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November 10, 2022


Basketball - Middle School

11/11 South Haven, Away, MSG - 6:00, MSB - 5:00

11/17 Riverside, Home, MSB - 5:00

11/18 Franklin Classical, Home, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00

Basketball - JV

11/10 Boyd, Home, JVG - 4:00, JVB - 5:00

11/11-11/12 Lancaster Turkey Jam, Away, JVG - TBA, JVB - TBA

11/18 Franklin Classical, Home, JVB - 6:00

11/21 Central Magnet, Away, JVB - 4:15

Basketball -Varsity

11/10 Boyd, Home, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

11/11 Hamilton Heights, Home, VG - 5:00, VB - 6:30

11/17 Riverside, Home, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

11/18 Franklin Classical, Home, VG - 7:00, VB - 8:30 

11/21 Central Magnet, Away, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30


Basketball This Friday

Have you been to a Predators game? Or a football game, whether it be college or the Titans? I have and there's just something so gratifying and plain awesome about a group of people that get together with the sole intention of cheering their favorite team to victory.

That's what we need you to do. We need you to join us and cheer our Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball players as they square up against a rather challenging team this Friday at FRCS. Let's see what they've got, and let's scream ourselves hoarse, and show our school spirit to Hamilton Heights Friday night.

It's Getting Better

Remember how we got an extra day off of school a couple weeks ago due to sickness? Well, I'm happy to report that things are on the upswing. Students and teachers are healthy and somewhat happy but that doesn't mean we're out of the woods just yet. 

So we're asking you to help us help you. If your child looks sick, says they're sick, says they just threw up or their stomach is squirmy and queasy, or they're lethargic and not acting normal, please take them seriously. Look them over. Take their temperature. Pinch them, tweak them, stare at them without blinking for a few minutes to see if they cave and admit they're just trying to get out of school. Basically, we're asking you to make sure they're really not sick before you send them to school. 

Help us stem the tide of the 11th plague...I mean...flu.

Missions Conference 11/13-11/16

Come be blessed with us for this year's Missions Conference! From Sunday the 13th through Wednesday the 16th, you're sure to enjoy this year's speaker and messages as well as have a chance to meet the special families who are answering God's call to take the Gospel to others. Services start at 7:00 pm every night.


Brownie Sundaes - Friday, 11/18

Did you miss the last Brownie Sundae? Did you gawp and cry when you saw others walking back to their tables with their chocolatey ooey gooey goodness? Did your whole life flash before your eyes?

I have good news for you. Friday, November 18th will be the next Brownie Sundae on Friday day. Please say that 10 times as fast as you can. Use a high-pitched voice and please video it. Don't forget to send it to me. I promise I will not use this for nefarious purposes. Thanks.  

So raid the couch cushions or beg someone  for 4 quarters for next Friday. 

Thanksgiving Luncheon 11/22

It's coming up quick! If you haven't purchased your tickets for this year's Thanksgiving Luncheon, let me encourage you to visit Mrs. Lawwell as soon as possible. Or put your order in on RenWeb. Trust me. You don't want to wait until the last minute - I've seen that line and it can be quite daunting. 

Stop by any time between 11 and 1, pick up your student, eat some delicious food, and if you so desire (and have let us know in advance via note or email) take them home with you after lunch. 

If you attend the luncheon, you may check your student out afterward. Please understand - this isn't a half day. School is still going on and students are required to be here unless you, the parent, have let us know in advance that it is your intention to check them out after lunch. Which you must do in person. Because I like seeing your faces. You make me smile.

  • 4th grade and up - $10
  • Preschool to 3rd grade - $8
  • Under preschool - free
*Remember, you can order your luncheon tray on RenWeb as well*

Thanksgiving Break 11/23-11/25

Speaking of checking students out early, we also need you to send in a note if they're not going to be in school on Wednesday the 23rd. It's super easy. You can email it to me, email it to Mrs. Anderson, you can write it on a fancy piece of paper, or you can write it on a ripped off pizza box. It doesn't matter. But what does matter is you let us know in advance. (I do ask that you don't write it using smoke signals, Morse Code, or Braille. I'm illiterate in all those, thank you very much. Have compassion on me please and thank you.)

  • Wednesday, November 23rd - dismiss at 11:30, no late stay
  • Thursday, November 24th - no school, no late stay
  • Friday, November 25th - no school, no late stay

Do you have fond memories of going to camp when you were young? Maybe you went to a summer camp and went swimming in the biggest lake you'd ever seen and you wonder now how you didn't get the heebie jeebies swimming with big fish. Or maybe you went to a winter camp and learned how to ski (or how to fall not-so-gracefully down a steep slope) and sip hot chocolate next to a roaring fire as you listen to the youth pastor preach a message that seemed tailored just for you.

Camp is such a wonderful time; a time when kids can take a rest from everyday life and do something new and fun while having someone tell them that God loves them so much that He sent His Son to die for them. A place where broken hearts mend and knees willingly bend. 

This year for our Christmas Project, we're giving you the chance to reach a teen (or tween's) heart for God. It is our desire to help Triple S Christian Camp build a new cabin and help impact more lives for Him. 

We may never know how many lives this project will change, how many souls will be saved, or how many lives will be surrendered for His honor and glory, but we do know that we will be a blessing to a great Christian Camp and we know that God's Word will not return unto Him void.

101 Random

  • For Pondering: There are two ships of equal size and strength. One is made of wood and the other of steel. Can you explain which one is heavier?
  • More Pondering: As a rule, how long will a so-called 'Eight Day Clock' run without winding?
  • Decipher This: Soap Hour Flee
  • Praise the Lord: In ancient times, pillows were not the soft, fluffy things we use today. Oh no. They were actually tall pedestals made out of stone, wood, or ceramic as their primary purpose wasn't comfort. It was more for keeping...bugs out of your mouth. Super thankful I didn't live back then. Ew ew ew ew.
  • Speaking of praising the Lord, let's do another, shall we? There once was a time in the not too distant past where toothbrush bristles were made out of boar bristles. Yes. As in pig hair. And, if that's not enough for you to thank the Lord you live now, it wasn't until 1938 when nylon bristles were introduced. Pig hair. People, I am not ok.
  • After reading the above tidbit of nastiness, do you find yourself wanting to wash yourself? To scrape some sort of invisible yuckness off yourself? You could reach for a bar of soap that is sprinkled with real gold dust and diamond dust. It's pretty cheap too. Only costs $2800, shipping not included. What in the world is wrong with people?!
  • Food for Thought: I'm just gonna throw it out there that I'm rather disappointed that chef Bobby Flay didn't name his daughter Sue. I feel like he lost a prime opportunity.
  • Decipher This: When Hurt Ache Saw.....winner takes all
  • This week's Riddle Answer: What breaks but never falls, and what falls but never breaks? Morning and Night

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