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April 20, 2023


Girls Soccer

4/24 Lighthouse, Home, 4:00

4/27 (Senior Night) South Haven, Home, 4:00

4/28 Temple, Away, 4:00

4/29 School of the Smokies, Away, 10:00 am


4/20 CCS, Away, 4:00

4/24 CCS, Home, 4:00

4/25 Riverside, Away, 5:00

4/27 South Haven, Home, 4:00

MS & Varsity Baseball

4/20 Clarksville Christian, Away, Varsity - 4:00

4/24 TN Heat, Home, MS - 4:00, Varsity - 6:00

4/25 Riverside, Away, Varsity - 5:00

4/27 (Senior Night) South Haven, Home, MS - 6:00, Varsity - 4:00

4/28 Clarksville Christian, Home, MS - 4:00, Varsity - 6:00

Walkathon, 4/28

I know, it seems like yesterday we were all coming back from Spring Break and here we are already talking about end of the year stuff. Like Walkathon. Geesh it is literally peeking around the corner at this point!

As you know, this year's project is to enhance the security at our school. So you can rest assured that your child is in a safe environment during the day. But of course, enhancements don't come cheap and they will take time, and there are so many things that can be done - we really appreciate everything given toward this project. Anything.

Walkathon will be Friday, April 28th in the lower parking lot, and for preschoolers, Trikeathon (pretty much the cutest thing ever) will be in the upper parking lot. Which means, if you drive and think you're going to park your car in either of those lots, think again because that's not going to happen. Here's a few details you're going to want to know.

  • Parents, you're more than welcome to walk with your student - the only thing we ask is that you donate $25 to walk
  • Please have everything (donations and pledges) turned into Mrs. Lawwell by April 26th. Because we're going to come up with a list to see who gets to walk and who doesn't. 
  • Elementary Fun Day will be Monday, May 15th for grades K3-6th
  • 7-12 graders will be able to use their Exam Passes ($100 gets a three day Exam Pass. This is the most popular option, trust me) which can be used to get out of school after they're finished with their exams for the day.
If you have any questions, or if you need another sponsor form or envelope to collect money in, come into the office and we will be able to take care of you there.

Nationals Results

Well, they're back and I sure did miss them. All 52 of our students made it back from Nationals in one piece, praise the Lord. I'm pretty confident they're glad to be back. Even if they haven't told you that, it's true. They're happy to be home.

We would really like to take a minute and congratulate our guys and girls first, for a job well done, and second, for all the effort and hard work they put into everything. 

  • Amelia Babb placed 2nd in poly chromatic drawing
  • Kallie Kramer placed 2nd in percussion solo
  • Alondra Bravo placed 3rd in Spanish
  • Band - 3rd
  • Choral Group - 3rd
  • Handbell Choir - 3rd
Congratulations to each - we're so proud of you!

We're no strangers to shuffling things around, and we know that you aren't either. When we shuffle, y'all shuffle. That's us. Just shuffling. Anyway, I digress. We wanted to just take a second or two and thank each of you for not only supporting the 6th grade class as they hosted the lunch for Field Day, but also for your flexibility during the shuffle. (How many more times do you think I can squeeze that word into this article?) Thank you for your orders, thank you to each parent who helped the teachers in any capacity (I know they were very grateful for everything you did) thank you for your patience, and thank you for being with us as we made the best out of the day. I saw an awful lot of smiles so I think it ended up being a success. Even though we shuffled. (Boom. Didn't think I could do it did you. Ha. I showed you.)

You all are a tremendous blessing to us here at FRCS and while we may not say it as often as we should, we sure do appreciate you more than you know.

Senior Night, 4/27

We have come to that time of year where everything speeds up way faster than any of us would like. Some have games on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and your Saturdays, if not spent at another game of some sort, is taken with either cleaning your house or visiting with family that you haven't been able to see for a while. Or maybe you've saved all your errands for Saturday and you will spend the entire day returning, ordering, picking up, and shopping for the upcoming week. Sounds exhausting just writing about it. Yuck.

But please, with all your busy-ness and tight schedules, we hope that you will save a little time to come by and show your support to our graduating Seniors on the 27th. Come prepared to say goodbye as a chapter of their lives comes to a close and maybe give a hug or two to parents as they steel themselves and let their Seniors go. 

They never thought it would come, but here it is and we want you all to share it with them. Because it's their last.

Spiritwear Sale

If you didn't take advantage of our Spiritwear sale last week, come and see what we have left before everything is gone. This last few weeks will be your last chance to stock up for next year. If there's a design you especially love, you'll probably want to get an extra or two as these are not repeated from year to year. 

We have a few youth sizes left, a couple adult smalls, quite a few adult mediums (so many adult mediums), adult large and adult xlarge items still in stock. From hoodies to crewnecks to short sleeved shirts, be sure to stop by before everything is gone!

You're Invited

Are you looking for a home church? Or maybe you just want to try a different place. No matter the reason, we would love it if you joined us for Sunday and/or Wednesday worship services! There's definitely something for everyone. Visit this link to learn more!

Weird But True

Now for the part you'll never use but some may find interesting. 101 Random.
  • A lobster's teeth are in its stomach. Which begs the question, if the item passes its mouth and lands in its stomach, what happens if the lobster hates it? How does it get rid of the item? These are very important questions.
  • Did you know that a caterpillar has more muscles than a human being? Yet we're still able to accidentally step on them and squish them flat. Kind of puts our lives into perspective, doesn't it.
  • Did you know that it takes a snail 220 hours to crawl one mile nonstop? And did you also know that those snails seem to morph into drivers when you're late for work and they're always in front of you?
  • And this may be gross, but I find it interesting. Gorillas burp when they're happy. So we could rightfully call them happy burpers. But let's be real. Who knew that gorillas could be happy?! Never have I ever looked at a gorilla and saw it smile. Now that I think about it, that would be terrifying so I'm happy with the way things are.
  • Last but not least, Canadians eat on the average more doughnuts than Americans do. I'm wondering if maybe that's because their doughnuts are better than ours or do we just not take this as seriously as we should? Should we encourage our police officers to take more for the team or is that asking too much of them? Hmm. Ponder this I shall.

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