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May 18, 2023


Friday School Closing, 5/19

FRCS Families,


It is with great sadness and heavy hearts we announce that Detective Jacob Beu with the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department was killed in an accident on Sunday morning, May 7th. 


Officer Beu was heavily involved in our community and worked diligently to keep our services at Franklin Road Baptist safe and secure. 


His family and the Rutherford County Sherriff’s Office has asked Franklin Road Baptist Church to host his memorial service on Friday, May 19th at noon. 


Initially, we had thought we would be able to accommodate his funeral while keeping school in session, but after coordinating with local law enforcement agencies, who estimate we will have somewhere between 400-700 attendees

for the services as well as hosting dinner in the school gymnasium, we don’t believe this will be attainable. 


With that in mind, we have made the decision to close Franklin Road Christian School in its entirety- preschool through 12th grade- to honor one of Rutherford County’s fallen. 


We understand this decision will impact your schedule, and while we do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, we feel it is the right thing to do. 


Should you be concerned regarding your student’s exams, they will still have two days of review before we begin exams on Monday, May 22nd. 


We thank you in advance for your understanding and would like to extend an invitation to each of you to come show your support to Officer Beu’s family. 


For the privacy of the family and the officers, the service will not be livestreamed. We are asking that anyone associated with the church or school begin seated in overflow in the Grand Hallway of the church to prioritize officer and first responders in the Auditorium. As space allows, we will seat those in overflow in the Auditorium.

All The Things You Need to Know

Now is definitely the time to hang on because time is on warp speed. There are so many different things going on around here that you really need to pay attention or you'll miss something. Without further ado, here's the line-up:

MS Awards - 5/20, 6:00

Middle School Awards ceremony will be in the church auditorium and will start at 6:00 pm. Please adhere to the school dress code.

6th Grade Graduation - 5/22, 6:00

The 6th grade banquet will begin at 6:00 at the View at the Fountains. This special time is for parents and students only, please. Guests are welcome to join the festivities at 7:15 pm. Again, school dress code please.

K5 Graduation and Elementary Awards - 5/23, 6:00

Remember, this is going to be the cutest play ever and you won't want to miss it. Be in the church auditorium at 6:00 pm or earlier for the really good seats. After the Kindergarten class presents their play, the Awards Ceremony for 1st - 5th grades will begin. Bring Granny and a camera.

Baccalaureate - 5/24, 7:00

Join us Wednesday in the church auditorium as we honor our graduating class and their accomplishments, as they reflect a little on various memories, and look forward to their future lives. Starts at 7:00 pm. School dress. (I just don't think I should have to say this anymore and yet, here we are...)

Gala - 5/25, 5:45

The last day of school. As in the very. last. day. Once students (7th-12th grades) are finished with their exams, those who are going to the Gala will be allowed to check out. Of course, you probably need to come by the offices and say goodbye to the secretaries because let's be honest. It's going to be super quiet without someone asking for a band-aid every two minutes. Anyway, Gala starts at Embassy Suites at 5:45. Ladies, you will need to have your dress checked by Mrs. Kramer before attending. s

Commencement - 5/26, 7:00

The bittersweet moment when we send off our graduating class as they close a chapter of their lives. Meet us in the church auditorium at 7:00 and like I've already mentioned in at least two other articles, please be in school dress code. Thanks.


Lost & Found - 5/22-25

Those lost & found bins are the biggest I've seen so far. Seriously, it looks big enough to hide a car so make sure to come by the elementary office and peruse the tables laden with lost goodies. Maybe even reclaim a few things. I'll have the tables set up Monday through Thursday. Everything's $1.

Good luck and you probably don't want to leave small children near the bins. They could get lost.


Seniors - Just a Note

It just hit me. Hard. These kiddos - yes these ones. The students that I have seen and dealt with for the past six years are done. They're not coming back. And while I'm happy for them, I'm sad for myself.

What felt like endless days of high school are now over for you.You don't get to go back and do over. What you've done is done and cannot be changed. Those mistakes that still make you cringe? Done. Over. That one time when you and your best friend laughed so hard your sides hurt? It's a memory now - something that you will cherish for the rest of your life. But it too is done.

You will make more mistakes and you will laugh again, but it will be different - no two days are alike. If I could tell you one thing before you leave these halls just a little emptier - a little sadder - live your life with the knowledge that you will never get to do today again. Don't rush your life away. Embrace the good times, and pray your heart out over the bad times. Because bad times and good times come to every one of us.

So before you all are gone, Seniors, you're starting a new chapter of your life, and it's an exciting one. You will make mistakes. Learn from them. You will make choices. Take the responsibility for them. You will make decisions. Follow through with them.

And from us here as we stay behind and watch you spread your wings, thank you for blessing us and being with us. For teaching us as we endeavored to teach you. You have impacted our lives as we have hopefully impacted yours.

We will miss you. We will pray for you. Come by and see us one day when you're near. You'll be a welcome sight.

Thank You. Again.

It's been a whopper of a year, hasn't it? There were good times and there were not so good times. But by the grace of God, we made it through and we want to thank you. Not for just one thing but for many. Thank you for the smiles you gave when we felt down and out. Yes, we're human too. Thank you for the coffees you brought us, the doughnuts, the Crumbl Cookies, the, well, everything you've done for us through the year. We think you're pretty splendid and we appreciate every kind thing you've done. 

July Mailout

I don't know about you, but I plan on enjoying every single second of this summer. I am going to throw myself into the sun and bask in it. Of course I'll be thickly slathered with sunscreen, but it'll be worth it. 

Make sure we have the correct address on file because you're going to want to receive the July Mailout in July. It's a bit redundant I know, but I have been asked this very question many times. There will be a ton of information that you're going to want to know in that packet.

You're Invited

As always, we would love to have you visit us for Sunday worship! Sunday School starts at 10:00, Church begins at 11:00, Sunday evening starts at 6:30, and Wednesday evening at 7:00. Click this link for more information. We hope to see you there!

101 Random

  • Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins. I bet they can't swim nearly as good, though.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Froot Loops are all the same flavor. So those red ones that you save, they're the same flavor as the lesser liked colors. So eat them already. 
  • You know how people take selfies with the 'duckface'? Well, it looks like it may not be a new fad after all. Instead of saying 'cheese' in the late 1800's, people used to say 'prunes'.
  • If you've never been happy that God created you a human being, here you go. Lobsters  taste with their feet. Which is kinda gross if we're going to be honest. Can you imagine if God had made us that way as well? Ew!

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