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April 11, 2024



4/12 - MS Soccer, Away, Friendship Christian, 5:00; location TBD
4/16 - MS Soccer, Away, Thurman Francis, 4:30; location TBD
4/16 - Varsity Soccer, Home, Franklin Classical, 5:00
4/18 - Varsity Soccer, Away, Lighthouse, 7:00; location TBD


4/13 - Varsity Softball, Away, Queen City Classic, time & location TBD
4/15 - Varsity Softball, Home, Christian Community, 3:30
4/18 - Varsity Softball, Home, Clarksville Christian, 5:30


4/11 - MS Baseball, Home, MT Heat, 5:00
4/16 - MS & Varsity Baseball, Away, Franklin Christian, MS - 4:00; V - 6:00; location TBD
4/18 - MS & Varsity Baseball, Home, Clarksville Christian, MS - 4:30; V - 6:30

Thank You!

The entire 6th grade class would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for your support last Friday for lunch and for attending Field Day. It was a huge success - they couldn't have done it without your generosity. And a great big thank you to Van Horn Cookies and Just Love Coffee - y'all made our day so much more enjoyable! 

Thank you to all the 6th grade parents for pitching in and doing everything that was necessary to make this day special for our whole school. You are simply the best.

Tax Day, 4/15

Taxes. I don't know anyone that enjoys paying these things. I myself have just within this past week finished filing my taxes because I knew I was going to have to pay. I knew I should have had more children. 

If you haven't filed your taxes, your last day without filing an extension is Monday, 4/15. And you thought Mondays couldn't get worse. Well, here you go. Not going to lie. I feel like I'm going to need a cake pop or something as a consolation prize. Here's some fun facts about taxes:

  • The first income tax was instituted during the Civil War in an effort to help pay for the war effort
  • Benjamin Franklin is often credited with the concept of income tax
  • There once was a time when only 1% of Americans owed taxes
  • What do Applebees, Burger King, Red Lobster, and Wendy's have in common? They have been known to offer free food on Tax Day. (I'm thinking a run to Wendy's may be in order on Monday.)

Honor Society Induction, 4/22

It's that time of year when we honor new inductees to the FRCS Honor Society for their exemplary grades, participation in school activities, and upstanding moral achievement. Parents, you are invited and welcome to join us for a special Chapel at 9:45 in the church auditorium as we welcome these new members. 

Achievement Testing

Yep, take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Feel the stress of last week's Achievement Testing sloughing off as we face a new week. Thank you for your cooperation and patience last week for Achievement Testing. It really is a great way to gauge how our school and students are doing and we thank you for your help. You will receive the results of your student's testing with the last report card of the year, so keep an eye out for it. 

Memories 2024

These are the days. You know it, and I know it. School memories are some of the best memories we carry with us throughout our lives and talk about with anyone who is willing to listen. Enjoy these memories from the not too distant past...

Walkathon, 4/26

Every year, we endeavor to raise funds for a special project to improve our school. This year, funds raised will be used to install artificial turf on both playgrounds (no more MULCH!!) as well as renovate both locker rooms.

  • Elementary Fun Day will be 5/10 - this is for all elementary students who raise $50
  • All elementary classes that reach their class goals will receive a 2-hour fun day pass
Here's what students can get:
  • $50 - 2 hour fun day pass for K3-6 / 1 day exam permit for 7-12
  • $100 - 4 hour fun day pass for K3-6 / 3 day exam permit for 7-12
  • $250 - lunch credit of $25
  • $500 - lunch credit of $50
  • $1000 - lunch credit of $100
  • $5000 - tuition credit of $1000
  • $10,000 - tuition credit of $2,500
Pay $25 to walk with your student and make memories that will last a lifetime!

Seniors! Your Graduation Time Has Changed, 5/24

If you made it this far into the parent page, I'm proud of you. Thank you it means a lot to me. Just FYI, Graduation on May 24th has changed from 7:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Tax Myths

  • You can claim pets as dependents. This is totally not true so I don't recommend trying to claim Fido on your return. It'll probably turn up a red flag. Not what you're wanting, I'm sure.
  • If I don't file my taxes, the IRS is obligated to do it for me. Uh, I'm going with not on your life with this one. Besides, would you really want them snooping around your personal stuff? Well, at least willingly let them? No thank you.
  • Illegal activity is not taxable. So seriously, it really is. And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to explain where I was getting all this money that I gained illegally. I'll behave and gain all my income the right way, thank you very much.
  • Filing taxes in voluntary. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. YES. YOU DO. Please don't try this. Unless you're wanting either a really large bill with late fees attached or are looking to spend time in a little room with barred windows, I do not advise this. At all. Taxes are a must. 
  • Money made online is free. Whoever told you that is definitely not a good friend. Don't listen to this advice. Taxes and death are not options. It's a fact. Online money is still taxed.

Coming Up Next...

  • 4/15 - K5 Cap & Gown Pictures
  • 4/26 - Walkathon
  • 5/10 - Walkathon Reward Day
  • 5/13-5/17 - Senior Class Trip
  • 5/14 - Merit Day
  • 5/20-5/23 - Final Exams
  • 5/20 - 6th Grade Graduation
  • 5/21 - K5 Play and Graduation
  • 5/22 - Baccalaureate 7:00 pm
  • 5/23 - Last Day of School - 11:30 dismissal
  • 5/24 - Senior Graduation - 6:00 pm

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