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April 6, 2023


Girls Soccer

4/6 South Haven, Away, 5:00

4/10 Pleasant View, Home, 4:00


4/6 Clarksville, Home, 5:00

4/10 Lancaster, Away, 5:00

MS & Varsity Baseball

4/6 South Haven, Away, MS - 4:00, Varsity - 6:00

Ahem...We Have a List

First, I do hope that everyone has had a wonderful Spring Break and enjoyed every second of it. But to be honest, I'm glad we're all back. Y'all are like family and I missed you! (Enough of the sappy stuff.) Anyway, you will recall that Thursday and Friday, March 23rd and 24th, we hosted the TACS State Fine Arts competition. Yep. Where all those smart and talented students got together and competed to see who was the best at (insert specific thing here) so they could proceed to the next level. Nationals. (Well, that's if they're in 9th-12th grades with the exception of band which includes 7th & 8th graders. But I digress.)

I'm pleased to tell you that FRCS will be taking 52 students to Nationals next week to flex their creative muscles. Those that have advanced to the next level are...

I'm going to need you to...

As you already know, there have been some unfortunate and terrible things that have happened in Tennessee lately, especially in regards to school. We want you to know that we take the safety of your children and our staff very seriously. Even more so now. But that means that it is entirely possible - and probable - that there will be changes here at FRCS that will affect you. And you may not always be pleased with the changes.

What we're asking is that you please, be patient with us. We're navigating through these times together and there are a few things we need you to please do for us to make things as smooth as possible.

  • When you come to the doors and push the button to come in, please face forward so you can be seen clearly. 
  • If you're wearing a hoodie or a hair covering, or if I don't recognize you, you're not getting in. So please. Make sure you don't look sketchy.
  • While I may recognize most of you, there may be times that I'm away from my desk and the person in charge of letting you in the building may ask you questions. Like, why are you here? or, what can I do for you? or, may I help you? Please understand. They're not trying to make you stand outside to make you miserable. They're taking time to make sure your student is safe. And that you're not sketchy. Seriously. If you look sketchy to begin with, it's probably not going to go well for you. Just sayin.
  • Should you need to come in and pick your child up for some reason, Dr. appointment (yes, we need that note, please) eye appointment, or whatever, please have your ID with you. Don't leave it in the car. Again. I may be away and the person behind the desk will ask for it. Or, let's be honest. I could have a complete memory loss and need to see it to refresh my memory. Yesterday I was unable to figure out how to operate my umbrella during the downpour, so there are times when I'm a little punchy. It could happen.
  • If you come into the building, please do what you need to do and head on out. We really cannot have you loitering. (Always wanted to use that word. Thank y'all for helping me with that. Mark that one off my bucket list.) This really helps us out and saves us from having to track you down and escort you out. Not my favorite thing to do because y'all scowl. 
  • Just so you know, this is one place where it's completely fine not to hold the door open for someone else. If you have to do the super scoot inside so the door closes behind you, it'll be ok. I'm positive they will understand. 
  • And lastly, we do have a no parent in student halls policy. With the exception of Preschool because, well, you kind of have to be there. Which means, unless you have a preschooler, you are NOT allowed in student halls. Notice how I repeated that? That means it's important. ;)
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

I really do not know how these bins get so full so fast. What in the world are you all doing?! Do you bring three different pairs of clothes to change into or something?! Goodness gracious me oh my those bins were piled almost to the sky. (I'm a poet and didn't know it. Actually, I'm not a poet and you probably did know it and wish I'd stop trying.)

This Wednesday and Thursday there will be a lost & found sale. Everything is $1. Good luck.

April 14th

As you noticed, we're not taking any Elementary students to Nationals with us. No. We actually need them here so they can flex their athletic muscles for field day. Next Friday, weather permitting, we will have our annual Field Day festivities. Please be prepared. PE shorts are fine, but they will need to wear their class shirt. It may be sunny, so you may want to bring sunscreen. Or it may be cold and you may want to bring a sweatshirt.

Or it could be perfect. That's what I'm going with. 

Please please please remember to fill out that field day menu we sent home if you want a hot lunch that day. This is not required, but it is necessary so 6th grade can make enough food for everyone. Didn't get the menu? Here you go.

Walkathon, 4/28

Walkathon is happening April 28th. We were going to redo the playgrounds with foam instead of mulch, but we feel it would be best if we used whatever was raised to go toward adding more security features to our facilities. Which in turn, would give you parents more peace of mind and your student(s) a more secure place to thrive.

Information will be coming home soon and we hope that you will join us in this endeavor.

$5 Dollar Off Sale - Next Week!

The end of the year is just around the corner. It's so close, the kids can feel it and the teachers can see the difference in their eyes. And attention spans. And that means this year's spiritwear needs to go. So we're going to take $5 everything so we can clear our shelves and prepare them for new stuff to come in for next year. 

Stop by the office and see what we have left and if there's anything you'd be interested in!

Weird But True

Now for the part you'll never use but some may find interesting. 101 Random.
  • I just read that cows have best friends. And that they're less stressed when they're around said best friend. Me too, cow, me too.
  • Macaques in Japan know how to use the vending machine for snacks. Not sure how I feel about that. What do they do? Pickpocket someone for a $5 and scratch their chins while they decide what they want? And, what happens if they put the money in the machine and the machine doesn't give them their item? I find all of this very interesting.
  • Apparently Gentoo penguins propose with a pebble. Kind of cool considering men kind of do that too except with a very hard, very shiny one built into a ring. 
  • Dolphins give other dolphins names. Of course it's more like 'screeeeeeech' and 'waaaaaaah' instead of 'Bob' and 'Alice'. Which is good because if I ever heard a dolphin calling another dolphin Alice, I'd be in the rubber room with a nice, tight jacket that tied in the back.
  • Speaking of birds that like pebbles and such, crows are highly intelligent and have great recognizing abilities. They will hold grudges if you have irritated one of them. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to the crow that I irritated. I'd really like him/her to stop decorating my car as only a bird's getting kind of expensive.

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