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March 9, 2023


Girls Soccer

3/10 Berean, Away, 4:00 pm
3/16 Pleasant View, Away, 3:30
3/24 Berean, Home, 4:00
4/3 Franklin Classical, Away, 4:00


3/13 Pleasant View, Away, 3:30
3/14 Lancaster, Home, 6:30
3/16 Clarksville, Away, 5:00
4/3 Pleasant View, Home, 4:00

MS & Varsity Baseball

3/13 Pleasant View, Away, MS-4:00
3/13 Monarchs (DH) Varsity - 4:30
3/17 Clarksville, Away, MS - 4:00, Varsity - 6:00
3/18 Franklin Christian, Home, Varsity - 10:00
3/21 MT Heat, Home, MS - 4:00
3/24 Pleasant View, Home, Varsity - 6:30
3/24 Monarchs, Home, MS - 4:30
4/4 Zion Christian, Home, Varsity - 5:00 

NACA Tournament

With our Varsity Boys taking 3rd place in the NACA Tournament last week, we can now say that our basketball season is over and we're super proud of you! Y'all may have placed 3rd in Nationals, but with a season of 35-2 for the boys, and 26-5 for the girls, I'd say FRCS had an awesome season!

  • All Tournament Team went to Judson Bjornstad and Parker Applegate

What Are They Doing?! 3/6-3/10

If you're observant, I'm sure you've noticed that this week there seems to be a few less students here than normal. Not the younger grades, but the older ones. Like 11th and 12th graders. Don't worry, they'll be back next week. This week, they're having the time of their lives in Washington D.C. (and I'm more than a little jealous, but I'll save that for another time). What better way than to go to our nation's capital and see all the things they've spent their entire school careers learning about? (Again, cue the green giant of jealousy here.)

Imagine visiting places like, the Capitol building, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Capitol Hill, and the American History Museum and gobs more places that some of us (ahem, no matter how hard we begged and pleaded,) have only heard about. But I'm not bitter. Well. Maybe a little. Moving on. I really am glad they get to go and make some excellent memories. Here's a few pictures of our guys and gals as they enjoy their time away.

Spring Concert, 3/20

We have quite the group of talented young people here at FRCS and we would absolutely love it if you joined us, March 20th at 7 pm to see for yourself. Be prepared to be blessed and wowed and probably laugh a little as well as they show us how they've improved and what they've learned this past year. Remember to bring a camera. You'll want that.

State Fine Arts, 3/23-3/24

On the heels of the previous article regarding talent, we have some students that have progressed to the next level in Fine Arts and will be competing March 23rd and 24th. Some will be singing, some will be playing instruments, some will be showcasing artistic abilities, and all will be competing against the finest in the state with the hopes of making it to Nationals. Exciting times here at FRCS and we look forward to seeing who makes it to the next level. Good luck to all at FRCS who are participating!

*Things you should know...

  • if your 3rd - 12th grade students are not participating in State Fine Arts, they do not have school on the 23rd and 24th
  • preschool will be open on the 23rd and 24th (Seniors will have a special lunch available for preschoolers)
  • there will be late stay for preschool on those days

Spring Break, 3/27-3/31

Everyone has worked so hard and we've made it this far, but you know as well as I do that it's time we had a break so we can make it through the next few weeks of school. I'm not sure anyone would make it if we didn't! Just kidding. Kind of. Anyway, just to recap, Spring Break officially runs from March 27th through March 31st and we will reconvene at school on April 3rd. 

I'm sure you already know this, but just in case you need reminding, that means there will be no school, no school lunches, and no late stay during that week.

Achievement Testing, 4/3-4/6

And just to keep you in the loop, Achievement Testing is scheduled for April 3rd through April 6th. Yes. The day we get back from Spring Break your child will be tested. No excused absences and please remember to bring a snack. You'll need it, trust me.

Walkathon, 4/28

Remember last year when we raised money for a new bus during Walkathon? I'm sure you'd love to know that the bus has been delivered and is currently being prepped for us to use. And I think you're going to love it. Brand new, air conditioned, no more breaking down beside the expressway, can it get any better than that?! Psst, want to see what it looks like? Here you go. I know a guy...

I believe we are trying to raise money to get rid of the mulch on the playgrounds for this year's Walkathon goal. What's better than mulch? Have you tried that really nice foam padded stuff they use now? Oh yea, no more teary eyes because someone threw mulch, no more worrying about angry ants with gigantic teeth and attitudes, no more mulch encrusted coats that will never be the same no matter how long you take to pluck it off the fuzzy interior. Sounds almost too good to be true. It's going to be so worth it. 

Anyway. Information will be coming home soon.

Trivia You Probably Don't Know

  • What is the driest place on earth?
  • What color are the arches at McDonald's in Sedona, Arizona?
  • What is the only state in America that does not have a rectangular state flag?
  • What is the rarest blood type?
  • Where did Albert Einstein live before moving to the United States?
  • Which fruit did many people in the Western world think was poisonous until 1820?
  • The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States. But this time, the term 'bald' doesn't mean hairless. It comes from an Old English word that means...what?
  • What was the date of the Boston Tea Party?

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