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September 28, 2023




10/2 - Pleasant View, Away, MS - 5:00, V - 6:00 
10/3 - Christian Community, Away, V - 6:00
10/5 - MS TSIAA Tournament, TBD
10/5-10/7 - Varsity Volleyball Tournament, PCC

Cross Country

10/2 - TSIAA week 5, The Hermitage, MS - 5:20, Varsity - 5:50
10/10 - TAACS State Championship (Varsity Only) - 12:00 pm
10/16 - TSIAA State Championship, Hermitage, TBD


10/2 - TAACS State Tournament, TBD


10/5-10/7 - Soccer Tournament, PCC

**Current Physicals Must Be In Office Before Try Outs**

Cheer Tryouts

10/12 - 3:15-4:15

Boys Baseball Tryouts

10/24, 10/26 - MS (6th-8th) - 3:15-4:45 pm, Varsity (9th-12th) - 5:00-6:30

Girls Softball Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45

Varsity Girls Soccer Tryouts

10/30 & 10/31 - Varsity (7th-12th) - 3:15-4:45



Abby Candles

Abby Candle packets were sent home this week. Please understand you are not required to participate in this fundraiser. This is simply a way for Juniors to help raise money for their Washington D.C. trip this spring. Not a candle aficionado? There are many different and cute items (non-candle related) to choose from. Socks. Cookies. Wax Melts. Popcorn. Really, take a look through the flyer. Not interested? Simply send the packet back to school. No worries and no scowls. :) 

Last day to turn orders in, October 13th. Product tentative delivery? November 13th.

Mums Still Available

If you're looking for last minute mums, please stop by the lower parking lot and pick out a few. In fact, pick out more than a few and we may just make you a good deal! Mums will be for sale until we sell out, so please, tell your neighbors, your mailman, maybe even your dentist that you know where they can pick up some pretty great mums that supports your school.

Fall Break, 9/28-9/29

If you're reading this on Thursday, hopefully you've noticed a young person around you that isn't normally there during the day. This is good. That means Fall Break has begun and they're right where they need to be. If they're not around, well, you might want to go back to Walmart and make sure there isn't a child waiting for you at customer service. (Ask me how I know where to go. It's not a nice story.) And just so you know, those children will also be near you on Friday as well, so don't panic. It's all good. Make some memories.

School will resume as a full day, October 2nd.

**Lunch orders need to be put in by 11:59 10/1. Don't forget!** Know what? Go big and just put all the lunches in for the entire month of October. I dare you.


If you haven't received an email from me mentioning missing forms, this is a good thing. It means I have everything I need from you. If you have received an email or a packet of forms sent home with your student, well, I'm going to need those forms turned in as soon as possible. 

The End

Of the first quarter. I know. You're so excited. You know and I know and they know that the end of the 1st quarter means they need to make sure they're all caught up on quizzes, tests, and homework. Now is not the time to give up. No one needs to give up in the 1st quarter because you know and I know and they should know that things only get harder in the 2nd quarter. Which is next. 

1st quarter ends 10/13. Report cards come home 10/19.

Coming Up Next...

  • Southwide Baptist Fellowship - 10/9-10/11
  • End of Quarter - 10/13
  • Fall Harvest Festival - 10/28
  • Picture Retakes - 11/13

101 Random

  • Love Kit Kats? Japan once sold sushi inspired concoctions of the candy bar. But they didn't taste like raw fish. Made of puffed rice, white chocolate, and a little bit of wasabi, they had one that tasted like pumpkin pudding and another of raspberry. I know it's ok to try new things, but I think I'll pass on that particular taste bud adventure.
  • Next time your student is giving you grief over a math lesson, just tell them that Beethoven didn't know how to multiply and divide. One time, when he had to multiply 62 by 50, he wrote 62 down fifty times and added them up. That should scare some sense into them.
  • Have a toothache? Or a wart? Ancient Egyptians put a dead mouse in their mouth for a toothache and applied mouse to remove a wart. Did it work? Not a clue. I am so glad for modern dentistry and Compound W. I am praising the good Lord for allowing me to live in the time in which I find myself. 
  • Speaking of mice, did you know that rats dream? Of course, we don't know what they dream about, maybe food or mazes, but they do have REM sleep where dreaming occurs. Interesting. Usable as a talking point at the next get together? Probably not.

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