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April 27, 2023


Girls Soccer

4/27 South Haven, Home, 4:00 (Senior Night)

4/28 Temple, Away, 4:00

4/29 School of the Smokies, Away, 10:00

5/1 Franklin Classical, Home, 4:00


4/27 South Haven, Home, 4:00

5/1 Riverside, Home, 5:00

5/2 Zion Christian, Away, 5:00

5/4-6 TACS State Tournament, TBA

MS & Varsity Baseball

4/27 South Haven, Home, MS - 6:00, Varsity - 4:00 (Senior Night)

4/28 Clarksville Christian, Home, MS - 4:00, Varsity - 6:00

5/1 Riverside, Home, Varsity - 5:00

5/2 Zion Christian, Away, Varsity - 5:00

Walkathon, 4/28

One more day until Walkathon - and one more day toward making FRCS a more secure place! First, thank each and every one of you who have joined us as we try to raise funds for this cause. We appreciate everything that you've done. You're the best!

Next, there's just a few things we think you need to know before we begin. (For entertainment purposes, please read the following sentences fast and in a high pitch voice. For bonus points, please record and email to me.)

  • Parents & Grandparents may come watch. It really is very cool to behold. But we do ask that if you're going to walk with your child that you please donate the $25 entrance fee
  • K3-6th Grades may come to school in shorts as long as they reach the top of the knee. They may wear shorts all day. This is for K3-6th Grades only!
  • 7th-12th Grades may change into shorts as long as they reach the top of the knee, and change back into jean day dress after Walkathon is finished.
  • 7th-12th grades - jean day dress consists of FRCS t-shirts, knee length jean skirts (no fringe), boys may wear jeans (no holes, ho fraying) and athletic shoes are permitted
  • Please bring your own water bottles!

We look forward to this fun event, but should your child not want to participate, that is entirely ok. Think of this as a marathon. There's an entrance fee (which you can donate above and beyond and we do appreciate whatever is given) but no one is required to do this activity. School will continue as normal during and after the event. 

I hope this helps clarify some things and we hope to see you there. I think it's going to be an excellent and enjoyable day.

Gala - Here Sooner Than You Think, 5/25

It's the truth and you know it as well as I. Things seem to be snowballing around here and gaining speed. Don't forget to get your Gala tickets from Mrs. Anderson. $35 for students and parents. $40 for guests. Cash or check in the high school office. :)

A Christmas Project Thank You

I know it's a long time ago, but do you remember how this past Christmas we worked toward raising money to help build a cabin for Triple S Ranch? Well, we thought you might like to see your donation in action. Here's a few pictures for you to enjoy...

Thank you for helping make a difference in a teen's life.

Senior Exam Week Schedule

And now, what every senior has been waiting for and every parent of a senior, not so much. Maybe.

  • 4th quarter for seniors ends May 3rd
  • Exam review days will be May 4th & 5th
  • Exams for seniors will be May 8th-12th
  • Exam permits that were earned, may be used Tuesday through Friday
  • All work must be completed before they are allowed to go on the senior trip
  • The senior trip is May 15th-20th

K5 Play and Graduation, 5/23 @ 6:00

They've been working hard this year. There were some tears, there were some who were afraid to walk down the hall for the first time (or week. Whichever), and there were some that didn't want to take a nap (I regret all the naps I didn't take when I was a child) but now it's time for them to take their next step. On May 23rd, come see Kati the Caterpillar grow up into a beautiful butterfly with the help from the other bugs and critters in the garden. 

I'm super confident this is going to the be sweetest, cutest play in Middle Tennessee and you won't want to miss it.

Teacher Appreciation Week, 5/8-5/12

I do believe that you would agree with me when I say that teachers have a difficult job. It's not easy taking a student and explaining for the 3rd time that no, he's not supposed to lick the bottom of his shoe, and no, she really should not crawl around on the restroom floor like a snake because Doris dared her to. Now let's add 23 more students and you have yourself a bonafide classroom. And that's only the high schoolers! (Of course I'm kidding.)

With all its crazy weird and wonderful things that happen every day, teaching is rewarding, but it's definitely tough. It's not something I could do, that's for sure.

May 8th-12th is Teacher Appreciation Week and we invite you to show your favorite teacher a little appreciation. Obviously, this one small act of kindness doesn't mean that you have agreed with that teacher about everything, but it's pretty nice to be a blessing to others, and to be honest, it does make the last two CrAzY weeks endurable.

That week, in the gym lobby, you will have an opportunity to write a note to your teacher. Drop it in the mailbox (yep. There will be an actual mailbox in the gym lobby) and someone will deliver it to that teacher.

You're Invited

As always, we would love to have you visit us for Sunday worship! Sunday School starts at 10:00, Church begins at 11:00, Sunday evening starts at 6:30, and Wednesday evening at 7:00. Click this link for more information. We hope to see you there!

101 Random

Now for the part you'll never use but some may find interesting.
  • Did you know that one of the most painful stings actually comes from, not a wasp, but the duck-billed platypus. It's true.So the next time you want to cuddle the neighborhood platypus, you may want to think twice. Or at least, stay as far away from the critters hind legs where its poisonous glands are.
  • Did you know that the skin of a polar bear isn't white but black? The reason you see a white polar bear is because when the light hits their fur, which is hollow, becomes trapped in that air and a luminescent reaction occurs. Which means, if you see a polar bear, one, why in the world are you where polar bears are, and two, that polar bear is glowing. Pretty cool!

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