11/8 Black & Gold Games
MSG - 3:30, MSB - 4:15
JVG - 5:15, JVB - 5:45
VG - 6:30, VB - 7:15
11/10 Boyd, Home, JVG - 4:00, JVB - 5:00, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30
11/10 Greater Things, Away, MSG - 4:30, MSB - 5:30
11/11 South Haven, Away, MSG - 5:00, MSB - 6:00
11/11 Lancaster Turkey Jam, Away, JVG - TBD, JVB - TBD
11/11 Hamilton, Home, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30
11/12 Lancaster Turkey Jam, JVG - TBD, JVB - TBD
Winter Sports
When I say 'Winter Sports' I'm not talking about skiing or snowboarding and let's just take a moment to thank the good Lord that I'm not because that would mean we lived in a much colder climate than we do. And I don't think I could go back to that. Seriously, all those stories about trudging through 3 feet of snow uphill both ways was actually correct for me. I have no desire to return.
No, what I mean is, sports like basketball and cheer. If your student is interested in either of those sports, I'm really going to need those sports forms. Here's what I need:
- current physical
- 2 consent forms (same exact form filled out twice)
- sudden cardiac arrest form
- athletic handbook form
I need these as soon as possible. Watch for a harassing...I mean...gentle reminder coming to your email soon...unless I have everything. Then you won't hear from me.
Lost & Found Through Tomorrow, 11/2-11/4
Those bins were full, and I mean full. I thought I was going to lose a hand once or twice. Just kidding, but it really was quite the job to set everything out. So please. Check through the tables for that coat, that shoe, or that lost sandwich, I mean lunchbox, because chances are it's there. (I think the only thing I didn't find was a cat or dog. Which is good because that would have scared the woolies out of me.)
Thanksgiving Luncheon, 11/22
Yes, this part of the parent page is not a typo. We are officially in the month of November. Not sure how that happened so quickly, but here we are. And ready for it or not, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. (Which means Christmas is nipping at its heels and I'm definitely not ready for that.)
November 22nd from 11-1, we will be having our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon with all the traditional trimmings. Turkey, dressing, potatoes & gravy, vegetables, pies, the works - hot and yummy - waiting for you.
Tickets will be sold in the office or you can order through FACTS (please make sure you're ordering the correct tray. We'd really hate to have to give Grammy Edna a child's plate and make her starve because there wasn't enough food on her plate. Remember, your inheritance may be greatly diminished should this happen.)
- 4th grade and up - $10
- Preschool to 3rd grade - $8
- Under preschool - free
Thanksgiving Break, 11/23-11/25
After all that feasting and fellowship the previous day (Tuesday at the Thanksgiving Luncheon, but I know you read it so this parenthetical statement is unnecessary, correct? Please tell me I'm correct. Lie if you have to. I take this very personally.) students will be dismissed at 11:30 on Wednesday with no school on Thursday and Friday. Don't act like you don't know why we do this. Wednesday (with no late stay) is so mom can have more time to prepare for Thursday. Thursday is Thanksgiving and all the food you eat makes it difficult to walk let alone learn anything, and Friday is for Black Friday shopping. Yes. I've seen some of you people. Staying out all night Thursday night into the wee hours of Friday, drinking your coffee from a gigantic thermos and driving like a maniac. Oh wait. That was me. Nevermind.
Anyway, to recap. Wednesday is a half day with no late stay. Thursday is Thanksgiving with no school or late stay. (I feel that should be common sense, but I could be wrong) and Friday there is no school (or late stay) because we're recovering either from eating way too much or from shopping until we pass out.
I just want to take a moment to say that I was forced to talk about Christmas already. I am not one of those that likes to talk Christmas before Thanksgiving, but, in an effort to keep everyone informed and on the same page, it is my duty to let you know that this year's FRCS Christmas Project will be raising money to help Triple S Christian Ranch build a new cabin. Which will cost about $35,000. We will be presenting the gift during a special Christmas chapel and you're invited to join us for it.
*Each class will be setting their own individual goals, so be on the lookout for more information coming your way.
Time Change
Don't forget to turn your clocks back one hour this Sunday, November 6th. There's always something so happy about getting that 1 hour back that we lost in spring. It's like everything else just kind of falls into place where it should be. See what I did there? "Falls into place..."? Nevermind.
Late Stay
One last thing before we get to the fun stuff below. Preschool parents, please make sure you're clocking your child out when you pick them up. If you don't, you will be charged for late stay when you didn't use it. Which will cause you to call us and of course, we will change it, but it's so much easier for everyone involved if you just check them out in the first place. We wouldn't want a charge to go unnoticed. Thank you so much!
101 Random
- Would you rather give up air conditioning and heating for the rest of your life or Internet for the rest of your life? (I don't think I can answer this one honestly.)
- Would you rather swim in a pool of Nutella or a pool of Maple syrup? (Maple syrup for me, please!)
- Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef? (personal chef. I am the maid.)
- The world's smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat measuring around 1.29 inches long with a wingspan up to 5.7 inches and is also probably one of those neat little creatures that turns anyone who has the pleasure of meeting one face to face into an instant ninja.
- Decipher this: When Hurt Ache Saw
- This week's Riddle: What breaks but never falls, and what falls but never breaks?
- For Laughs: The inventor of the umbrella was originally going to call it brella. But he hesitated.
- I turn once and what is out will not get in, turn again and what's in will not get out. What am I? - A lock