. (Sparta)
Coming Up Next...
- 4/26 - Walkathon - PE shorts to the knee. Please bring school clothes to change into afterward.
- 5/10 - Walkathon Reward Day for Preschool through 6th grade
- 5/13-5/17 - Senior Class Trip
- 5/14 - Merit Day
- 5/20-5/23 - Final Exams
- 5/20 - 6th Grade Graduation
- 5/21 - K5 Play and Graduation
- 5/22 - Baccalaureate 7:00 pm
- 5/23 - Last Day of School - 11:30 dismissal
- 5/24 - Senior Graduation - 6:00 pm
Just for Laughs
- I've heard people say that you're only as old as you feel. Welp, today, I'm feeling like I'm an exhumed mummy so y'all be nice.
- Yesterday at Walmart, I had the rudest, slowest, and meanest cashier ever. That's definitely the last time I use the self checkout.
- As I grow older, I realize how good God is to have our bodies age slowly. Way more easier to be horrified just a little bit every day than all at once.
- Having trouble sleeping? Here's some tips: 1. Be old. 2. Sit in a chair. Problem solved.
- Quick question: Do you blow on your food when it's hot, or do you just hasafashafsas until you can chew it? Asking for a friend.
- Did you know that alligators can live up to 100 years? Which is why it's entirely possible that they will indeed see you later.
- And lastly, in case you were wondering, thin mints don't work. I've tried.