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March 2, 2023

TAACS Tournament Results

Do you remember how last week I mentioned the whole Tournament Results thing for TSIAA? This isn't the same article. Nor is it about the same games. Whole new games with a similar result and we're ecstatic about it. We're talking about the TAACS Tournament that we just went through. 

Both teams, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys took State Champs (the crowd goes wild!)

  • Varsity Girls MVP - Kayte Madison Bjornstad
  • All Tournament goes to Presley Applegate, Bryleigh Dempsey, and Gracie Tidwell
  • Varsity Boys MVP was Tripp Walker
  • All Tournament went to Judson Bjornstad, Parker Applegate, and Noah Pence

Dropping Off In The Mornings 

Did you know that we have a dedicated place to actually drop your children off for school? It's true, we do. And it may not be where you thought it was.

I run the risk of being Captain Obvious here, but I'm going to anyway. The official place is...drum roll...the east side of the building. And for directionally challenged people (like me) the east side is the drop off/pick up line. Super easy. Drive through, stop long enough for your children to safely get out, (do not  kick them out. There will be witnesses) and voila! You have successfully dropped your child(ren) off for school.

Does that not work for you? I'm sorry. The good news is, you're more than welcome to park and walk your student in-if they're 6th grade and under. If they're over 6th grade, they can walk in by themselves. We just can't have people making their own drop off areas all willy-nilly (like in front of the gym lobby) or there would be mass confusion. Or mobs and gobs of kids everywhere. Which is not really the safest because you know, there are cars driving around.

You get the picture. Don't drop your student off in front of the gym unless you park your car and walk your child in. (6th grade and under. Over 6th grade can walk in by themselves, but mom and dad. Please still park the car.) Do use the drop off-pick up line.

End of Third Quarter, 3/3

It's here. Tomorrow is the very last day of the third quarter and I need to ask - are you prepared for it? Have all your tests and quizzes been completed and turned in? Your homework done? Are you ready to hit the fourth quarter and finish this school year in a burst of glory?

Or are you going to end it like an atomic bomb? When you look at your report card will all you see is destruction and despair?

Let's not have that. Let's get this year finished and do the best we absolutely can so when you look back at this year during this summer (it's oh so close!) you can honestly say you did the best you could.

Because some of you will be completing your high school career in a few weeks and won't be coming back. You might not think it now, but one day, you will look back on these times and remember these days.

Let's not make them "I wish I would have done..." days.

Lost and Found

I know you saw it if you came into the school. Unless you avoided eye contact with me - or  ignored the tables in front of my office. You know the ones. Yes. Those piled high with stuff.

So go ahead and look through the mass of items and be surprised at what you find. Someone in this school has actually gone home without their pants and somehow, no one mentioned it. Weird. 

The good news though, this time around I didn't find any shoes, so there's that.

Spring Concert, 3/20

I know, I know, March just started so I shouldn't be thinking about the END of it already. Yet here we are.

March 20th is slated to host our annual (minus the year we don't speak of)  Spring Concert. So keep that date open and be prepared to be wowed.

More details will be following the closer we get. 

101 Random

  • The older I get, the more I understand why roosters just scream to start their day.
  • You know, I get a little offended when cashiers check to see if my money is counterfeit. If I could counterfeit money, I wouldn't be at the Dollar Tree.
  • And last but not least, in a span of 11 years, 115 people died in a weightlifting accident at the gym. In the same 11 years, only 1 person died eating a donut. Moral of the story? Make good choices. 

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