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October 5, 2023



10/5 - MS TSIAA Tournament, TBD
10/5-10/7 - Varsity Volleyball Tournament, PCC
10/6 MS TSIAA Tournament, TBD
10/12 - 10/14 - Varsity Volleyball, TSIAA Districts, TBD

Cross Country

10/16 - TSIAA State Championship, Hermitage, TBD


10/5-10/7 - Soccer Tournament, PCC 

**Current Physicals Must Be In Office Before Try Outs**

Cheer Tryouts

10/12 - 3:15-4:15

Boys Baseball Tryouts

10/24, 10/26 - MS (6th-8th) - 3:15-4:45 pm, Varsity (9th-12th) - 5:00-6:30

Girls Softball Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45

Varsity Girls Soccer Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45



Southwide Fellowship, October 9th-11th

Come join us October 9th - 11th and be encouraged as Franklin Road hosts the 2023 Southwide Baptist Fellowship. Morning sessions start at 9:30 am in the church auditorium and end at 11:45 am. Evening services will begin at 7:00 pm. This is a wonderful time of fellowship with preachers from across the country. Please be advised - with this conference, we are expecting a 'few' extra visitors on our campus, so please don't panic.We know they're here.

Abby Candles, October 13th

Before you know it, it will be March of 2024 and the Junior class will be heading off to Washington D.C. If you'd like to contribute toward this trip, we're hosting an Abby Candle Fundraiser, which you can access via this link. Please remember, this is not a required participation fundraiser. This is a 'purchase if you want to and be a blessing to a Junior' type of thing.

Ordering online is simple. Just peruse the product catalog, make your choices, and checkout. You can use seller id 73939 and the Organization is Franklin Road Christian School Jr Class. (Just have your items shipped to the school and save on shipping.) Easy peasy!

Last day to order is October 13th.

1st Quarter Ending, October 13th

Just yesterday it felt like we were getting back from summer vacation and here we are talking about the 1st quarter ending already. What in the world?! If you have any missed work, tests, or quizzes, now is the time to take them. Don't wait until it's too late. Just think. If you do it now instead of procrastinating, you can panic about something entirely different. Like your report card. Which will be coming home October 19th.

Parent Teacher Conferences, October 23rd

Report cards will come home (or be emailed if you're in 7th-12th grades) October 19th. Which gives you enough time to go over it and schedule a meeting with your student's teacher for Parent Teacher Conferences October 23rd. There will be no school for Kindergarten through 12th grades October 23rd. Preschool will be open.

Lost & Found, October 25th-27th

The bins are enormous. Stuffed to capacity and I'm worried we may lose a small child in there if we don't do something about it soon. There will be a lost & found sale October 25th-27th. Come paw through it and see what's yours before we sell it to the first person who gives me $1.

Thank You

The mums have come and gone and we want to thank you for every purchase you made. Thank you for telling your friends and for making this a success. We appreciate each of you so much!

Golf Tournament Results

Well, golf season is over. (Unless you're wanting to play mini golf, of which I'm famous for being super bad at. It's so bad I automatically get a 6 swing cap before my family has pity on me and lets me move forward. I'm that stellar.) Congratulations to our team who earned second place in Monday's tournament, with Easton Bohannon and Trent Gaither making the All Tournament Team. Y'all made us proud!

Coming Up Next...

  • Fall Harvest Festival - 10/28
  • Preschool Closed - 11/3
  • FRBC Missions Conference - 11/12-11/15
  • Picture Retakes - 11/13

101 Random

  • In honor of cooler weather hopefully coming soon, some Eskimos have used refrigerators to keep their food from freezing. Not that I want it that cold, but cooler would be nice. 
  • Did you know that you can use ketchup to clean brass? Truth! I've also used it to successfully clean a copper sink when I ran out of my usual copper cleaner. Didn't smell the greatest and I'll never see ketchup the same again, but it did do the trick in a pinch.
  • Since its introduction in 1935, more than 250 million Monopoly games have been sold worldwide. Which is, in my opinion, crazy. I just don't think there's a more boring game than Monopoly. Maybe Scrabble. Almost.
  • The only word in the English language that both begins with 'und' and ends with 'und' is 'underground'.
  • 'Therein' is only 7 letters long yet spells ten different words without moving any letters. The, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, and herein.

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