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October 13, 2022



10/13-10/14 JV Regional Tournament, TBA

10/17 Boyd, Home, V - 6:00

10/20-10/21 Varsity State TAACS, TBA

10/24-10/29 Varsity TSIAA Tournament, TBA

Cross Country

10/17 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 4:45, V - 5:15


10/13 Victory, Away, 4:00

10/20-10/22 State Tournament, TBA

Golf & Cross Country Results 

Did you see the game between Ohio State and Michigan State? Yea. Me neither. I'd rather spend my sports watching time on something that matters like our Golf and Cross Country teams here at FRCS. (Fine. I'll behave like an adult. Congratulations to all you Ohio State fans. Y'all spanked good ole' MSU.) Now. On to more important things.


  • Judson Bjornstad - All-Tournament 
Cross Country:
  • Boys - 1st Place Team
  • Tripp Walker - 1st place
  • Isaac Spencer - 3rd place
  • Girls - 1st Place Team
  • Avonlea Burchfield - 1st place
  • Emily Hernandez - 2nd place
  • Anna Brown - 3rd place 

Congratulations to all!

State Volleyball & Soccer Tournaments - 10/20-10/22

If you haven't had a chance to watch our Volleyball or Soccer teams, you'll want to make time to do that before the season ends. And what better time than the State Tournament for both? Please keep in mind that because it's a state tournament, you will need to pay volunteer to help with gate or other places where service is necessary. Want to save that moolah? Willing to help? Contact Mr. Olsen and he will give you the deets. 

(Adults - $8 and $5 for students)

Report Cards - 10/20

You know how I've been mentioning that the end of the first quarter is over this Friday? Good. That means you've been paying attention and I like that. It also means that next week, Thursday to be exact, you will be receiving a report card on your student's progress for the year. Which should give you a pretty good idea on whether your child needs intervention or if they're doing a good job so far.

Kindergarten through 6th grades will receive a hard copy of a report card. If it's good, yes, you can frame it. (Just send the envelope back in, please. We will continue to use the same envelope for the rest of the year.) 7th-12th grade report cards will be emailed to you and you can print it off and frame it if you'd like, but no hard copy will be sent home. It's up to you to print it out on that beautiful cardstock or certificate paper to use for future blackmailing or bragging. Whichever.

If you don't feel your child is quite up to par after seeing that report card, please, schedule a meeting with their teacher during Parent/Teacher Conference on the 24th. How convenient is that?! 

**Please note: Kindergarten through 12th grade does NOT have school October 24th. PRESCHOOL will be OPEN.

Abby Candle Fundraiser - 10/12-10/26

The FRCS Junior Class is headed to Washington D.C.! But as you know, things just aren't cheap anymore and they would love to have your help. Every year, their most anticipated fundraiser is Abby Candles, and with goodies like cookie mixes, socks, wax melts, and candles, it's easy to see why.

You will be receiving a packet of information by now, but participation is not required. the Juniors really appreciate it. 

Should you want to sell these, we do ask that -  

  • you collect the money up front
  • have all checks made out to FRCS 
  • fill out the order form and turn in by October 26th
Would you rather make your purchases online? You're in luck - you can shop here.

Simply - 

  • add items to your cart and click checkout
  • select Franklin Road Christian School in the support fundraiser box
  • fill in the remaining boxes and click submit
  • That's it! Easy peasy!

Harvest Festival - 10/29

We'd like to invite you to join us here on the grounds of FRCS/FRBC October 29th for games, candy, food, and fellowship with our annual Harvest Festival. So dress up, bring a bucket and be prepared to thoroughly enjoy yourself.

Festivities begin at 4:00 and will end at 7:00. 

Welcome to Fall in Tennessee

You know, that special time of year where you need to change your clothes three and four times a day (winter in the morning, summer in the afternoon, and autumn in the evening.) We'd like to remind you that on those beautiful days - and those not so perfect days - your student will probably go outside. So...they'll probably need a jacket. One of the saddest things to see in my office is a student watching their friends playing outside while they have to sit inside with me. 

101 Random Weird Animal Facts

  • In Switzerland, it is illegal to own only one guinea pig. This is because those cute little meat potatoes are social creatures and they get lonely and those in authority over yonder consider it abuse. My question is, what if you have an introverted guinea pig that really wants to be left alone? What then?
  • For 20 years, the town of Talkeetna, Alaska, had a mayor named Stubbs. Which was a cat. I wonder if he ran for office on the promise of delivering the town from all mice and if he did, did he deliver on it?
  • Birds have the right of way on the highways in Utah. And you know what's coming next. My question. What happens if the bird suddenly changes lanes without letting you know that he's about to do so? And how would they even let you know they wanted to turn in the first place? Would they fly with only the wing on the side of their body in the direction in which they wanted to turn? I can see this turning out badly for everyone involved. Someone will be smooshed and someone else is getting a ticket for a silly law.
  • Kangaroos keep growing until they die. Which I find fascinating because we all know that our life spans have been dramatically decreased after the Flood which makes me wonder...could any of those dinosaur bones that have been discovered actually be from a gigantic kangaroo that lived to be 600 years old?

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