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October 27, 2022


Volleyball Tournament Results

10/24-10/29 Varsity TSIAA Tournament, TBA

Here we are at the end of another Fall Sports season and so many things have happened. Here's a recap of all the excitement around here the past couple of weeks:

JV Volleyball All Tournament Team: State Champs!

  • Kylie Ward
  • Ellee English
  • Bryleigh Dempsey and
  • MVP was Kayte Madison Bjornstad.

TACS Varsity Volleyball All Tournament Team: State Champs!

  • Presley Applegate
  • Emma Dugger
  • Allie Lowhorn and
  • MVP was Kayte Madison Bjornstad (no that isn't a typo. She won both.)

Soccer Tournament Results

...and let's keep going with Soccer...

TACS Boys Soccer All Tournament Team: State Champs!

  • Tripp Walker
  • Patrick Canning
  • Benjamin Walker and
  • MVP was Maddox Robertson

While we're mentioning all these state champs, don't forget to congratulate the Cross Country boys and girls for bringing home their own State Championship for TACS and congratulations to the girls Cross Country team for winning the TSIAA Cross Country Championship!

It's definitely been a winning year so far for FRCS!

Winter Sports Coming Up Next

I know, I know, you're sad that the Volleyball and Soccer season is over. I get that. But before you start planning what you're going to do with all that extra time on your hands, I believe it is my duty to remind you that winter sports is just about to start.

That means if your child is wanting to play basketball or cheer for basketball, we're going to need a few things before they can participate in a game. 

  • a current physical must be on file in the office
  • we must have two copies of the consent forms (no, we didn't make a mistake when we sent home 2 copies of the exact same page. We literally need 2 copies.)
  • we must have a signed and dated SCA form (sudden cardiac arrest)
  • we must have a signed and dated athletic handbook form letting us know that you did indeed read it and are willing to abide by the rules set therein
Not sure if we have everything we need? Give the office a call and we will look at our handy-dandy master list of forms and tell you what is missing. I highly recommend you do this before your child calls you at 1:30 in the afternoon and says something along the lines of "Mom, I forgot to tell you, but I need a physical and all these other forms before I can play in tonight's game" because trust me. I can hear you yelling over the phone and I think it would be better to take care of this now rather than later to head off all the stress panic causes.

One Last Call for Harvest Festival, 10/29

All right, the time is almost here and I do not want you to miss this year's Harvest Festival. Join us this Saturday, October 29th, from 4:00-7:00 pm and be prepared to have a lot of fun. Food, fun, games, and fellowship all right here at FRCS. Don't know where it will be? Don't worry. You won't be able to miss it. Look for smiling faces and fun activities and gravitate towards there.

Lost & Found Sale, 11/2-11/4

It's about time we hold another lost & found sale (I wish this blog had the echo effect that comes on my phone. I think that would be so much fun, plus it would get the point across better. Someone needs to contact Google about this.) 

If your child has come home with only one shoe, no lunchbox, and a jacket you've never seen before, chances are what you're looking for will be on the tables here in front of the elementary office November 2nd through the 4th. 

The trick? Come early and be prepared.

Spiritwear Is In

For all you who have waited patiently for hoodies and 1/4 zips, and maybe a little impatiently, I'm happy to tell you that the spiritwear order has arrived! Be sure to come by the elementary office and peruse the tables laden with hoodies and goodies. Just in time for the cooler weather!

**Baseball Tryouts**

Varsity (grades 9-12) baseball tryouts: Tuesday, Oct. 25 and Thursday, Oct. 27, 3:15-4:45 PM
Middle School (grades 6-8) baseball tryouts: Monday, Oct. 31, 3:30-5:00 PM and Tuesday, Nov. 1, 4:30-6:00 PM

*Players must bring their own baseball glove to the tryout.  All other equipment (bats, balls, helmets) is available to use.

101 Random

  • Continuing on with this week's theme of sports, in 2008, Berlin came up with a new sport. With only $70, you can purchase a brand spanking new...stool to use in Aggressive Sitting. What in the world?! First, let me say, that I didn't know our illustrious leader was such a trendsetter, but there's the facts, and second, how do you play this particular sport? Do you mean-mug everyone with your arms crossed? Are you taped to the $70 stool? Is there a buzzer or something? I believe I know at least one person (ahem...cough...cough) who could bring home the gold in this sport. And I use that term loosely.
  • Don't think Aggressive Sitting is to your liking? Why not head over to England to try your hand, er, foot, at...Toe Wrestling where the object is to link your foot with an opponent and pin their foot before they do yours. I'd like to take this moment to say that I believe that we as a group, have lost our minds when we think going to participate or even watch something like this is a good idea. Or fun. Or interesting. This seriously weirds me out.
  • The thought of touching someone else's foot make you cringe? You can always try Underwater Hockey. It sounds pretty simple. Just move the puck on the bottom of the pool to the other teams goal. While holding your breath. And trying not to float back up to the top because you're holding your breath. I don't believe this would have a big crowd draw either. I mean, what would you watch for? Large bubbles?
  • And going for the second weird sport originating in England, let's talk about the sport of Shin-kicking. Where, you guessed it, you kick your opponents shin until they can't take it anymore. And they either give up or they turn it into a boxing match because they tried to knock your head off because you have irritated them so badly.
  • This week's Riddle: I turn once and what is out will not get in, turn again and what's in will not get out. What am I?
Answer to last week's riddles: 
  • Everyone in the boat was married. 
  • He was born on leap day.

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