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December 1, 2022


Basketball - Middle School

12/2 Pleasant View, Away, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00

12/5 South Haven, Home, MSG - 5:00, MSB - 6:00

12/8 Franklin Christian, Home, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00

12/9 Dickson Christian, Away, MSG - 7:00, MSB - 6:00

Basketball - JV

12/3 Away, JVB - 11:00 Zion Christian, 12:00 South Haven, 2:00 Lancaster

12/3 Away, JVG - 4:00 South Haven, 5:00 Christian Community 

12/5 Zion Christian, Away, JVB - 4:30

12/8 Franklin Christian, Home, JVB - 6:00

12/10 South Haven, Away, JVB - 11:00

Basketball -Varsity

12/2 Pleasant View, Away, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

12/8 Franklin Christian, Home, VG - 7:00, VB - 8:30 Free Popcorn Night!

12/9 Moore County, TBA, VG - TBA, VB - TBA

12/10 Zion Christian, Home, VG - 5:30, VB - 7:00

12/13 Lighthouse, Home, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

MS/HS Christmas Program Tonight @ 7:00

I know you didn't make other plans. I just know you wouldn't do that to these kiddos who have worked so hard on this program tonight. So that means I will see you and your family in the school gym tonight at 7 pm so we can all enjoy the kickoff to the Holiday season together. See you there! 

*This event will be Livestreamed and a link will be sent to you.

(There will be hot chocolate for sale after the program in the Commons should you so require. Hosted by our fabulous cheerleaders.)

Preschool Program, December 6th @ 6:00 PM

I'm sure you noticed that the time is different for the Preschool Christmas program than the Elementary Program. Probably because you've read every single word in these most important Parent Pages. I know this to be true. (Uh huh. I'm looking at you.) Anyway, we had hoped we'd be able to enjoy these programs in the church auditorium, but unfortunately that's not going to happen. So here's what we need you to know.

  • Preschool program will start at 6:00 (doors open at 5:30)
  • Immediate family only, please
  • A Livestream link will be sent to you so family members can watch as well
  • Should we run out of room in the gymnasium, overflow space will be in the Commons

Elementary Program, December 6th @ 7:00 PM

...and for all who will not be joining us for the Middle School/High School program tonight (at 7:00 pm in the gym), nor the Preschool program on the 6th at 6, I would like to formally invite you to come to the Elementary program on the 6th at 7. (Say that whole thing 10 times fast.) Be prepared for cuteness overload and make sure you bring the camera. You're going to want to document this, trust me. Please pay attention to the details listed below.

  • Program starts at 7:00 (doors open at 6:30)
  • Immediate family only, please 
  • A Livestream link will be sent to you to share with family and friends
  • Overflow room will be in the Commons area
  • The cheerleaders will be hosting a bake sale after the program

Cheerleader Bake Sale, December 6th

Did you see that last point? The one where I mentioned there would be a bake sale for you to purchase items after the Elementary program? Yes. After a long COVID induced pause, the bake sale is back and I for one am very excited about it. Be sure to visit the yummy table and maybe make a donation to the FRCS cheerleaders. But if there's rice krispy treats, I call dibs on those because I love them so much. It's a real problem.

If you haven't come into the Commons yet, you're missing out. We would like to extend a very big, heartfelt, and grateful Thank you to the Alcorn and Barnes families for decorating for us. It really is fabulous! Seriously, if they do it again next year, I'm thinking we may have to charge an admittance fee to the general public. Another excellent job!

Brownie Sundae, December 2nd

This Friday will be the last brownie sundae in December so be sure to bring your $1 to tide you over until we get back in January. 

End of the 2nd Quarter

Do you know what that means? Let me explain. The end of the 2nd quarter means that we're halfway through the school year. As in...halfway through the school year. Do you see the magnitude of that statement?! Let me encourage you, if you have missing work, get it turned in. If there are quizzes or tests that you haven't made up yet...git it dun. As in, today. Don't wait. Don't procrastinate. The longer you procrastinate the better your chances are that you will catch me in a grumpy mood because there's a lot going on all at once. I'm old and yes, I can get kinda crotchety (but not nearly as much as others who shall remain nameless because they're sensitive) so please. Have mercy on me and get those tests and quizzes done and over without waiting until the very...last...minute.

End of the quarter for MS/HS is Wednesday, December 7th. End of the quarter for Elementary is December 14th. Let's knock it out of the park!

Christmas Project

Remember, the last day to contribute toward your classroom's goal for this year's Christmas Project is December 16th. Ask your child's teacher what they will win if they meet their goal, and please. Come join us for our special Christmas Chapel on December 16th when FRCS will present Triple S Christian Camp with a check for what the kids raised for the new cabin.

Fall Exams

Just when you were getting all excited that there was light at the end of the tunnel, or maybe you were daydreaming about having 2 weeks off of school for Christmas break, here I come with news that some of you may greet with less than a great amount of enthusiasm. Exams are scheduled for December 13th through the 16th. I've included a copy for your Whatever way you want to look at it, here you go. Now you can prepare. You're welcome. 

Lost & Found, December 7th - 9th

We will have one last Lost & Found for 2022 before we head out for Christmas Break. This will be your last chance to find that school hoodie that's been missing (at the very bottom of the bins. It was there all along. You just didn't want to dig for it. You really should feel sorry for me sometimes, just saying) for an entire month. Or maybe it's your water bottle. Could be that. I seem to have a plethora of water bottles. Seriously. But then again, perhaps it's you who has gone home with one shoe on and one shoe off (isn't there a nursery rhyme along those lines?) here's your chance to reclaim your lost items. One word of caution though. Do not, under any circumstances, open the lunchbox that you left. You will regret it and smells of a horrific type will occur and lives may be lost. Well. Maybe not lives, but people really might run away screaming. Ask me how I know. 

Breakfast Fundraiser, December 9th

Just a quick note, next Friday the Basketball teams and Cheerleaders will be hosting a Chick-fil-A breakfast to help them offset the West Coast trip coming up in February. Look for an email to hit your inbox with more information soon!  

101 Random

  • How does King Wenceslas like his pizza? Deep pan, crisp and even...    (please tell me you sang that.)
  • The older I get, the more I understand why roosters scream to start their day. Think I'm going to try that tomorrow.
  • Did I seem to be a little lost the other day when you came into my office? Sorry about that. My brain logged me out due to inactivity and I couldn't remember the password. It was a struggle.
  • Are you not ready for Christmas yet? Did you miss out on Black Friday? Don't worry. If you're missing the angry crowd of panicky people, you'll want to wait for the Friday and Saturday before Christmas. Those are the busiest retail days of the year. (That's gonna be a big nope for me, thank you very much. I did my time on Black Friday and I'm good for another year.)
  • Did you know that wreaths originated as a symbol of Christ? The holly represents the crown of thorns Jesus wore at His crucifixion and the red berries represent His blood.    
  • Today's Riddle: I'm light as a feather yet the strongest person can't hold me for 5 minutes. What am I?     your breath

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