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March 22, 2023


Girls Soccer

3/24 Berean, Home, 4:00

4/3 Franklin Classical, Away, 4:00

4/6 South Haven, Away, 5:00

4/10 Pleasant View, Home, 4:00


4/3 Pleasant View, Home, 4:00

4/4 Zion Christian, Home, 5:00

4/6 Clarksville, Home, 5:00

4/10 Lancaster, Away, 5:00

MS & Varsity Baseball

3/21 MT Heat, Home, MS - 4:00

3/24 Pleasant View, Home, Varsity - 6:30

3/24 Monarchs, Home, MS - 4:30

4/4 Zion Christian, Home, Varsity - 5:00 

4/6 South Haven, Away, MS - 4:00, Varsity - 6:00

Academic Testing Winners

This is for all you who like to know who won what (say that really fast ten times) for Academic Testing. While all the students who participated did a great job, here's the list of 1st through 3rd place winners. Congratulations to all!


Fine Arts & Spring Break

And now you can see why you're getting the Parent Page on Wednesday rather than on Thursday. We didn't want you to be out of the loop. 

State Fine Arts competition runs right before Spring Break. Which happens every year. But what else happens is, invariably people get more than a little confused on who needs to be at school on Thursday and Friday. Let me break it down for you.

  • Preschool is open and will have the option for hot lunch on Thursday and Friday
  • Kindergarten - no school March 23rd & 24th
  • 1st Grade - no school March 23rd & 24th
  • 2nd Grade - no school March 23rd & 24th
  • 3rd Grade - only need to come to school if they're participating in Fine Arts. (If they are, you should already be aware of this, so if you're unaware, they're probably not participating.) 
  • 4th Grade - only if participating in Fine Arts. (please see parenthetical note above.)
  • 5th Grade - only if participating in Fine Arts.      "
  • 6th Grade - only if participating in Fine Arts.      "
  • 7th Grade - only in participating in Fine Arts.      "
  • 8th Grade - only if participating in Fine Arts.      "
  • 9th Grade - only in participating in Fine Arts.      "
  • 10th Grade - only if participating in Fine Arts.      "
  • 11th Grade - only if participating in Fine Arts.      "
  • 12th Grade - only if participating in Fine Arts.      "

So the gist of the story is this:

If your student is in Kindergarten through 12th grade and they are NOT participating in Fine Arts, they do NOT have school March 23rd and 24th. Enjoy your extra Spring Break days.

If your student IS participating in Fine Arts, they are ONLY required to be at school for their scheduled competition time. Once that's over, enjoy your Spring Break.

Have questions? Call me. I'll explain it. :)

Spring Break, 3/27-3/31

Achievement Testing, 4/3-4/6

Now listen. Please read this article. This is important. I understand that you may find these things boring, but we really do try to make this Parent Page fun and understandable. We feel it's pretty important for you to be aware of things that are going on at the school. And...this is the way we make you aware.

Achievement Testing will occur April 3rd through April 6th. Yes. That's right after Spring Break. Which could mean one of two things.

  • One - you've completely relaxed your brain cells and are raring to go and do your best, or
  • Two - you've completely relaxed your brain cells and no longer remember how to school. Amongst other things.

Trust me. I know which one it is as soon as you walk into the school. 

While we do hope that you had a relaxing Spring Break (that is certainly my own plan) we do ask that you go to bed early April 2nd and prepare yourself to do your best on these tests. Remember to bring a few pencils, a snack, and a great attitude because you'll want all of those. It'll make your week go much better.

Oh yeah, one more thing. There are no excused absences that week. As in zero.

Good luck to you all!

Lost & Found, 4/5-4/6

And here's another chance for you to reclaim your child's items from the massive lost & found bins. Honestly, there is so much stuff in there it's more than a little daunting. Anyway. We will have a Lost & Found sale April 5th and 6th. Everything is only $1. 

Field Day, 4/14

It's that time of year when 1st graders through 6th graders go outside and do field day activities. Like, all the things. Jump rope, egg relay, long jump, yada yada yada to see who is the best at each event. There will be ribbons. There will be smiles. There may be a scowl or two because someone missed it by 'that much' but all of it means another great memory as students prepare to proceed to the next grade.

Here's the caveat. Your student may wear PE shorts with their respective class shirt. Please watch the weather for that day. If it's supposed to rain, field day will be held on April 13th. If it's going to be a little chilly, girls may wear leggings under their PE shorts.

Parents, you are more than welcome to attend. There's a really good chance that a teacher will need your help. Desperately.

Field Day Lunches will be hosted by the 6th grade class. Which means...if you want a lunch, you must order it in advance. 6th grade will be cooking and preparing things for you. This is a fundraiser to help 6th grade cover the costs of their graduation. Order forms will be going home soon. 

You know what, I've added one below just in case you'd like to get your order in early and not have to panic.

WAT, 4/28

No, I didn't forget how to spell 'what', but thank you so much for pointing that out. I do appreciate it because that means you read the Parent Page. Gold star to you!

Actually, that stands for Walkathon, which will be held on April 28th here in our very own lower parking lot. This year, we have two goals that will pretty much have an impact on every student here. 

  • First goal is to completely redo the playground and get rid of all that mulch. Yes, that mulch. The stuff that gets stuck in your child's coat, hair, and unfortunately sometimes, eyes. The stuff that hosts those ants with attitudes and doesn't always provide and cushiest of falls. We would like to recover the playgrounds with that incredible foamy type stuff you've probably noticed at some of the city and county playgrounds. (cue ooohs and ahhhhs here). 
  • Second goal is to renovate the boys and girls locker room bathrooms. Which is a wonderful idea because let's face it. If you've been in there to use the facilities, it's really not equipped to handle a person of adult(ish) sized proportions. Yes. Anyone over eight has trouble.
Anyway, I'm pretty excited to see what we can accomplish together this year for Walkathon. Information will be coming home soon.

Weird But True

Now for the part you'll never use but some may find interesting. 101 Random.
  • A lobster's teeth are in its stomach. Which begs the question, if the item passes its mouth and lands in its stomach, what happens if the lobster hates it? How does it get rid of the item?
  • Did you know that a caterpillar has more muscles than a human being? Yet, we're still able to accidentally step on them and squish them flat. Kind of puts our lives into perspective, doesn't it.
  • Did you know that it takes a snail 220 hours to crawl one mile nonstop? And did you also know that those snails seem to morph into drivers when you're late for work and they're always in front of you?
  • And this may be gross, but I find it interesting. Gorillas burp when they're happy. So we could rightfully call them happy burpers.
  • Last but not least, Canadians eat on the average more doughnuts than Americans do. I'm wondering if maybe that's because their doughnuts are better than ours or do we just not this as seriously as we should?

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