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March 21, 2024



4/2 - MS Soccer, Home, Upperman Middle, 4:30
4/4 - Varsity Soccer, Away, South Haven, 4:00, location TBD


4/2 - Varsity Softball, Home, Christian Community, 5:00
4/5 - Varsity Softball, Away, South Haven, 4:30, location TBD


4/1 - MS Baseball, Away, South Haven, 4:00
4/1 - Varsity Baseball, Away, South Haven, 6:00, location TBD
4/2 - Varsity Baseball, Home, Christian Community (DH: Varsity + JV) 4:30
4/2 - MS Baseball, Away, Middle TN Heat, 5:00, location TBD
4/4 - Varsity Baseball, Home, Middle TN Heat (DH: Varsity +JV) 4:30
4/4 - MS Baseball, Away, Thurman Francis, 4:30, location TBD

TACS State Fine Arts Competition, 3/21-3/22

It's here. The event they've all been practicing so hard for. TACS State Fine Arts begins today and ends tomorrow, 3/22. If you perhaps lost your schedule, or maybe your computer ate it, or it is floating around in cyberspace somewhere, here's the schedule. You'll want that. 


  • There will be no school for K5-2nd graders 3/21 & 3/22
  • Preschool will be open and there will be late stay. 
  • 3rd-12th graders who ARE COMPETING are required to be in their spot at their scheduled time
  • 3rd - 12th graders who ARE NOT competing are NOT required to come to school 
On that note, if you entered some sort of art into competition and it did not place 1st or 2nd, you may pick it up in the office and take it home. 

No School! 3/25-3/29

Here is your gentle reminder that there will be no school, no late stay, no school lunches, no quizzes nor tests March 25th through the 29th. It's Spring Break so enjoy this special break with your kiddos and family. Make those great memories. This is the last spring break of 2024. Enjoy it while you have it.

Easter at FRBC, 3/31 @ 10:30

Join us March 31st at 10:30 am in the church auditorium and discover the Hope of Easter. Be prepared to enjoy a fantastic worship service that focuses on what Easter is really about while children through 6th grade enjoy a fun candy hunt. This is truly is a Sunday everyone will enjoy.

Testing, 4/1-4/4

Remember to prepare your little scholars for Achievement Testing when they get back from Spring Break. Studies prove that a good breakfast helps that grey matter work better for times such as these, and a good snack would help boost them through that middle of the test fog. 

Elementary Field Day, 4/5

Friday is the day every elementary student has been waiting for all year. When they can prove who is the king of the jump rope. The queen of the hula hoop. The one who rules them all. You know, you've been there. 

Here's a few things you need to know:

  • lunch is provided by the 6th grade class and is a fundraiser for their graduation
  • you can order your special lunch via RenWeb and it automatically charges to your account (woohoo!)
  • if you order via RenWeb, there is no need to send in the flyer below 
  • if you want to pay cash, you may do so either at the door or via the office
  • Van Horn's Cookies and Just Love Coffee will be available on site for cash purchases
I think that's it. Oh wait. You may want to be prepared for a variety of things: you might want to bring suncscreen, an umbrella, a jacket, a coat, scarves and gloves...just kidding. But please, keep an eye on the weather and dress accordingly. It's springtime in Tennessese. Even the weatherman doesn't know what's coming.

Gentle Reminders

It's that time of year when the weather is super crazy. One day it will be nearly 80 degrees and the next it could be 40 with a chance of snow. Whatever the weather, please remember a couple things. 

  • make sure your child has a water bottle of their own. No one wants to share germs.
  • please make sure your child has a light jacket or sweatshirt. Or maybe a big coat. Whatever.  Please reference above article for snarky comment.
  • please please please make sure you order your student's lunch(es) on Sunday night by 11:59 to help the best kitchen staff ever be adequately prepared for customers. No one likes not getting what they ordered.
  • and lastly, please remember to drive safely in the school parking lot. 

Do You Know?

  • Which is true - sea snail mucus was once used to make purple dye or the same snail won the world snail racing championships in 2016 and 2017?
  • Which has more bones a newborn baby or an adult?
  • Which is true - crocodiles can grow uip to 50 feet long or large crocodiles have been known to survive for more than 1 year without eating?
  • Which one is true - a group of sharks is called a shiver or a group of sharks is called a quiver?
  • Which one is louder - the loudest human snore or a vacuum cleaner?
  • Which one flies higher in the sky - a bald eagle or a bumblebee?
  • Which is smaller - Sputnik 1, the first satellite in space, or an elephant? 

Coming Up Next...

  • 3/21-3/22 - TACS State Fine Arts Competition
  • 3/25-3/29 - Spring Break
  • 3/31 - Easter, 10:30 AM & 6:30 PM
  • 4/1 - 4/4 - Achievement Testing (no excused absences)
  • 4/5 - Elementary Field Day
  • 4/15 - K5 Cap & Gown Pictures
  • 4/26 - Walkathon

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