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October 19, 2023



10/19 - Varsity TSIAA State Tournament, Away, 5:00 @ Christian Community. If they win, they will play Saturday, 10/21 at Franklin Christian @ 6:30 pm
10/20 - MS TACS State Tournament, 11:00 FRCS against Victory Baptist; 1:00 FRCS against Hendersonville Christian


10/26 - TACS State Tournament, TBD
10/27 - TACS State Tournament, TBD

**Current Physicals Must Be In Office Before Try Outs**

Boys Baseball Tryouts

10/24, 10/26 - MS (6th-8th) - 3:15-4:45 pm, Varsity (9th-12th) - 5:00-6:30

Girls Softball Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45

Varsity Girls Soccer Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45



Parent Teacher Conferences, October 23

Are you concerned with how this school year is going? Do you feel as though Sally isn't understanding something? Or maybe Ned needs a little more encouragement not to chew on his shoes during math class. Next Monday, October 23rd, is your chance to address all the issues you see (and maybe some you don't) with your students' teacher. Email them and set up an appointment today. The early bird really does get to choose the best time in this case, so don't delay. Let's head those problems off now before those mole hills become mountains.

*Please note: Preschool is open on October 23rd but there will be no school for Kindergarten through 12th grades.

Lost & Found, October 25-27

If you need it and your student can't find it, chances are it's in those overflowing lost & found bins near the gym doors. You're more than welcome, even encouraged, to sift around in an effort to locate some of your lost treasures. Once it hits the tables in front of my office, everything costs $1.

We're Hosting! October 26-28

FRCS will be hosting this year's TACS Soccer and Volleyball tournaments. Which means several things. 

  1. There will be a lot of people here.
  2. Anyone who wants to watch FRCS teams, you will need to pay at the gate. (Don't try to sneak in. We do notice.)
  3. If you want to come watch our players and you want your child to watch with you, you must sign them out in the office and sign them back in when the game is over. School is still going on and yes, your child is still required to attend. These aren't free days. :)
This is an exciting time of year with lots of activity, lots of fun, and lots of people so please be prepared.

Abby Candle Thank You

Thank you again for each and every order that came in for Abby Candles. Our Junior class is super excited and grateful for you. Merchandise will be (tentatively) delivered November 13th and will be distributed as soon as possible.

Cross Country State Tournament Results

They worked out hard. They pushed themselves to the limit and have achieved things I couldn't do. (Please take my word on this. Don't put me to the test. I will fail miserably, believe me. Cross country would kill me dead.) We're super proud of our teams as they finished out this year at the TACS State Tournament this past Monday. 

  • MS Girls - 3rd place, All Tournament - Avonlea Burchfield (5th overall) and Grace Avery
  • MS Boys - 3rd place, All Tournament - Caleb Chaffin (10th place), Andrew Courtoy, JD Damerville
  • HS Girls - 3rd place, All Tournament - Emily Hernandez (7th place), Anora Golden, Hannah Griffin
  • HS Boys - 4th place; All Tournament - Isaac Spencer (10th place) and Jay Pearson
Congratulations to all of you for a great season!

Coming Up Next...

  • Fall Harvest Festival - 10/28
  • Preschool Closed - 11/3
  • FRBC Missions Conference - 11/12-11/15
  • Picture Retakes - 11/13
  • Thanksgiving Luncheon - 11/21
  • Half Day - 11/22
  • No School - 11/23-11/24

Did You Know? (answers)

  • Which country eats more doughnuts, Canada or the United States? Canada
  • Which is faster, the fastest recorded tornado or the planet Jupiter? Jupiter
  • Which is true - giraffes sleep up to 16 hours a day, or the communicate by humming at night? Humming at night (I think that would be terrifying.)
  • Which is true - A group of owls is called a gang or owls can't move their eyeballs? They cannot move their eyeballs
  • Which is bigger, the Amazon rainforest (not the online store) or the country of India? Amazon rainforest

Do You Know?

  • How many miles can a pencil draw a line with before it runs out of graphite?
  • How many million people in the U.S. don't use the internet?
  • How many times can a hummingbird flap its wings in a second?
  • Which is true - sharks cannot blink or sharks can only survive in salt water.
  • How many seconds was the longest recorded flight of a chicken? Yes flight. 
Answers will be in next week's Parent Page!

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