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April 13, 2023


Girls Soccer

4/18 Lighthouse, Away, 4:00

4/24 Lighthouse, Home, 4:00

4/27 South Haven, Home, 4:00 (Senior Night)

4/28 Temple, Away, 4:00


4/14 South Haven, Away, 6:00

4/15 Central, Home, 10:00

4/20 CCS, Away, 4:00

4/24 CCS, Home, 4:00

4/25 Riverside, Away, 5:00

4/27 South Haven, Home, 4:00

MS & Varsity Baseball

4/13 Tn Heat, Away, MS - 5:00

4/14 Monarchs, Home, MS - 4:30

4/14 Central, Home, Varsity - 6:30

4/15 Franklin Christian, Away, Varsity - 10:00

4/18 TN Heat, Away, Varsity - 5:30

4/20 Clarksville Christian, Away, Varsity - 4:00

4/24 TN Heat, Home, MS - 4;00, Varsity - 6:00

4/25 Riverside, Away, Varsity - 5:00

4/27 South Haven, Home, MS - 6:00, Varsity - 4:00 (Senior Night)

4/28 Clarksville Christian, Home, MS - 4:00, Varsity - 6:00

Elementary Field Day, 4/17

As you know by now, unless you live under a rock, or you never, ever read emails or look in your elementary student's folders, Field Day has been changed to this coming Monday. Which means that next week's menu has changed. I think you can figure it out, but I'll run down the list anyway.

  • Monday - Hamburger Tray or Hot Dog Tray with options for extra drink, extra chips, extra dessert, and more. - PLEASE NOTE! You do NOT have to fill out a paper menu and send it back in if you ordered lunch via RenWeb. Trust me, it'll get confusing when the 6th grade parents are handing three hamburger plates to a 1st grader with no parent around.
  • Tuesday - Baked Ziti, Garlic Bread, Salad, Lemon Bar
  • Wednesday - Chick-fil-A
  • Thursday - Cheeseburger, Fries, Pickle, Cookie
  • Friday - Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Ice Cream

Next question I know you want to ask is, can parents come? Absolutely! Field Day is a great way to meet other parents and kiddos before the summer starts. Even if you're not new to FRCS, there's always a new family you can connect with. Join us for the fun and games and cheer the 1st - 6th graders on as they strut their stuff and win ribbon after ribbon and have a wonderful time.

PS - I've heard that there will be a coffee cart available from 8 - 11 from Just Love. 15% of all proceeds from that cart will go toward the 6th grade class!  

Honor Society Induction, 4/17

It's nearly time for them to let go. An old chapter is coming to a close and a new chapter is about to begin.

In just a few short weeks, the Honor Society Seniors will hand over the torch to the next group of Honor Society Students and new Inductees. And we would like you to be a part of this occasion. Join us Monday, April 17th at 9:45 in the church auditorium as we welcome the newest group of honor society students, and wish the best of luck to those who are leaving FRCS.

Tax Day, 4/17

No one in their right mind would consider Tax Day a holiday. Not at all. But it is coming, whether we like it or not. 

I know that taxes get a bad rap. I myself have been known to complain once or twice (ahem) about paying them. And it makes it worse when, instead of getting a refund like we used to years ago, we end up paying. That really rumples my pantaloons the wrong way. (I'm kidding about the pantaloons. I just like the word.)

But with all the wrong things in America, there are still some good things. And I am happy to be a part of this country and I will be happy (maybe, but probably shouldn't talk about it much or I will forget that I'm happy) to do my part. 

Plus it helps that after I pay those dreaded taxes I feel I have earned a Crumbl Cookie and I treat myself. Sometimes I even get 2.

Walkathon, 4/28

I will be the first to admit that I don't do change well. But sometimes it's necessary to make changes - especially if it has to do with safety. 

As you know, our WAT project has changed. Instead of working on playground padding and renovating the locker rooms, this year, we're going to be working towards making our campus more safe for you and your family. As well as ours.

If you'd like to see what upgrades, click the link below.

Please feel free to share the link with friends and family - even businesses.We have different sponsorship levels that may encourage businesses to donate as well.

At the bottom of that page (you clicked the link, right? No? What in the world are you waiting for, sheesh!) you will see different levels of sponsorship. 

  • Elementary students who raise $50 will have a 2-hour fun day pass on May 15th. 
  • Elementary students who raise $100 will have a 4-hour fun day pass on May 15th.
  • 7th-12th students who raise $50 will receive a 1 day Exam Pass. (This means they can leave right after Exams are finished. If they don't have an Exam Pass, they aren't allowed to leave early after Exams.)
  • 7th-12th students who raise $100 will receive a 3 day Exam Pass.  
There's more, but I know people have a small attention span. Have questions? Give us a call!


And because most people have small attention spans, and I know I can get wordy, let me recap this Parent Page for you.

  • 4/17 - K5 Cap & Gown Pictures
  • 4/17 - 12th Grade Cap & Gown Pictures
  • 4/17 - Elementary Field Day
  • 4/17 - Honor Society Induction
  • 4/17 - Tax Day
  • 4/28 - Walkathon
I think that sums it up pretty well. 


One more thing before you go...keep it on the downlow, but Teacher Appreciation Week is the second week of May. It would be super awesome if you wrote a note or something to let your student's teacher know you appreciate them. There will be something set up in the gym lobby as a reminder. Now you can enjoy the rest of your week! ;)

Weird But True

Now for the part you'll never use but some may find interesting. 101 Random.
  • For your next vacation, you'll be very happy to know that the Amazon rainforest, (not the gigantic online shopping place) is bigger than India. Which is why I'll never go to the rainforest because there is no way I want to tempt my husband to forget me there...
  • I've read that it takes 10 gallons of water to make 1 slice of bread which makes me wonder if it would have been better for those people who figured that out to make an entire loaf rather than just one slice. Seems like a waste. (That was a joke. You're welcome.)
  • If you ever go out on a safari, I think you should know that giraffes communicate by humming at night. So when you hear someone humming a weird lullaby, it may be a giraffe. If it sounds like Kum-by-ah, you're going to want to record that so you can prove it.

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