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December 8, 2022

Basketball - Middle School

12/8 Franklin Christian, Home, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00

12/9 Dickson Christian, Away, MSG - 7:00, MSB - 6:00

12/13 Lighthouse, Home, MSB - 5;00

1/3 Greater Things, Home, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00

Basketball - JV

12/8 Franklin Christian, Home, JVB - 6:00

12/10 South Haven, Away, JVB - 11:00

12/15 Community High School, Away, JVB - 4:15

1/2 Community High School, Home, JVB - 6:00

Basketball -Varsity

12/8 Franklin Christian, Home, VG - 7:00, VB - 8:30 Free Popcorn Night!

12/9 Moore County, TBA, VG - TBA, VB - TBA

12/10 Zion Christian, Home, VG - 5:30, VB - 7:00

12/13 Lighthouse, Home, VB - 7:30

12/15 Community High School, Away, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

1/2 Community High School, Home, VB - 7:30

Thank You!

We just want to take a moment and thank you for joining us for the cutest Christmas programs here in Middle Tennessee. We do hope you were blessed and we hope you enjoyed yourself. A huge thank you for the donations that poured in. You're a wonderful blessing to us here at FRCS. You gave just on the underside of $2,800 toward building of the cabin at Triple S Christian Camp. We know this will bless many young people and hopefully bring them closer to the Lord for years to come. Y'all are amazing!

Exam Week, December 13th-16th

If your student suddenly starts spouting off elements from the periodic table during dinner, don't be alarmed and don't call the looney bin. They're just getting ready for exams. Well, some of them, I can understand why you would be tempted, but really. Control yourself.

Exam week will be December 13th through the 16th with no excused absences for secondary. I repeat. No. Excused. Absences. So your student will need to be at school. They will need their pencils. Probably a few erasers, paper, and maybe a calculator. Gather your gear and let's finish out this year right. And after exams, they may or may not need to sleep for a week to regenerate those brain cells. That's completely up to you.

Last Call for Grades

Seriously it's so close we can feel it. There's a certain kind of craziness in the air that occurs only at Christmas time. The kids kind of go loopy and a few teachers do as well, if I'm going to be honest. Well. Maybe not the teachers, but there is a certain office lady that is really becoming a pill. She needs a break. That woman. Sheesh.

Anyway. Please make sure all your work has been turned in and all those tests and quizzes have been made up because you really don't want zeroes. You can have a bunch of A's and one round little zero will take that down quite a bit. Don't do that to yourself. Get it all finished and turned in.

Christmas Chapel, December 16th

We're rounding the corner and this particular project is almost over. If you would like to be a blessing and donate toward building a new cabin for Triple S Christian Camp, the last day to give will be December 16th. 

Come join us as we present the donation check to Triple S during our Christmas Chapel at 9:20 am. You will be blessed knowing that you have helped us make a difference in someone's life.


It doesn't matter if it's only the 2nd week of December, the phones have been ringing off the hook with potential students. That's right. Families chomping at the bit and lining up at the proverbial doors to have their students here at FRCS. 

Re-enrollment for our current FRCS families opens February 1st with priority enrollment for siblings who don't currently attend opening February 15th. (Example: Mary goes to school here but her little brother Melvin doesn't. Their parents can re-enroll Mary on February 1st and then enroll Melvin February 15th without waiting for March 1st like the general public. See how this works?)

Please let me encourage you to get that registration fee in as soon as possible. Every single year it happens without fail that a student doesn't get in because parents didn't get their form and fee turned in. Don't do this to me. I dislike this intensely. As in very much. 

Spirit Week

Yes. That wacky, crazy fun time when everyone comes to school dressed rather peculiarly (I just tried to say that out loud and it was a miserable fail. But the look of consternation on my husband's face as he tried to decipher what word I was trying to say was a bonus) to get us all hyped up for homecoming. Which is January 7th. (Yes, you're invited.) The order of events is as follows:

  • Tuesday - 1/3 - Class Color Day
  • K3 - Blue
  • K4 - Orange
  • K5 - Yellow
  • 1st - Red
  • 2nd - Purple
  • 3rd - Green
  • 4th - Black
  • 5th - Pink
  • 6th - Highlighter Yellow
  • 7th - Burgundy
  • 8th - Baby Blue
  • 9th - Hunter Green
  • 10th - Volunteer Orange
  • 11th - Royal Blue 
  • 12th - White- pink  
  • Wednesday - Sports Day
  • Thursday - Holiday Day
  • Friday - Black and Gold Day

101 Random

Decipher This

  • Sill Verb Else
  • Sand Duck Laws
  • Sees Inns Creed Dings
  • Part Rid Gin Up Air Tree
  • Fur Awes Teeth Us Gnome An
  • The I'd Bee Fork Wrist Mess

 christmas activity printable

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