9/16 Berean, Away, VG - 4:00
9/17 Lancaster, Home, VG - 10:00
9/19 Franklin Christian, Away, JV - 5:00, VG - 6:00
9/20 Riverside, Home, JV - 4:00, VG - 5:00
9/22 Christian Community, Home, JV - 5:00, VG - 6:00
9/19 Willowbrook, (Berean, South Haven) Manchester 4:00
9/20 Oak Hills, (South Haven) Greenbriar 4:00
9/22 Cedar Crest, (Pleasant View) Murfreesboro 3:00
Cross Country
9/19 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50
9/22 Siegel Invitational, Cedars of Lebanon, V - 4:45
9/26 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50
9/17 NACA Tournament, Dayton, TN, TBA
9/19 Cedar View, Kingsport, TBA
9/20 Temple Powell, Powell, TBA
Fall? Mmm...Maybe
Can you believe that we're already halfway through September? Whether you believe it or not, the middle of September means that the beginning of October is on its way and you know what that means.
Sweater weather. Jacket weather. Maybe even a little mitten weather. Ok so I might be pushing it a little far with mittens already, but the truth of it is, it's going to get colder out. So please be sure your child is prepared for cooler weather. Because they will be going outside and we really don't want anyone turning blue because they weren't sufficiently prepared for Tennessee Autumn weather.
Middle of the Quarter
Parents! I know I already started the above article with the can you believe statement, but let's do it again, shall we?
We're already halfway through the first quarter of school year 2022-2023. Which means you (and your student) might want to be watching those grades and assignments to make sure everything is getting done and completed on time. It's so much easier to take those tests as soon as you can rather than stockpiling them for another time. Like bird-watching, it's a good habit to get into, and unlike bird-watching, the benefits far outweigh the effort it takes to watch. The tests and quizzes, I mean. Not the birds.
Lost & Found Sale, 9/19-9/21
I don't know why, but it happens every single year. Kids come into the school, they go to PE, they go to their classes, they go to the lunchroom, and somehow, they lose pretty much everything they came in with.
One shoe. Their binder. Their notebook. Their Bible. That brand new PE set you just bought. Even their water bottles. Gone. As in poof! Never to return again. Well, that's not entirely accurate. It's there. In the lost & found bin but no one wants to rummage through that.
So I cordially invite you to peruse our latest beginning school findings next week, Monday through Wednesday. I bet you thought I was going to say Wednesday through Friday, didn't you. Ha. Surprised you. Nope, next Monday through Wednesday (the 19th, 20th, and 21st) we will have the very first lost & found sale of the school year.
Everything's $1.

Mum Sale, Ends 9/20
Going on now through September 20th, click this link or scan this QR code to order your mums before they're all gone. You really don't want to be the only one on your block without mums adorning their porch do you? I mean, that's kind of asking for harassment, isn't it? (It's really not as I'm sure you live in a perfectly respectable neighborhood that doesn't harass over things like non-mummed porches in fall.) I just wanted to get your attention and let you know that the FRCS annual mum sale is going on now. And I didn't want you to miss it.
last day to order mums is Tuesday, September 20th by 3:00 pm
Senior High Fall Retreat, 9/29-10/1
Ask any 10th - 12th grader and they will tell you that school is in full swing. It's true. Quizzes are being given and (worse) graded, and tests? We won't even talk about the tests. Sometimes there are smiles before they go into class, and sometimes, well, there isn't one when they leave.
It's obvious. These kids need to get away. And we have just the thing to revive their spirits. Seniors, swing by the office and sign up for the Senior High Fall Retreat going on September 29th through October 1st. You won't regret it. You'll have fun. There'll be singing. There'll be stories. There'll be games. There will be some of the best memories made.
But to make those memories, you have to actually go to the things. So sign up.
It's at Indian Creek Hills in Mauckport, IN. Cost is $85 and it must be paid by September 26th. Speaker is Dave Delaney. Bus will be leaving the school September 29th at 8 am, and will be arriving back October 1st at 2 pm.
Fall Break, 9/28-9/30
I know, we just had Monday off. But let's face it. Having sporadic breaks sprinkled through the school year gives every last one of us something to look forward to. Even the Preschoolers have been known to hang their head and say they can't wait for Fall Break or Thanksgiving Break or Christmas Break. Trust me. It has happened.
Anyway, just wanted to remind you that this year's Fall Break is a whopping three days. Can I get an Amen?!
But what exactly does this mean for you? Well, it means that there will be absolutely no schooling going on here on campus at FRCS. Not even one tiny grade. All of fourth grade being a pill? Too bad. You can't punish them with school. (Which I don't think you should do anyway as school is a wonderful opportunity and a huge blessing. I'll stop right there before I start preaching. You're welcome.) So to recap: there will be no school on Wednesday the 28th, Thursday the 29th, and Friday the 30th. Stock up on those macaroni and cheese microwave things now so you'll have lunch covered. And fine. If you feel that you will miss us terribly, go ahead and teach them their next math lesson. It'll be fun.
Tournament Results
For all you who would like to know the rest of the story, last weekend our Varsity Girls Volleyball racked up the wins at the Blue Ridge Tournament, beating the host school Providence Academy for the championship win.
All Tournament went to Presley Applegate and Emma Dugger, and MVP was Kayte Madison Bjornstad.
Congratulations to and job well done to you all!
101 Random
- There once was a scientist who thought leeches could predict the weather. He even went so far as to build contraptions for his beloved pets (EW!) out of mahogany and brass so he could observe them. If it was going to rain soon, the leeches would slither to the top of the vial. Unfortunately, only a few were successful in predicting the weather. I dunno. I just think there's a whole lot better ways to predict the weather than big ugly blood-sucking worms. Like, looking for a ring around the moon (rain soon) or a red morning (sailors take warning) or those fluffy sheep-wool clouds? All those. Much better than playing with slimy yuckiness.
- Speaking of making things harder than they need to be. Did you know that one bolt of lightening can toast 100,000 pieces of bread? I don't know how done they would be, I don't know where you would place the bread, and to be honest, I'm not sure why you just wouldn't use a toaster or a toaster oven. Seems a little more reliable.
- Once upon a time, it was considered so undignified to smile in pictures that Victorians would say the word 'prunes' instead of 'cheese'. (And if you ever see an old high school picture of ... well...nevermind...Let's just say, there are people that still think this way and you probably know of whom I speak.)
- Apparently, roosters have built in earplugs. Which must be nice for them. But I've found that they do not have the natural instinct to jump out of the way of a flying shoe that is thrown at them at 5 am. Yes I know this for a fact, and yes, I'm a pretty good shot. Don't even have to aim.
- Ok so I've heard this one before but I didn't exactly believe it. I guess there was a time when Sears used to sell houses. Yes. Houses. The caveat? You had to assemble it yourself. Ikea had nothing on Sears. Just sayin.