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October 20, 2022



10/20-10/21 Varsity State TAACS, TBA

10/24-10/29 Varsity TSIAA Tournament, TBA


10/20-10/22 State Tournament, TBA

JV Volleyball Tournament Results 

Our JV Volleyball team has done it again! Beating South Haven for the championship, our girls have made us super proud of them. Make sure to congratulate Kylie Ward, Bryleigh Dempsey, and Ellee English for making All-Tournament, and Kayte Madison Bjornstad for being named MVP.

Congrats y'all!

MS & Varsity Cross Country TSIAA Championships

Speaking of making us proud, let me share some more good news with you. Our MS Girls Cross Country team took 4th place, and Avonlea Burchfield made All-Conference and All-Tournament.

MS Boys Cross Country, Noah Avery received All-Conference.

Our HS Boys Team took 3rd place, with All-Conference going to Tripp Walker, Isaac Spencer, and Dawson Cartwright. All-Tournament went to Tripp Walker and Isaac Spencer.


And our HS Girls Team...wait for it...took 1st place in the TSIAA Championships! Anyone who can run and take 1st place without a clown chasing after them is pretty awe-inspiring. Just gonna leave that right there.

Emily Hernandez finished in 1st Place! (without a clown) All-Conference honors goes to Emily Hernandez, Hannah Griffin, Anora Golden, and Anna Brown.

We are super proud of y'all - congratulations! 

State Volleyball & Soccer Tournaments - 10/20-10/22

If you don't have plans this weekend, starting from Thursday through Saturday, why not stop by the school and support our soccer and volleyball teams? And you really can't even complain that it's too far away because it's right here on campus. Remember, because this is a TAACS Tournament, Adults are $8 and Students are $5. Which, if we're going to be honest, is a lot cheaper than going to the grocery store nowadays. Seriously.

Parent/Teacher Conference - 10/24

Conference: A formal meeting for discussion

Yes kiddos, this is for your own good. This is the perfect time for parents and teachers to discuss strategies and make plans to help you excel in your school career.

Which means...please pay attention to this. If you don't read anything else in this parent page, please do not skip this.

There will be absolutely no school for Kindergarten through 12th graders. As in ZERO. So if you show up to school next Monday, you may find yourself in possession of a broom, mop, or toilet brush and we may help you decide that being a school janitor is not your dream job.

Again, let's recap.

No school Monday, October 24th for Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Did you notice that I said Kindergarten? You do realize we have a Preschool as well, right? Which common sense would make you think that Preschool was open, correct?

Correct. Preschool (only) is open Monday, October 24th.

Abby Candle Fundraiser - 10/12-10/26

Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? I haven't and it's totally on my bucket list. One day, I'm going to go and I'm going to read every cotton-picking thing that I can read and no one will be able to stop me. And I mean no one. (My husband hates taking me places because I have to read every single sign. Seriously. He and our kids made it through Ripley's Believe It or Not in Gatlinburg in an hour while it took me three. And that's only because they came back through and rushed me.)

Our Junior class is headed to Washington D.C. (I might have to figure out a way to hide on that bus) and they're selling Abby Candles to help raise the money to go. If you'd like to help raise some funds, you can do so two ways. 

  1. You can find your favorite Junior, or the one that looks at you the nicest, and purchase something, or
  2. You can take a packet and sell some items and designate which Junior you'd like the money to go to. (Just remember to collect all funds at the time of sale and turn in with your order.)

Last day to turn Abby Candle sales in is October 26th.

Harvest Festival - 10/29

Come by October 29th for a great time here on the grounds. Get your face painted, take out some of your stress on the smash car, take a hay ride, eat free food and play some games. What could be better than that? Oh yea. Candy. There'll be a bunch of that as well.

Festivities begin at 4:00 and will end at 7:00. 

How're You Feeling?

In an effort to keep an epidemic at bay, if your child feels like they could cook an egg on their forehead, if they tell you their stomach is rolling and they think they're going to toss their cookies, or if they look like they have a greenish hue and bright green slime is oozing out of their nose, it's okay to keep them home. Just give the nice folks in the office a call and let us know.

**Baseball Tryouts**

Varsity (grades 9-12) baseball tryouts: Tuesday, Oct. 25 and Thursday, Oct. 27, 3:15-4:45 PM
Middle School (grades 6-8) baseball tryouts: Monday, Oct. 31, 3:30-5:00 PM and Tuesday, Nov. 1, 4:30-6:00 PM

*Players must bring their own baseball glove to the tryout.  All other equipment (bats, balls, helmets) is available to use.

101 Random

  • Due to all the diseases they carry, mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world and they kill more people than any other creature. I bet you'll never look at those little nuisances the same ever again.
  • When a Kit Kat gets damaged in the factory, it's simply ground up and used as the filler between the wafers. Pretty clever, if you ask me. They definitely don't believe in waste!
  • The sixth tallest building in the United States is One World Trade Center which stands at a whopping 1776 feet. Anyone think that's a coincidence? 
  • Decipher This: Cent Dumb Inn Dull Eighty - what am I really saying? Email me and let me know if you figured it out.
  • Answer this Riddle: You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn't a single person on board. How is this possible?
  • What about this one: A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is this possible?

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