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October 26, 2023


**Current Physicals Must Be In Office Before Try Outs**

Boys Baseball Tryouts

10/24, 10/26 - MS (6th-8th) - 3:15-4:45 pm, Varsity (9th-12th) - 5:00-6:30

Girls Softball Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45

Varsity Girls Soccer Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45


Harvest Festival, 10/28

Do you ever find yourself looking for something you can do with your family that won't cost an arm and a leg? Have you not quite grown out of that whole, I'd like to dress up as...mentality? Does going to dinner with your family in tow bring a tear to your eye because you wonder how you're going to trick your four kiddos into sharing two meals without them resorting to fighting over whose side of the hamburger is bigger?

I have good news.

Join us this Saturday from 3pm - 7pm for our annual Harvest Festival where we've planned a ton of fun for the entire family. Plan to wander from booth to booth playing games, collecting candy, laughing with friends who have dressed up in goofy costumes just like you, and be prepared to have fun the whole family will enjoy. 

And when you get hungry, make sure to mosey your way to the pavilion and grab yourself a free meal. It's on us.

No Preschool, 11/3

Preschool will be closed November 3rd but Kindergarten through 12th grade will be up and operational. Which means it's not an optional school day. Yes. You really are required to come to school. So parents of preschoolers, please enjoy this special time with your child. They're only small once.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Thanks to all who made it to Monday's Parent Teacher Conferences. We look forward to working together as we strive to teach and help your students overcome obstacles and achieve bigger and greater things. It's a blessing to work hand in hand with you.

Lost & Found, October 25th-27th

Yes, as you can clearly see in front of my office, the lost & found tables overfloweth. Please come by and look through everything; who knows what you're going to find. Maybe even something you didn't know you'd lost. Everything is $1. A perfect time to get an extra set of PE clothes.

Jacket Time in Tennessee

The mornings seem a little nippy and the afternoons can be warm. Ish. Please send along a jacket to school with your student as it is our plan to go outside as much as possible before the cold weather actually gets here. And, if you really aren't interested in rooting around the lost & found tables looking for a jacket or sweater, please consider putting a name on the tag so it can be returned to its rightful owner. (I don't recommend initials. You'd be surprised how many times initials actually aren't unique.)

...and so our MS Volleyball games are at an end and what an end it was! Our MS girls went up against Temple Manchester and came out the winner, making this season a Three-Peat! Congratulations for playing so well. A special congratulations to Sophie Smith, Kaylin Ward, and Caraline Brian for making All-Tournament and Lakelyn Dempsey MVP. We're proud of you!

Coming Up Next...

  • Fall Harvest Festival - 10/28
  • Preschool Closed - 11/3
  • FRBC Missions Conference - 11/12-11/15
  • Picture Retakes - 11/13
  • Thanksgiving Luncheon - 11/21
  • Half Day - 11/22
  • No School - 11/23-11/24

Did You Know?

  • How many miles can a pencil draw a line with before it runs out of graphite? 35 miles! This makes me think they should last longer than they do...
  • How many million people in the U.S. don't use the internet? 24 million! (Not sure I agree with this but I'm not volunteering to count...)
  • How many times can a hummingbird flap its wings in a second? 80 
  • Which is true - sharks cannot blink or sharks can only survive in salt water. They cannot blink. Rethinking my trip to the lake now, thank you very much.
  • How many seconds was the longest recorded flight of a chicken? Yes flight. 13 seconds. It's really interesting to watch because you just don't think they should even catch air but they do.

Do You Know?

  • According to a 2002 study, what is the single most dangerous food to consume while driving?
  • How many presidents have only four letters in their last name?
  • In this sequence - 2,3,5,7,11,13... - what would the next number be?
  • How high can dolphins jump?
  • Do you know what 'Seward's Folly' is?
  • Which presidents graduated from West Point?
Answers will be in next week's Parent Page!

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