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September 22, 2022



9/22 Christian Community, Home, JV - 5:00, VG - 6:00

9/26 Lighthouse, Away, JV - 4:00, VG - 5:00

9/27 Zion Christian, Home, JV - 5:00, VG - 6:00

10/3 South Haven, Home, JV - 4:00, VG - 5:00

10/4 Pleasant View, Away, JV - 4:30, VG - 5:30


9/22 Cedar Crest, (Pleasant View) Murfreesboro 3:00

10/3 TAACS Tournament, TBA 

Cross Country

9/22 Siegel Invitational, Cedars of Lebanon, V - 4:45

9/26 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50

10/3 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50

10/10 TAACS State, Hendersonville, V - TBD


10/4 Pleasant View, Away, 4:00

10/6 Victory, Away, 4:00

Mum Pickups 9/22-9/23

Thank you to all who purchased mums from our annual PTF Mum Sale. We certainly do appreciate your generosity and we look forward to helping you festoon your porches with beautiful autumn colors that everyone around you will enjoy. Even the grumpy neighbor down the street. You may not ever see it, but that smile is there, I know it.

Mums will be available for pickup on the East Parking lot (if you drive through the drop-off line, I don't see how you could miss the area. Unless you're blind. But that opens up a whole new set of worries. Let's assume you can see.) from 2-4 pm on September 22nd and 7:30-9 am and 2-4 pm September 23rd.

(If you forgot to order ahead of time, I'm pretty confident there will be some extra for purchase on those days as well.)

Fall Break is Here 9/28-9/30

You've been waiting for it since, oh, I don't know. August 16th maybe? Fall Break is HERE and that means on September 28th, 29th, and 30th, you will not have to drive 10 mph in our school parking lot (ahem. We see all you people who drive like maniacs out there and we want you to stop it. Way too many kids to be driving so fast. 10 mph. If you're going faster than a goat, you're going too fast.) nor will you have to order lunches for those days. Please reference the above menu.

Nope. Not one tiny order. Instead, you'll have to make it. How fun is that?! And, just so you know and don't panic, there will not be a Parent Page next week but you will still have to have your child's lunch order in by Sunday, October 2nd by 11:59.

If it'll help, set a reminder on your phone. My reminder app has saved my bacon quite a bit if I'm going to be honest.


Come join us October 8th-12th and find out why the Fall Tent Revival is the favorite event of the year for FRBC families. It's a cool breezy, laid back nice and easy (with a snack every evening) kind of event that you won't want to miss. 

Trust me.

Sick? Hear Ye...Hear Ye...

Here at FRCS we go to great lengths to teach our students many different things. From Physics down to ABC's, we try to instill much learning into our kids. And although we teach sharing in Preschool and Kindergarten, sharing colds is not exactly what we're looking for.

If your student has a fever, according to policy, they must be fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before they come back. (Do you think I could use the word 'fever' one more time?)

Please, we beg you. Please don't send little Sally into school all medicated up so no one will know she's sick. They tell. Trust me, they tell pretty much anything you don't want them to. So. Save yourself a little embarrassment, and just keep them home. 

That way you'll know that Sally isn't squealing on you.

The Beginning of School

We would like to take a moment and thank each of you for making this a great start to our school year. While there's always going to be a few bumps in the road, this has really been a fabulous beginning. Now let's keep the momentum going for a wonderful rest of the year! (Remembering the Golden Rule always helps.) So, may people treat you as well as you treat them today. Enjoy the rest of your week!

101 Random

  • Pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider, apple pie, and...balloons? In Albuquerque, NM, (that will always look like it's spelled wrong. Always. Who came up with that spelling? I'm just wondering, did they just throw a bunch of random letters around and say yep. That's the way we're going to spell it. Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?) has what they call the 'Enchanted Sunrise' every October where quite a few, as in lots of hot air balloons take to the sky. If you want to see it in real life, you need to make plans quick as it goes from October 1st - October 9th. 
  • If going up isn't what you're looking for, how about BASE jumping in West Virginia in October? All you need to do is jump off the New River Gorge Bridge with a tiny, little itty bitty parachute strapped to your back. And hope it's in good working condition. All I have to say is, I'm not going to tempt the good Lord like that. I'm not one to shy away from adrenaline laced activities, but this one is a solid no for me. 
  • Looking for something a little calmer? Visit Royal Farms in Delaware to watch, or participate in their annual Punkin Chunkin championships to see who can launch, catapult, slingshot and throw a pumpkin the farthest. But I have to ask. What would you do with the ribbon or trophy? Is this something you'd take an immense amount of pride in? Would this be considered a family heirloom that is passed down from generation to generation? Am I just not seeing the importance of this whole thing?
  • Or what about the Woolly Worm Festival in North Carolina? I mean, who wouldn't want to go enter a woolly worm into a race and watch them squirm their little fat selves to the finish line just so they can take on the momentous task of predicting this year's winter and how harsh it's going to be? (Is this what we've come to? Racing worms? And how do you train your worm to run? What if it's tired and it just lays there like a...worm? What do you do? Do they have tiny little worm prodders that look like toothpicks and you poke the worm and tell it to get a move on? And do you squash it if it doesn't obey? Will someone please answer these questions for me?!)
  • Last and definitely least, who could stay away from the Cow Chip Throw & Festival in Wisconsin? I understand that there's probably a good reason people would want to toss those, um, piles of, know...ew-ness, but I do fail to see it. Again. Not seeing this as being a skill you'd want to cultivate in your young person. Throwing a baseball? Yes. Toss a basketball? Yes. Tossing a cow patty? No thank you. (Please tell me Wisconsin has the largest sales of hand sanitizer per capita in the United States. Someone? Anyone? I'll never look at Wisconsin cheese the same again. From now on, I will be suspicious.)

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