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May 4, 2023


Girls Soccer

5/4-5/6 TACS State Tournament


5/4-5/6 TACS State Tournament, TBA

5/8-5/13 TSIAA Tournament, TBA

MS & Varsity Baseball

5/4-5/6 TACS State Tournament, TBA

5/8-5/9 MS Tournament, Home, TBA

5/8-5/13 TSIAA Tournament, Varsity - TBA

Thank YOU!

You made it happen this year and in a big way. This Walkathon has been the biggest we've ever had and we would like to thank each and every one of you for your generosity. You all raised over a whopping $152,000! Y'all are fantastic and our hearts burst with gratefulness for your kindness and willingness to give. We look forward to the changes to come here at FRCS!

Sponsor list coming soon!

Gala - Here Sooner Than You Think, 5/25

Don't forget to get your Gala tickets. A time of food, fellowship, and fun, you don't want to miss it - it'll be here before you know it. Always a good time and a great way to end the year. On sale now in the High School office. $35 for students and parents, $40 for guests.

Varsity State Championships

Don't have plans? Looking for something to do? Fabulous! Come on by the school here and cheer on our teams as they play for their championships. With softball, baseball, and girls' soccer, there's something for every fanatic out there!

Senior Exam Week Schedule

This is a repeat article but I'm willing to wager someone didn't read it, so...I'm just going to repost it here. Thanks!

  • 4th quarter for seniors ends May 3rd
  • Exam review days will be May 4th & 5th
  • Exams for seniors will be May 8th-12th
  • Exam permits that were earned, may be used Tuesday through Friday
  • All work must be completed before they are allowed to go on the senior trip
  • The senior trip is May 15th-20th

Teacher Appreciation Week, 5/8-5/12

We're wrapping things up around here and that means the kiddos are getting a little antsy, the teachers wonder if they're going to make it to the end, and the staff? Well, we just won't even talk about the grumpy chick in the elementary office. Geesh, that one needs a nap, I tell ya!

With the end of the year just...around...the...corner...grab a pen and a card in the gym lobby next week and send a note to your favorite teacher. Don't miss this opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. Because, if what goes around comes around, wouldn't it mean you're going to get a blessing if you be a blessing to someone else? Let's try it and see. :) 

If you need an idea for some teachers, click the link to see their favorites and wish lists!

K5 Play, Graduation, and 1-5 Grade Awards 5/23 @ 6:00

Seriously - don't miss the cutest play in Middle Tennessee. I know, I know, everyone thinks they have the cute kid but I'm going to be honest. It's not true. The Kindergarten class at FRCS has the corner on the market when it comes to cuteness overload. Trust me. These kiddos make me smile every single day, they are that cute and adorable!

Also on that night, 1st through 5th grade awards will be given out. See? Fun times for everyone!

Blowout Sale!

We don't have much storage space here at the school, and to be quite honest, I don't like having too much on the shelves from last year. Especially when I have to figure out where to put next year's spiritwear! So please. Come by and help free up some space these next few weeks. Now's the time to stock up on spiritwear that your child can wear next year.

Lost & Found

I'm sure you've noticed, but there's only a very few days left of this school year. And the lost & found bins overfloweth. If you suspect that your child has forgotten something somewhere around school, please come by, search through the ginormous racks and take what's yours. Before I have to sell it. The last week of school. Which will be sad.

Coming Up Next

I know that most people like to be prepared so, in an effort to give you all the details with as few words as possible, (yes, that in itself is nearly impossible for me) here's what the next few weeks has in store for us.

You're Invited

As always, we would love to have you visit us for Sunday worship! Sunday School starts at 10:00, Church begins at 11:00, Sunday evening starts at 6:30, and Wednesday evening at 7:00. Click this link for more information. We hope to see you there!

Just for Laughs

  • I've heard people say that you're only as old as you feel. Welp, today, I'm feeling like I'm an exhumed mummy so y'all be nice. 
  • Yesterday at Walmart, I had the rudest, slowest, and meanest cashier ever. That's definitely the last time I use the self checkout.
  • As I grow older, I realize how good God is to have our bodies age slowly. Way more easier to be horrified just a little bit every day than all at once.
  • Having trouble sleeping? Here's some tips: 1. Be old. 2. Sit in a chair. Problem solved.
  • Quick question: Do you blow on your food when it's hot, or do you just hasafashafsas until you can chew it? Asking for a friend.
  • Did you know that alligators can live up to 100 years? Which is why it's entirely possible that they will indeed see you later.
  • And lastly, in case you were wondering, thin mints don't work. I've tried.

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